Cafe Press Election 2000 Schwag.
November 14, 2000 8:24 PM   Subscribe

Cafe Press Election 2000 Schwag. "Buy Merchandise that commemorates this HOPEFULLY once in a lifetime election!" Heh. It's interesting to see Cafe Press organizing their stores like this.
posted by fraying (8 comments total)
Expected something along the lines of "I won the popular vote and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
posted by EngineBeak at 11:04 PM on November 14, 2000

You must have missed this one.
posted by mathowie at 11:10 PM on November 14, 2000

Hey, that "quirked4" shirt looks familiar.
posted by quirked at 6:55 AM on November 15, 2000

Are you threatening me? Okay, okay: I expected something more along the lines of "I won the popular vote, etc."

Vice President Cheney attempts to call in the National Guard.

or, the "You boys aren't drunk. You're just stupid." scene, in the Oval Office, with Colin Powell as Sec. State / cop.
posted by EngineBeak at 8:16 AM on November 15, 2000

They make a very good point, too. Has Comedy Central been trumpeting their correct call: "Indecision 2000" since the eruption^Welection?
posted by baylink at 8:55 AM on November 15, 2000

baylink, yes they have.
posted by daveadams at 9:00 AM on November 15, 2000

Has anyone actually seen a "Blame Me, I Voted Nader" bumper sticker for sale? I need one, as does a Floridian of my acquaintance.
posted by harmful at 9:24 AM on November 15, 2000

No, but I have seen "Don't Blame Me... YOU Voted for Nader" (and almost drove off the road).
But why isn't this one on the list?
posted by BozLee at 10:46 AM on November 15, 2000

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