Way Better Than Recycling
May 10, 2007 11:42 AM   Subscribe

I went to the glass one first, because I couldn't imagine how something made out of water bottles could be any good. But golly! They are good!
posted by Wolfdog at 11:45 AM on May 10, 2007

Chihuly. Gesundheit!
posted by dhartung at 11:51 AM on May 10, 2007 [1 favorite]

Agreed. Here is an area that plastic is clearly superior to glass.


I use a combination of heat guns, soldering irons and different cutting utensils to make these PETs. I wanted to work with glass but this is more fun. I have as much material as I want just by fishing in the garbage.

No real cost for materials? Easy to get tools? Damn her talent, this person is entirely to clever and practical to be an artist!
posted by quin at 12:07 PM on May 10, 2007

They are both very cool, but the plastic ones doubly so, because now I can make some for myself.
posted by oneirodynia at 12:10 PM on May 10, 2007

Oneirodynia, I thought the very same thing. I'm sure my neighbors drink things in plastic bottles, I must go raid recycling baskets.
posted by dejah420 at 12:15 PM on May 10, 2007

Nice find, dame! I'm always impressed by artists who can look at a mundane cast-off and turn it into a pretty and/or clever work of art.

The Blaschka brothers made astonishingly accurate and beautiful glass models of flowers and plants as well as invertebrates. I was lucky enough to see their flowers at the Harvard Museum, and I think they also did the amazing, ethereal glass protozoa at the Museum of Natural History in NY, although I couldn't find a quick link.

Anyway, if you're near either collection, I highly recommend a visit. Then you can make your own collection out of old soda bottles!

I might have to switch from tea to soda pop for a while ...
posted by Quietgal at 12:28 PM on May 10, 2007

Jellyfish made out of jelly?
posted by inconsequentialist at 12:31 PM on May 10, 2007

First you let your food touch, then you bring us that? I hate you and I love you, FoB.
posted by dame at 12:42 PM on May 10, 2007

Those glass joints would make nice lamps in my new house, if anyone is looking for housewarming gift ideas...
posted by Mister_A at 12:45 PM on May 10, 2007

Whoa! I would not have believed jellyfish made out of water bottles could be that appealing. Excellent post.
posted by languagehat at 12:46 PM on May 10, 2007

I don't like Jellyfish, they're not a fish, they're just a blob.
They don't have eyes, skin or scales like a cod,
They float about blind, stinging people in the seas,
And no-one eats Jellyfish with chips and mushy peas,
Get rid of 'em.

- Karl Pilkington.
posted by jimmythefish at 1:10 PM on May 10, 2007

Previous post about the Blashka glass jellyfish (etc.) was my first and only post, in a roundabout sort of a way.
posted by metaculpa at 2:36 PM on May 10, 2007

Farallon restaurant here in San Francisco has huge blown glass jellyfish chandeliers as part of its unique interior.

Quicktime virtual tour.
posted by trip and a half at 3:05 PM on May 10, 2007

The first time I saw one of these I had to have one. but by the time I had the 250 clams, they'd doubled in price, and now appear to have nearly doubled again. Sigh.
posted by Devils Rancher at 3:05 PM on May 10, 2007

posted by Wonderwoman at 3:36 PM on May 10, 2007

PET! Yes! Funny, just last night I was watching the History channel show on welding, which I thought was very good. They even mentined ultrasonic welding of plastic.

On a related note, does anyone remember "shrinky-dinks"? The home-made versions started with the clear plastic lid of a liver container. (This was back in the 70's when liver was packaged this way) This was either styrene or PET, I think. You drew a picture on the 4" disk with colored Sharpies, then baked the disks in the oven. The disks then shrank down to about the diameter of a quarter, and in so doing, created a remarkablely detailed and intense image.
posted by Tube at 5:08 PM on May 10, 2007

Beautiful. I love jellyfish. If I could make some plastic ones, they'd be light enough to hang from the ceiling, and how cool would that be?

This, however, is the dumbest remark ever uttered by someone not President Bush:

"PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is in fact very natural, it is made from oil, which comes from really old plants."

posted by Methylviolet at 6:12 PM on May 10, 2007

I hate jellyfish. I hate them so much. Their squishy, gross, flappy little bodies, full of horrible poison, waiting in the water or on the beach for you to step on them and ruin a perfectly good day . . . Fuck you, jellyfish.

The fake jellyfish are worse. They promote the Jellyfish Agenda, portraying them as anything but the hateful, poisonous creatures they really are.
posted by Anonymous at 9:36 PM on May 10, 2007

Alternatively, they are not flappy or gross, but delicate and efficient creatures of the deep. They do not belong on the shore any more than whales or dolphins do. Taken out of their element, they will, of course, be non-adept.

And as far as the poison, there are two reasons for it, and since you are not prey to a jellyfish, you only really care about the other side, which is it defending itself. You are the clumsy interloper that is infecting yourself with their venom. They are not seeking you out.

Or so they would have you believe.

Know this; I can't abide the Jellyfish Agenda. They may be hateful and poisonous. I can respect that. But I will not tolerate their interest in white women. Nor their attempts at controlling the gold standard and the media.

The jellyfish culture has elements to be admired. But we have to step back and admit that plastic or no, these could be the enemy that destroys humanity. Like the North Koreans or Indians (or heaven forbid, the Irish), we need to realize that this is a different and sinister culture. One that threatens our very way of life.

Their acolytes works at bringing them into your home, notwithstanding, Sure, appreciate the artist. But know that she wants to destroy your very way of life.
posted by quin at 9:57 PM on May 10, 2007

I quite like jellyfish. I like them with vinegar, sesame oil and just a touch of red chili.
posted by Faint of Butt at 7:33 AM on May 11, 2007

Reminds me of the story "Big Jelly" by Bruce Sterling.
posted by concrete at 8:48 AM on May 11, 2007

Jellyfish: threat or menace? WE report, YOU decide.
posted by kcds at 9:07 AM on May 11, 2007

My children (one wants to be an engineer, the other a molecular biologist) are studying hard so that they can one day help me realize my dream of playing professional basketball. They are going to develop a way to amputate my lower body at the waist and graft my upper body onto a (genetically engineered!) JELLYFISH. A flying, air-breathing jellyfish with a bell eight feet in diameter and tentacles forty feet long. (Inevitably, a teammate or an opponent will get tangled in my tentacles on the court, and I will end up flying around town with their easily identifiable if partially digested remains for months, but no prison could hold me -- I can squeeze right through the bars!)

Then I'm coming for Schroedinger, and all the haters.
posted by Methylviolet at 8:35 PM on May 11, 2007

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