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December 5, 2008 4:41 AM   Subscribe

Concise, bite-size summaries of the wisdom of the BBC's pure and godly Platitude of the Day presenters. With original text and speech.
posted by gman (12 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Demi-amusing. But then if I made a website about TFTD, it'd just be videos of me drinking tea in my pyjamas and intermittently muttering the word 'cunt' at a radio, so what do I know.
posted by jack_mo at 5:26 AM on December 5, 2008

For those seeking context, Thought For The Day is a daily (surprise!) musing/rant/bromide from a semi-public figure, on BBC Radio 4, for about 3 minutes, usually a religious one. It can be pretty good, but is more often than not fairly platidinous, as this website would call it.

BBC Website.
posted by Happy Dave at 5:30 AM on December 5, 2008

Note, this is something you'd have to listen to this regularly to understand.
posted by Jofus at 5:30 AM on December 5, 2008

Sorry. I figured the 'Listen' and 'Read' links at the bottom of each post would help people understand.
posted by gman at 5:32 AM on December 5, 2008

In relation to the recent On the Hour thread, they used to do an excellent piss take of it.

The one where the vicar discovered ecstacy always has me in hysterics.

"I felt somewhat displaced until a youg man took me into the lavatory and sold me a tab of E, henceforth I bopped 'til daybreak in single minded pursuit of the groove. Jesus didn't dance but his beat goes on".
posted by vbfg at 5:38 AM on December 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

I feel as though I'm missing something. They're neither amusing in a sincere way, nor so over-the-top banal that I can appreciate them in a sort of satirical manner.

It's almost clear that I'm just missing something, but I read 4 or 5 of them, and clicked "back" feeling like someone linked me to the text equivalent of the Thomas Kinkade painting of the day. Banal, but not hilariously so.
posted by explosion at 6:46 AM on December 5, 2008

Alright, fair enough. I ain't gonna win the competition, but I enjoyed some of them.
posted by gman at 6:59 AM on December 5, 2008

I cannot believe I missed that On The Hour thread while it was still current. My username owes everything to On The Hour. I feel as pathetic as that jam festival woman.
posted by game warden to the events rhino at 7:43 AM on December 5, 2008

"Did Jesus play for Tottenham Hotspurs, daddy?"
And you know, in a way, he did.
posted by Abiezer at 7:49 AM on December 5, 2008

Rabbi Lionel Blair.
posted by ninebelow at 8:48 AM on December 5, 2008

Happy Dave wrote: For those seeking context, Thought For The Day is a daily (surprise!) musing/rant/bromide from a semi-public figure, on BBC Radio 4, for about 3 minutes, usually a religious one.

Nope, it's always religious, and the BBC explicitly refuses to invite speakers to provide a TFTD from a non-religious/secular/atheist/whatever perspective. In 2002, the National Secular Society and the British Humanists complained about that. So the BBC gave Richard bloody Dawkins a two minute slot to speak on current affairs from an atheist viewpoint. Once.

They're also pretty narrow when it comes to the religions allowed on - it's overwhelmingly Christian, Muslim and Jewish.
posted by jack_mo at 9:18 AM on December 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

In 2002, the National Secular Society and the British Humanists complained about that. So the BBC gave Richard bloody Dawkins a two minute slot to speak on current affairs from an atheist viewpoint. Once.

That'll be why, then.

The Radio 2 version tended to be more diverse - they often had Sikh and Buddhist correspondents. It tends to be more 'spiritual' than, IIRC, the doctrinal quality of TFTD, and as an agnostic I found it interesting to listen to.
posted by mippy at 9:25 AM on December 5, 2008

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