Don't Go Breaking My Heart
December 6, 2008 12:37 PM   Subscribe

Some of the best short-short fiction I've read recently has been that of the Heartbroke Daily, the stories of the love affairs of (fictional) Knox Dupree, who "fall[s] in love too easily" and "as a result [...] suffer[s] from near constant heartbreak." Start from the beginning and work forward. (via Presurfer)

Honestly, the poignant life-reflection short-short format reminds me a little bit of Einstein's Dreams, for those who are familiar with and liked that.
posted by WCityMike (3 comments total)

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This is essentialy the same idea as Dan Rhodes' collection, Anthropology; anecdotes of failed relationships with surreal women.

I think Rhodes' are perhaps a bit wittier.
posted by munyeca at 1:18 PM on December 6, 2008

[This is good]

Munyeca: I'll have to check that out.
posted by Freen at 1:22 PM on December 6, 2008

This stuff reminds me of former Mefite Dobbs' non-fiction stuff. The latest entry is even similar to one he wrote a while ago about a girl who posed naked for him while he was blocked writing a screenplay. (Disclosure: I know him in real life and occasionally dog sit for him.)
posted by Manhasset at 8:20 PM on December 6, 2008

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