The homeless
March 6, 2010 8:37 AM   Subscribe

Invisible people. A multi-link Vimeo post. Mark Horvath gives homeless people a forum, removes their invisibility. (Via NPR's Weekend Edition)
posted by caddis (4 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
"Ford Motor Company lent Horvath a vehicle to drive across the county last summer to profile the homeless in middle America. Hanes gave him socks to give away to his subjects. And more people simply surfing the Web are donating money."

hell yes - keep up the good work, Horvath. Fingers crossed this keeps growing.
posted by archivist at 10:29 AM on March 6, 2010

I don't usually give change to panhandlers, but I do try to acknowledge their humanity in some small way. With conversation or a handshake this drives my mom nuts.
posted by BrotherCaine at 10:52 AM on March 6, 2010

This is a great project.

I don't give change either, BrotherCaine. If you give him something he clearly needs, be it a nylon zipper bag or a pair of pants with lots of pockets, and a week or two later, he doesn't have it anymore, then that person is not a good candidate for help. The odds are not good, but it is possible for one person to help one other person get off the street.
posted by StickyCarpet at 12:05 PM on March 6, 2010

I generally give them change. Lots of people have large jars of change at home. I did too, until one day I got a wild hair and gave the whole jar to a beggar woman on the subway. Really made her day. Now I generally give it when people ask for it and I'm not in a hurry.
posted by telstar at 9:16 PM on March 6, 2010

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