Where were these girls when I was in college
July 26, 2001 9:57 AM   Subscribe

Where were these girls when I was in college I just graduated a year ago and I don't recall women just wanting to "hook up."
posted by aj100 (30 comments total)

sorry to hear that aj. Better luck next... forget it.
posted by Sellersburg/Speed at 10:04 AM on July 26, 2001

"The common thread throughout all of this is the presence of alcohol." Wonder if that includes the virginity?
posted by EatenByAGrue at 10:15 AM on July 26, 2001

They were all over at my place, hooking up with me...
posted by syzygy at 10:19 AM on July 26, 2001

I wonder if Jenna Bush is looking to hook-up? Excuse me, I have to go make a call and get me some liquor.
posted by Stretch at 10:21 AM on July 26, 2001

From the article: "Hook-ups are defined as encounters ranging from kissing to sexual intercourse"

This is why I've never really figured out why people use this term; if one person's "hook-up" is a kiss and another's is intercourse, how is it that anyone ever knows what anyone is talking about when using the term?
posted by ljromanoff at 10:26 AM on July 26, 2001

Reminds me of an Onion headline a few weeks ago: "Jenna Bush's Private Wetlands Now Open For Public Drilling."
posted by mrbula at 10:26 AM on July 26, 2001

mrbula: "Jenna Bush's Federally Protected Wetlands...etc". makes it all the more humor-ific :)
posted by pnevares at 10:55 AM on July 26, 2001

Women said they are rarely asked out on dates and instead experience romantic encounters during informal gatherings of male and female friends, referred to as "hanging out."

"...referred to as 'hanging out'"?! When was this written, 1955?

Also provoking a giggle: "Is there any group of young people in America who needs to hear from Dr. Drew Pinsky about sex and relationships [...] more than college students who come to Washington, D.C. as interns?" asked Kate Kennedy, IWF's Campus Projects Manager.

Yes, if only Monica and Chandra had had a chance to hear from Dr. Drew Pinsky...
posted by nicwolff at 11:10 AM on July 26, 2001

This explains the "college girls exposed" video I see hawked almost as often on late night tv as I see "Miss Cleo"
posted by DiplomaticImmunity at 11:19 AM on July 26, 2001

[Fes hikes pants up to nipples, massages bald spot] You whippersnappers, back in the olden days, "hook-ups" were called "one-night stands." We had 'em all the time! And we liked 'em! cough-cough-cough...
posted by UncleFes at 11:34 AM on July 26, 2001

Remember, the IWF is a conservative organization (nothing against that--non-NOW viewpoints are sorely needed), and we don't know the ideological stance of the college women they surveyed, or how the IWF found them. 39% of the respondents reported that they are virgins. I think that figure's a little high...based on my purely anecdotal surveys in college, I would put it at 20-25%.
posted by Vacaloca at 11:38 AM on July 26, 2001

Here's a question unanswered: if 25% of college-age women are virgins (wtf??) then what happened to the wonderful autumnal collegiate tradition of the "Freshman F**k Fest"??

Even though I never participated (married before I became a freshman), it was always fun to watch the show.

[pants hiking up again], so kids, is it cool nowadays to be a virgin or something? Because it was definitely NOT cool to be one back in the olden days.
posted by UncleFes at 11:44 AM on July 26, 2001

No, it's still not cool. Trust me.

posted by aramaic at 1:03 PM on July 26, 2001

This is why I've never really figured out why people use this term; if one person's "hook-up" is a kiss
and another's is intercourse, how is it that anyone ever knows what anyone is talking about when
using the term?

Having gone to a college in South Jersey where many people from both the New York and Philadelphia area went, when someone said they hooked up, I always had to ask if it was:

South Jersey/Philly hook-up (usually kissing and possibly aggressive feeling)

or North Jersey/New York hook up. (has to be sex or don't use the term)
posted by brucec at 2:00 PM on July 26, 2001

It's my duty to bring to your collective attention this linkage of the concepts of "intern" and "Jenna Bush." Thank you.
posted by norm at 2:03 PM on July 26, 2001

Not much "hooking up" going on in any schools in NYC other than NYU. If you want "hook-up" better go to a school in the middle of no where. Girls are way distracted here to be "hooking up."

I heard Big Ten is pretty hook-up friendly.
posted by tamim at 2:07 PM on July 26, 2001

where are the general hooker jokes?
posted by clavdivs at 2:18 PM on July 26, 2001

Good Christ. Doesn't anyone just get *laid* anymore?
posted by metrocake at 2:24 PM on July 26, 2001

I know I don't...
posted by spilon at 2:34 PM on July 26, 2001

Spilon wins the "Metafilter spit take" award for me today.
posted by norm at 2:36 PM on July 26, 2001

Spilon wins...
Darn it, I though I had that one sewn up! Grr... I use subtlety once, and it costs me the game! My coach is gonna be pissed.
posted by aramaic at 3:12 PM on July 26, 2001

Mmm... college sounds fun... :)
posted by Ptrin at 3:20 PM on July 26, 2001

>>Not much "hooking up" going on in any schools in NYC other than NYU....Girls are way distracted here to be "hooking up."

Are you kidding? Too distracted to study, sure. But damn, "too distracted to be hooking up"? Where do you go to school, NY Theological Seminary?
posted by johnb at 3:28 PM on July 26, 2001

i think the term "hooking up" means different things in different regions.

here, at least, it means smooching + possibly more, but not intercourse.

and believe me, spending a year and a half in self imposed exile with a group of unruly punks proved to me that hardly anyone in college was getting laid. they rarely even smoked pot!
posted by sugarfish at 12:34 AM on July 27, 2001

This is news? The headline should have been Most Girls Still Like to Fuck (and Get Married).

-- Fifty-three percent said that "it is a good idea to live with someone before deciding to marry him."
(And the other half think it's not a good idea?)

-- Ninety-nine percent said, "I believe that when the time is right I will find the right person to marry."
(All of them plan to trade blow jobs for wedding bells.)

-- Sixty-three percent said they would like to meet their future husbands in college.
(And lots of them -- most of them? -- are already looking for hubby, like lining up a job before you graduate.)
posted by pracowity at 4:41 AM on July 27, 2001

Pracowity wins the award for the most observant.
posted by stbalbach at 6:54 AM on July 27, 2001

When I am Overlord, I want pracowity to be my Official Bullshit Detector.
posted by UncleFes at 7:06 AM on July 27, 2001

UncleFes, I can just see you now, waving Pracowity over vacant sections of the beach until you find an ancient lump of bullshit. You stop to unearth it, hoping it will be a missing Watergate tape or something. But you discover it's only a little white lie and sadly wander off into the sunset, in search of greener bullshit pastures with your trusty Bullshit Detector, Pracowity dangling from a hook on your belt loop.

Escaping into my little fantasy world since 1971

posted by Kafkaesque at 10:01 AM on July 27, 2001

I envisioned it thusly; me, in my official Overlordian garb (all black, cool hat), behind my Desk of Total Authority, with pracowity on the couch, in a Saville Row suit (charcoal grey, very nice), perhaps with an orange Nat Sherman cigarette jetting a razor sharp line of smoke into the air; some cringing fleeb comes in with this or that claim, this or that bit of information. He finishes cringingly, I look over at pracowity, he pauses for a moment (as if in reflection) and then... shakes his head no. Fleeb is disposed of immediately via trap door. Then we break for lunch - delicious turkey sandwiches prepared by a cadre of grandmothers, plus Ruffles, plus a dill pickle wedge. And lemonade. Then it's back to the work lording it up.
posted by UncleFes at 8:35 PM on July 27, 2001

....and now a word from Brill Creame.(nice work fes)
posted by clavdivs at 6:25 AM on July 28, 2001

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