May 5, 2001

I need your help in figuring out why I saw two pop-up windows when visiting several times in the past week: the usual one for Amazon's most recent promotion, and one for one of their competitors. If you see a DealTime pop-up ad while visiting, please help me figure out how it got there. I think something insideous might be going on, but I'm having difficulty re-acquiring the pop-up.

Please see more details inside if you're interested, otherwise you can ignore this. I'll post the results under a separate thread if they're interesting.
posted by dan_of_brainlog at 10:20 PM PST - 35 comments

I'm making a "Top Level Post" at MetaFilter. Why? Because ICANN! Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!
posted by webchick at 10:12 PM PST - 7 comments

as if Godzilla wasn't enough, now citizens of Tokyo have to worry about a guy in a panda suit killing people. what's the world coming to? When cosplay goes too far!
posted by fuzzygeek at 8:32 PM PST - 4 comments

Like shooting fish in a barrel...the story practically writes itself!

Like shooting fish in a barrel...the story practically writes itself! Cliffs notes founder lived, did some stuff, and then died.
posted by davidmsc at 3:51 PM PST - 5 comments

Pssst -- buddy, wanta buy a kidney?

Pssst -- buddy, wanta buy a kidney? There is a regular trade from China of transplant organs taken from executed prisoners. People from the US have been travelling there and buying organs, then coming back to the US. Should we do anything about this, and if so what?
posted by Steven Den Beste at 3:15 PM PST - 21 comments


APOCAMON! The Book of Revelations, Pokemon style. Yes, that's right. The really strange thing is how seamlessly the Pokemon elements fit into the story. Maybe St. John anticipated more than we thought... (PS: Those with a limited sense of humor about this kind of thing can probably already see where this is headed, and should feel free to just not click the link.)
posted by misterzoo at 1:20 PM PST - 6 comments

Novelist Vidal to watch McVeigh die

Novelist Vidal to watch McVeigh die McVeigh “put his reason (for the bombing) upon a sense of justice,” Vidal said. “This guy’s got a case — you don’t send the FBI in to kill women and children,” he said, a reference to the government’s deadly raid on the Davidians’ complex at Waco. Vidal said, however, he wants people to know how horrified he is by the bombing. The author said he told McVeigh in a letter that if the bomber had blown up FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., “at midnight when no one was in it, ‘you’d be a national hero.’”
posted by matteo at 11:41 AM PST - 25 comments

Program Catches Copycat Students

Program Catches Copycat Students "A professor at the University of Virginia has nabbed 122 students for plagiarism using a computer program he wrote himself". This really sucks, doesn't it?
posted by matteo at 8:52 AM PST - 41 comments

Fla. OKs Election System Overhaul

Fla. OKs Election System Overhaul "Florida's governor was eager to change the state's maligned election system after recounts delayed his brother's election for 36 days and left many Democrats believing Al Gore had won".
posted by matteo at 8:50 AM PST - 10 comments

Find out how many radio stations in your area are owned by the same company.

Find out how many radio stations in your area are owned by the same company. Here in Dallas Texas Clear Channel owns six. Then there's four other radio stations owned by Susquehanna Radio which used to be owned by AM/FM Incorporated but they merged with *guess who* Clear Channel last year. So it looks like Clear Channel either directly or indirectly controls almost a dozen radio stations in north Texas alone. How much control do they have over your airwaves? Ever wonder why radio stations all sound the same? Cuz they ARE the same!
posted by ZachsMind at 4:21 AM PST - 24 comments

Pope John Paul II apologizes

Pope John Paul II apologizes for the Sack of Constantinople and other atrocities committed by the Crusaders against the Greek Orthodox as he goes on with his controversial trip to Greece retracing the steps of his namesake.
[I am gonna miss the guy when and if he passes away.]
posted by tamim at 12:11 AM PST - 19 comments

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