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MetaTalk post: travel laziness
This is a huge problem we face on Chowhound--people visiting new cities and asking the same questions repeatedly, with no information. We *encourage* people to search first, so as not to annoy the locals, but as a matter of policy we don't remove them. The general idea is that asking the same questions engages new answerers each time, as well as capturing the every-changing restaurant scene at a point in time, so they're worth the repetition. Also, we figure locals who really are tired of the... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jacquilynne at 7:11 AM on August 2, 2007
MetaTalk post: ReAskMe?
Also you may want to watch out for setting up too many hurdles for people. I've seen some questions tank badly because the person who asked them basically made one of a few (to me) mistakes

1. set up limits for question answering that were basically impossible and pissed off everyone early (i.e. "I need a solution for charging my car battery in the winter, answer can not involve electricity")

2. set up a series of limits that, when... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 11:26 AM on July 24, 2007
MeFi post: There once was a girl named Lenore
In Xanadu, there was this guy
Built a pleasure dome for which to die
It had rivers to Hades
and mad singing ladies
and then - oh man, I am so high
posted to MetaFilter by bibliowench at 7:51 AM on July 23, 2007
MetaTalk post: MeFi's 8th Anniversary Party: Ground Kontrol, Portland
What equipment were you using that night?

Bodies: Canon 5D, DReb XT. Lenses: 16-35/2.8, 24/1.4, 85/1.2. Speedlite 430EX.

Okay, please tell me how to take pictures like that.

This is not a rhetorical compliment. I really want to know how you do that.

Here's an example: this photo of melissa may.

Before I had met melissa may in... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by DaShiv at 5:27 AM on July 20, 2007
MeFi post: Let the bodies hit the floor
At which point I suppose we are suppose to point and laugh at the stupid people with stupid beliefs.
posted by dios at 11:29 AM on July 19

Ok, I won't laugh. Let's take them seriously for a moment.

Faith healing, exorcism, the casting out of evil spirits, etc like all other seemingly odd religious practices in which both the healer AND the victim appear to be complicit in what a non-believer outsider may think of... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Pastabagel at 9:28 AM on July 19, 2007
Ask MeFi post: Books please?
A few past questions that may help out:
Stock-my-liberry (the best sort of berry!)

On a side note, I wish I had the technical know-how to build some sort of system for combing the site and by counting the respective references of author/novel come up with some sort of... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by oxford blue at 8:27 PM on July 3, 2007
MeFi post: Chess tactics explained in plain English
But let me again emphasize, to be good at chess, you need to study and read a bit.

But you also have to have the talent.

I used to be, what I thought, was a pretty decent chess player. I easily beat most people I played and could defeat most of those hand-held computers that were coming out in the 1980s.

Then, one day, a friend invited me over for a smoke and a drink. Seeing that he had a chess table... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by three blind mice at 1:33 AM on June 20, 2007
MetaTalk post: What is Metafilter's stance on handing over information to the authorities?
The only piece of info I have on anything aside from what is public on the site is your IP when you make posts to mefi. If the fascist pig cops came after me with guns blazing, that's the only piece of info I could give.

But then again, I have a low tolerance for torture, so I'm sure they could make me crack with a minimum of effort. In my own tests, it only takes a 9V battery on my nuts before I sing like a bird. I can take a AAA and AA battery though, so if that's all... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 5:17 AM on September 26, 2006
MetaTalk post: Portland, baby, Portland!
It is officially ON.

I just got off the phone with Ground Kontrol and July 14th is open and available. I'm going to be renting out the entire place from 7pm to 2am, and all games will be on freeplay. It'll accommodate up to 125 people. I'm going to figure out an open bar thing with the staff but at worst, beer and wine is a buck or two a glass during a private party.

We could be spinning MeFi Music tunes on the sound system and they've even got... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 1:09 PM on May 14, 2007
MetaTalk post: yahoo answers commericals
Dude. We can't go acting like the Internet is surpassing and outmoding television if we openly aspire to be on television!

We not only don't care for the medium, we don't even own such devices. If we do, we certainly only keep them around for our Criterion Collection and PBS.
posted to MetaTalk by ODiV at 10:28 PM on May 9, 2007
Ask MeFi post: learning about old cows
More. Same caveats apply:

Let's start with some basic mind-sets.

Parents of these farm families took it for granted that the families had to have a sizable number of children: boys to grow up and help with the farm labor and girls to grow up and help with the many household chores - which in those days often included: caring for the garden, the poultry, gathering eggs, tending small calves, young pigs, light yard work, sowing garments, household... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ontic at 11:03 AM on May 3, 2007
MetaTalk post: Recent Activity Newness

Now stop speaking of it.
posted to MetaTalk by stavrosthewonderchicken at 9:17 PM on April 19, 2007
MeFi post: Alanis' humps
posted to MetaFilter by solistrato at 2:29 PM on April 2, 2007
MetaTalk post: Weeee're back
Thanks for your hard work, Matt.

But let me tell you, the internet without Metafilteris not so good.

I went to this site called "Digg", with two g's. Have you heard of it? They have articles and you can vote on which articles go to the top. I don't get it either, I mean why can't people just scroll down or click 'Next'? Anyway, on each of the articles, you can log in and post a comment, kind of like how Metafilter does it.... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Pastabagel at 8:16 AM on March 26, 2007
MetaTalk post: Removing Favorites At Point Of Origin = YAY!
boo, don't make me embed a youtube video of me taping your mouth shut.
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 10:20 AM on March 16, 2007
MetaTalk post: Missing timestamp
The timestamp is below the title (look upwards to see the timestamp). I need to remove it from Metatalk actually.

Also new feature just launched: instant ajaxy favorite add AND remove! Try favoriting this comment, then remove it instantly.
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 4:28 PM on March 9, 2007
MetaTalk post: AJAXy goodness best thing since sliced bread
Should be live on ask mefi and metatalk...
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 4:05 PM on January 18, 2007
MeFi post: Welcome to Jesustan
Hardly anyone knows about these provisions; are they really causing widespread distress to atheists?
posted by brain_drain at 9:24 AM PST on August 18

Carson v. Carson, 401 N.W.2d 632, 635–36
(Mich. Ct. App. 1986) (quoting trial court as opining that it “was a little bit distraught in finding that there was no particular affiliation [held by either parent] with a church,” because “[p]robably 95 percent of the criminals that I... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Optimus Chyme at 9:36 AM on August 18, 2006
MeFi post: The Great Writ
For any of you who have been saying that "we're surprised": let's be clear: we're not. Just because the Dems gave up on habeas (as they did before the 2005 DTA) doesn't mean that the people have similarly given up. The will of the many requires inspiration by the few.

Many good people, including U.S. military officers, press, teachers and individuals, have long been (since '02!) in the trenches sounding the alarm and rising in opposition on this front.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by soda pop at 7:39 AM on September 29, 2006
MetaTalk post: map interface for jobs
Well, it's kind of like a mormon masterbating. Sure, it ruins a dream, but I'm doing it myself and in the end it's a good thing.
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 5:09 PM on September 1, 2006
MetaTalk post: Are cover songs on MeFi Music legally okay?
John Cage must be truly cleaning up now.

Actually, he did win a six-figure settlement over some silence on another record as plagarism.

The world is truly as fucked up as it seems, and laws around this stuff totally suck ass.
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 9:15 PM on July 12, 2006
MetaTalk post: links not indie hipster enough
Two Posts within four months of each other.

posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 8:10 AM on June 26, 2006
MetaTalk post: I'm kind of disappointed to see everyone so cynical lately.
What the hell? This is a fucking brilliant freaky little commercial and downright daring for a corporate client. It's twisted, edgy, and amusing.

Is MetaFilter now one big hipster pissing contest where we race to see how can be the most jaded and cynical about everything? Lately it seems I can't read a single post without 2-3 people saying it sucks and should be gone (and that's not even taking flags into consideration). It's like we've veered into self-parody at this... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 9:23 PM on June 13, 2006
Ask MeFi post: I Am Jack's Albatross
Be disgusted by the foods you shouldn't eat.

Practice thinking of the junk foods you shouldn't be eating as repulsive garbage that's getting in the way of your goals. Snacks and junk food are not "treats" or "indulgences." You only get one body, and you only get one chance at each day to maintain that body properly. Do you want to fuel it with candy, sugar, grease, oil, sludge? No, you want to consume wholesome, substantial foods that contain the... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by techgnollogic at 7:43 PM on May 14, 2006 marked best answer
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