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"Here stood their citadel, but now grown over with weeds..."

The extraordinary Center For Land Use Interpretation is a tertiary reference for one of today's posts, and it's been mentioned in comments before. Don't miss the Land Use Database or the Newsletter.
posted to MetaFilter by scrump at 11:24 AM on July 25, 2006 (9 comments)

Round One... Fight!

Pop Quiz Hotshot: You're in the middle of an arena. You're being attacked by 5 year olds who will stop at nothing to kill you. How many can you take on before they overcome you? (from twobytwo forums)
posted to MetaFilter by Arch Stanton at 7:05 PM on March 22, 2005 (121 comments)

a hole

a hole
posted to MetaFilter by crunchland at 3:01 PM on May 3, 2004 (129 comments)

Can a young man with a knife defeat a grizzly bear?

Could a typical young man, armed only with a knife, (say, six or eight inches long) be trained to consistently "win" fights with a grizzly bear? Assume no element of surprise.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Kwantsar at 2:41 PM on May 5, 2004 (87 comments)

Victorian courtship

How can I find out what dating/courtship was really like in upper-class Victorian England?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gottabefunky at 3:59 PM on July 24, 2006 (11 comments)

Dead Games Tell No Tales (R.I.P Virtua Hamster)

Dead Games Tell No Tales Not every video game makes it to the store. Sometimes it's because a company is wary of unleashing a new character property on the world, but other times it's because the publisher overworked the game's development staff to the point of exhaustion. Occasionally a game heavily infringes on a more popular game, leading to a lawsuit. Worst of all is when company politics kills a promising project. Failing hardware never helped anybody either. On the other hand, sometimes there is no reason at all why finished video games are sent to the wastebasket instead of the retail shelf.
posted to MetaFilter by Servo5678 at 10:28 AM on August 1, 2005 (15 comments)

Where to get away from it all in California.

What's a good, cheap, out-of-the-way spot for a week-long solo vacation in California or Oregon?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by TunnelArmr at 9:52 AM on July 24, 2006 (9 comments)

Mmm ... tacos.

What are you favorite taco recipes?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by monju_bosatsu at 1:09 PM on July 21, 2006 (30 comments)

Buildig a tiny house in a big city?

Perhaps a ridiculous question: is it possible in a major city (I'm in Toronto) to buy a small piece of land and build a tiny house (like the B-52 on this page) on it? What's involved? If possible, what are the pros and cons? Is it pointless, financially?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dobbs at 11:28 AM on July 21, 2006 (32 comments)

NOLS or Outward Bound?

I’d like to learn more about what to expect on a typical backpacking (or insert activity here) trip through organizations like NOLS or Outward Bound. I’m 30 years old and while I’m in pretty good shape I don’t have a lot of experience with long camping/backpacking/climbing trips. I’d like to join a short expedition to learn new skills and gain confidence I need to go out by myself. Besides, it just sounds fun.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ryanhealy at 4:20 PM on July 19, 2006 (19 comments)

Suggest eccentricities for me to adopt

In my quest to become more distinctive, I'm looking for suggestions of harmless eccentricities to adopt. Who better than the MeFi hive mind to provide them? Anecdotes of eccentric folk you've known in the past welcome.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by primer_dimer at 5:43 AM on July 13, 2006 (82 comments)

A Man Outstanding In Garfield

Garfield, Deconstructed! An engaging, adoring daily analysis of Garfield—behold such a lens through which even Jim Davis' legacy starts to seem redeemable.
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 11:49 AM on July 12, 2006 (61 comments)

What was said to Zidane?

What was said to Zidane?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Mr. Gunn at 1:59 PM on July 9, 2006 (73 comments)

The Blue People of Troublesome Creek

Martin and Elizabeth set up housekeeping on the banks of Troublesome and began a family. Of their seven children, four were reported to be blue.

For those unfamiliar with the story of Martin Fugate & his descendents, the 1982 article from Science magazine entitled "The Blue People of Troublesome Creek" is a fascinating read; a recessive gene & decades of inbreeding lead to a clan of Kentucky hill folk with deep blue skin from head to toe.
posted to MetaFilter by jonson at 10:59 PM on July 10, 2006 (56 comments)

Cheap airfare from here to anywhere?

What good websites are there that will let me type in my location and see where I can go for cheap?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by anonymoose at 1:34 AM on June 29, 2006 (7 comments)

What are your must-see attractions?

What are the must-see attractions or must-have experiences in the lower 48 that we need to catch when the wanderlust strikes?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gyrom at 4:25 PM on June 28, 2006 (35 comments)

Magazine suggestions, please!

Do you have any fun, cool, hip magazine suggestions for someone who desperately misses Budget Living and needs more stuff to read around her messy apartment?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by echo0720 at 7:55 AM on June 27, 2006 (18 comments)

Springsteen's Nebraska

I really like Springsteen's Nebraska. I've never been able to put my finger on why I like it so much and why it moves me: maybe it is the bare bones orchestration. The lyrical narratives. The dusty simplicity of it. But I like it a lot. What label should that sound be called? What else is like Nebraska that I should try out?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dios at 11:43 AM on February 24, 2006 (42 comments)

Anyone have advice on buying a home?

Having finally settled into a new job, my wife and I are beginning the process of buying our first home. We're hoping to make the process as smooth as possible.
Anyone have advice for ways to accomplish this goal? [+]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by madajb at 2:54 PM on February 4, 2005 (36 comments)


Name some big things in the continental US. Examples of the sort of thing I'm looking for are inside, but if I had to sum it up it would be: man-made or natural objects that are awesome in size, scale, ambition, or displacement from their surroundings -- and which I can drive to without needing special permission or lots of advance preparation.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ook at 7:50 AM on June 23, 2006 (90 comments)

Help to separate the (whole) wheat from the chaff

I'm thoroughly baffled about how I should eat.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by synecdoche at 9:56 PM on June 21, 2006 (11 comments)

Why are we picking on the 13 year old?

Why are we picking on the 13 year old? This is really distasteful.
posted to MetaTalk by Saucy Intruder at 9:18 AM on June 20, 2006 (367 comments)

My Cat, The Poop Coach

My husband and I have a kinda old, kinda ornery cat with a meow not unlike a gameshow buzzer. She’s something along the lines of 14 or 15 years old and even as a kitten was never particularly cuddly. Most of the time she wants to be left alone to catch a beam to warm her arthritic bones. There are however, certain times of the day when she demands attention.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by verveonica at 1:01 PM on June 21, 2006 (33 comments)

What Not to Post to AskMe

Here's a very entertaining and highly instructive thread on What Not To Post To AskMe.
posted to MetaTalk by orange swan at 6:11 AM on June 15, 2006 (65 comments)

What makes your todo list work for you?

What makes your todo list work for you? I don't care if it's digital or on papter, I want to know how you got in the habit of using a todo list everyday.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by the giant pill at 4:19 PM on June 18, 2006 (33 comments)

Give me hope, give me some 'late achiever' stories!

I'm almost 31 and though I have had some achievements in life they're not spectacular. Most of the time when I see a biog in the paper the 'achiever' was already doing well from a very early age. To give me hope that achieving at this stage in life is possible I would like to hear of people who went on to make great achievements relatively late in their life (ie 30+) with not much happening before then. These can be anybody, famous or people you know, in any field, both creative and career wise. I haven't defined great achievement but I mean something rather outstanding (unusual I suppose) rather than 'passed my driving test' or 'got married'.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by razzman at 1:38 PM on June 19, 2006 (73 comments)

What can we do together?

What do you and your significant other like to do together?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by justonegirl at 10:05 AM on April 14, 2006 (36 comments)

Looking for good food in NYC

I need good but affordable restaurant recommendations for New York (specifically Manhattan).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by BradNelson at 10:21 AM on June 21, 2006 (41 comments)

Am I He-Man Yet?

How do you determine when you are physically strong?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Loto at 5:50 PM on June 20, 2006 (38 comments)

Kick-start my brain!

How do you kick-start creative brainstorming?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Happy Dave at 3:30 AM on June 21, 2006 (20 comments)

Water during long distance runs?

RunningFilter: Newbie long-distance runner wants to know how to pace drinking water to avoid dehydration.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by I_Love_Bananas at 2:07 PM on June 19, 2006 (15 comments)

Commuter car recommendations

Recommendations for a commuter car.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Doohickie at 9:31 AM on June 16, 2005 (53 comments)

Should I quit my job?

It's very possible I'll be fired from my job next Wednesday. Should I resign before then? What should I tell prospective employers?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hamster at 1:29 PM on June 15, 2006 (38 comments)

As zombies get weaker, we get stronger

Zombiefilter: How long would it take before a zombie's muscles were no longer functional?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Astro Zombie at 7:15 PM on March 11, 2006 (42 comments)

BBQ recipes

BBQfilter: Like many people, I use my (charcoal) BBQ to grill vegetables and meat, but I'd like to move on to the "smoking, indirect heat" type of cooking. While the technique seems simple enough, I'd like recommendations for simple recipes to get started.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bluefrog at 4:54 PM on June 14, 2006 (13 comments)

Klaus is insane and kind of a dick

Why does our cat try to cover our heads like litter when we sleep? Does our cat think we're filthy?!? I'm a little insulted...
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ibeji at 5:52 PM on June 13, 2006 (22 comments)

travel sites versus airline's sites directly

Why would I consistently get a better price bypassing the big travel sites (Priceline, travelocity, expedia...) and getting my tickets straight from the airline?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by sandra_s at 4:10 PM on June 7, 2006 (14 comments)

How much physical abuse can "Wal-Mart Cops" legally dish during a detainment for suspected shoplifting?

How much physical abuse can "Wal-Mart Cops" legally dish during a detainment for suspected shoplifting? Can cops seize a car for being used in a crime when no charges are ever filed?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 5:53 PM on June 9, 2006 (38 comments)

Easy ways to make life easier

What are some cheap and effective ways to make your life easier?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by 0xFCAF at 6:09 PM on June 12, 2006 (42 comments)

How can I make my apartment more like the outdoors, esp. making it more visually interesting and dynamic?

I want my life to be more "sensor-y" exciting. I could get a bunch of great art works (paintings and sculptures, say) but seeing them day in and day out my brain would filter them out. In a sense, I'm trying to make my apartment as much like being outdoors as possible, using technology.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Furious Fitness at 10:25 AM on June 2, 2006 (11 comments)

How do I decorate without painting?

Help me decorate without painting!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by radioamy at 1:16 AM on June 30, 2005 (16 comments)

Is it normal for a 37 year old man to live in filth? What to do about it?

[NormalcyFilter] Is it normal for a 37 year old man to be a slob? And what can I do about it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by k8t at 5:44 PM on June 6, 2006 (40 comments)


What are some secrets of the human body?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Mach3avelli at 11:49 AM on June 3, 2006 (62 comments)

I feel after-school special.

I'm an adult who gets bullied on the public transit bus. There, I said it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by cior at 5:46 AM on February 7, 2006 (165 comments)

419 Scam Baiters

419Filter: I read a couple of years ago, a website that was a chap who would reply to phishing and spam emails, and take the scammers for a ride. There was one very funny one where the guy pretended to have drowned his girlfriend, and his mistress, and convinced the guy to fly to Amsterdam, amongst other things. Does anybody know where I can find this online?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gaby at 2:48 PM on May 6, 2006 (10 comments)

Plane crashes in to the word trade center.

Plane crashes in to the word trade center. Apologies for not linking to anything besides the main CNN page but there are no full stories on this yet. The plane crashed into the building about six minutes ago, from what the TV is saying. We are about sixty blocks north and we can see the smoke over the skyline.
posted to MetaFilter by karen at 5:58 AM on September 11, 2001 (491 comments)

Mmmmmmm a bucket o' food

I want a miners lunch bucket.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by @homer at 8:07 PM on June 3, 2006 (9 comments)

How can I make my writing accessible to readers?

How can I make my symbolic/abstract writing style more accessible to readers, so that they won't turn away from my stories in boredom?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gregb1007 at 1:08 PM on June 2, 2006 (57 comments)

Shiny Mud Balls

Hikaru dorodango is a recent craze in Japanese school yards. Apparently it's an absorbing task, one that anyone can pick up. There are even competing, previously undisclosed techniques.
posted to MetaFilter by ancientgower at 10:29 AM on May 30, 2006 (40 comments)


I'm building a home library with the walls covered with floor to ceiling bookshelves. Instead of a door, I want to have a bookcase that slides (or hinges) to reveal a five foot opening. Any brainstorms?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by vega5960 at 2:32 PM on June 30, 2005 (26 comments)
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