Favorites from ricochet biscuit

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MeFi post: The 33 Coolest Streets in the World, according to TimeOut respondents
I can't speak for most of these, but ... Ossington? C'mon.

That's not even the coolest street walking distance from Ossington Station, much less in Toronto, much less in the world.
posted to MetaFilter by mhoye at 8:47 AM on August 26, 2022
FanFare post: Movie: The Silence of the Lambs
This is one of the films where if it shows up on the tv, I pause what I'm doing and watch. It's absolutely mesmerizing to watch everyone in almost every scene. From the cops in the morgue, to the Senator bargaining with Lector, to the women in the pit, there's this wonderful hypnotic power that looms over everything.

"Hannibal Lecter's (Anthony Hopkins) looming presence is felt throughout even though his screen time fills only 21% of the 1 hour and 58-minute"
posted to FanFare by Brandon Blatcher at 6:14 PM on August 27, 2022
MeFi post: TLDR: Everything
The author of the Twitter thread here, Paul Fairie (the re-discoverer of Cronk), has been on a bit of tear with these types of threads recently:

All links to threadreader:
A list of things people blamed on bicycles
A brief history of music these days isn't any good
A brief history of people read too much
A brief history of kids today are too soft
Public Events Where The Entertainment Was Debating If Women Should... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by nubs at 4:10 PM on August 26, 2022
Jazz is responsible for many moral failings, although bicycles are to blame for almost everything. For instance in just a few years, "the bicycle is, therefore, responsible for the prevelance of brunette types in women" (1897), as well as decline in book sales (1895), reduced laundry services (1895), fewer horse sales (1896), less street car service (1895), extinction of canines (1896), failing theaters (1896), conditions called "bicycle heart" (1901) and "spread... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by autopilot at 2:12 PM on August 26, 2022
FanFare post: Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
My senior year high school English teacher told us one day, with a straight face, that he was going to show us a movie that "accurately depicted life in Medieval England" - and then showed us this. I knew the movie and instantly started clapping and laughing. (One of my friends who hadn't heard of it was baffled, and I just said "Oh, just wait.")

One of my favorite know-the-stuff stories was actually about the original Spamalot -... [more]
posted to FanFare by EmpressCallipygos at 11:02 AM on August 25, 2022
I saw this on the day it opened, first showing. It was the first time I ever cut school and was scared to death the ticket taker would rat me out to "the authorities." But I had to go, the ad in the paper had a banner reading "free coconuts given on first showing." I didn't know what it meant, but of course I had to get one.

The theater was about half full, not bad for an 11am Friday show. I guess we were all fans. From the beginning we were all... [more]
posted to FanFare by Marky at 10:19 AM on August 25, 2022
MeFi post: #CloudflareProtectsTerrorists
Also, it is gross to make respecting names and pronouns (vs deadnaming and using incorrect pronouns) contingent on what you think of the character of any given person. Straight up: it is disgusting to make respecting another person's gender contingent on whether you've decided they are nice enough to count.
posted to MetaFilter by sciatrix at 2:52 PM on August 25, 2022
MetaTalk post: [MeFi Site Update] April 13th
It's hard to imagine a more thankless task than serving on this steering committee is going to be - what a way to subject yourself to anger and criticism and endless second-guessing.

So I'll say thank you to those brave enough to do it.
posted to MetaTalk by FencingGal at 9:08 AM on April 15, 2022
Ask MeFi post: Mature mefites: What did you wish you knew in your mid 30's/early 40's?
Three things come to mind.

1. Do everything you can to preserve your health. Eat well and exercise. Lift weights. I know you don't think you have time, but what you really won't have time for is a serious disease that might hit ten or twenty years from now because you didn't take care of yourself. Not everything related to health is in your control, but a lot of stuff is. And if something you can't control comes up, you want to be in the best physical shape possible.... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by FencingGal at 8:32 AM on October 5, 2018
Ask MeFi post: Fake Vaccine Card..
I am the random stranger your fiancee might kill.
I have the same cancer Colin Powell had. Like him, I'm vaccinated, but the vaccines don't work well for us. Of course, I'm not going to the concert — thanks to people like your fiancee I will probably never go to a concert again — but maybe your fiancee sits next to a vaccinated teen with an unvaccinated sibling who sits next to my chemo nurse's child at school.

Or maybe your fiancee then decides to use the... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by FencingGal at 4:10 AM on November 11, 2021
MeFi post: The umpteenth Joyce Carol Oates
I spent a good deal of time in the Dawn Treader once upon a time. The original Borders was still the one and only, and kind of legendary, but I didn't have enough money as a student to shop for new books.

Many years ago, my partner and I finally got around to combining our book collections and weeding out the many, many, many duplicates, which we donated to the local public library for their Friends of the Library bookstore in the basement. A few months later, word got... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Well I never at 12:36 AM on August 25, 2022
Another friend of mine was in the habit of acquiring his own book from used bookstores because it was out of print, and people would ask him if he had any copies. He mentioned that the inscribed ones were always interesting to re-read!
posted to MetaFilter by freethefeet at 10:32 PM on August 24, 2022
Ooh! My book inscription story. This was when I was a university student.

I was having lunch with a lovely older couple. They were quite active in their retirement: her main activity was writing letters to politicians about things like asylum seeker detention and other human rights issues (She was an absolute badass. At her funeral they joked that her file at ASIO must have been pretty big.) He was part of a charity acquiring second hand goods from other charities and... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by freethefeet at 10:25 PM on August 24, 2022
MrVisible, that’s such a beautiful perspective. Thank you.
posted to MetaFilter by mochapickle at 10:03 PM on August 24, 2022
Let me offer another perspective.

My father wrote a memoir about his experiences in World War II back in the 40s. It was published by a small press, and sold a few copies.

I have one, of course; it's one of the only ways to remember my father. I never got to know him, he died when I was three. I read it every so often.

But there are copies of his books around. I just did a search; a handful on Amazon, a few on AbeBooks,... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by MrVisible at 9:54 PM on August 24, 2022
MetaTalk post: Emojis on Metafilter?
I like using emojis as I feel it helps convey tone quickly and efficiently and reduces the chances of someone misunderstanding my intent.

I use them a fair bit, and am definitely convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they help with ambiguity. 🍔
posted to MetaTalk by zamboni at 8:18 AM on August 23, 2022
I personally never use emojis. I think they're juvenile, a crutch for those who are afraid they can't express their thoughts adequately in writing.

The kids use so many - how'm I supposed to know what they all mean? And get off my lawn!
posted to MetaTalk by Rash at 8:10 AM on August 23, 2022
MeFi post: ‘My Boss Wants Me Back in Office Full Time. Can I Push Back?’
A bit surprised to see the number of comments here Stanning for The Man.

"Go get another job don't argue" is starting to sound a lot like "If you don't like your country you should leave, not try to improve things". Maybe people deserve better than spending half their waking hours serving the interests of capital? Just a thought.
posted to MetaFilter by SaltySalticid at 6:43 PM on August 23, 2022
These bosses grew up in a culture where everybody went into the office, where they commuted just as long as they had to, they stayed at the office until 9 PM if that's what it took to meet a deadline, and their personal lives always, always took a back seat. To a lot of Boomers that's just what work is, and anything else feels like a cheat....they're desperate to hear the steady hum of worker activity again. They were lost without it.

This really... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by rpfields at 4:38 PM on August 23, 2022
MeFi post: IPA: /nojs/
I've always liked how K&P forgo the usual straight man/jokester tradition in skits, and instead they're usually two people constantly trying to up the stakes on each other, each of them equally stubborn and equally responsible for whatever happens next.
posted to MetaFilter by The Pluto Gangsta at 5:11 PM on August 23, 2022
FanFare post: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: A Normal Amount of Anger
I think that dude should probably get out of watching She-Hulk before he catches any feminist cooties. Bailing after one episode is exactly the time to leave before that happens!
posted to FanFare by jenfullmoon at 4:02 PM on August 23, 2022
FanFare post: House of the Dragon: The Heirs of the Dragon
Come on, this isn't 1986 where we all stand around the water cooler talking about whatever happened on Hill Street Blues last night.

The water cooler is Metafilter or Twitter or whatever.

Just release the full season and let people watch the way they want.

The number of shows that come and go over a weekend without any discussion is the absolute worst thing about streaming. If I... [more]
posted to FanFare by crossoverman at 10:27 PM on August 22, 2022
MeFi post: Single, lonely men facing "broad" trends?
I hear recurring dating themes from women between the ages of 25 and 45: They prefer men who are emotionally available, who are good communicators, and who share their values.

As a to-date still-single straight-ish 46 year old lady (I'm okay with it/pretty good at being single) , my relationship preference is essentially unchanged since I was sixteen. Which is to say, I'm just looking for an empathetic best friend who wants to fool around and go on... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by thivaia at 10:05 AM on August 22, 2022
We have to keep in mind that "I did what society asked, but I didn't get the rewards society promised" is a real source of plausibly justifiable anger. What one does with that anger is the key. Dudes have to realize they were lied to, that the "rewards" are not now (and should never have been) simply chattel to be awarded.

These lies are still being told, and the sooner one gets the correction into their heads, the better off they, and everyone around... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by seanmpuckett at 7:35 AM on August 22, 2022
Instead, the primary problem was the declining real wages of young men. The article probably should have made that clear, but that would mean talking about systemic issues instead of harvesting rage clicks.

Yes I have heard this forever and I'm sure it's right in a lot of ways. But you know what? It's only partially true. Women are suffering in this economy, too, and we still earn 82 cents to the dollar men do. And it's even more wildly unequal for... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by smorgasbord at 12:49 AM on August 22, 2022
MeFi post: Why there's no 'Dijon' in Dijon mustard
Good article, I had no idea that Canada produced most of the world’s mustard seeds.

Canada: Number one in lentils, oats, canola and mustard!
posted to MetaFilter by ssg at 2:04 PM on August 22, 2022
I had no idea that Canada produced most of the world’s mustard seeds.

And over 60% of all the mustard in the world is milled at a single plant in Hamilton, Ontario (G.S. Dunn, Est. 1867).
posted to MetaFilter by fimbulvetr at 1:46 PM on August 22, 2022
FanFare post: Movie: Titanic
My opinion remains, but I seem to have more company these days. It's entertaining, but the love story just doesn’t work for me.

I was a Titanic buff before the movie came out, and appreciated how much of the stories of the real people on the ship were told (as well as those that were changed in the telling). I've long said that Jack and Rose work just fine as as plot device for the viewer to follow to every single... [more]
posted to FanFare by Gelatin at 5:58 AM on August 22, 2022
MeFi post: How Many Books Make a Place Feel Like Home?
I love books, have owned thousands and have given away almost all of them to charity shops in the last few years. My degree was Eng Lit, and I still have some of the books from my coursework (all in boxes since we moved to a much smaller house, waiting for us to put up sufficient shelves to house the hundreds still left). I use a Kindle now and have done for years. It's easy, takes up less room obviously and is pretty soulless. But the one set of books I have kept in physical form and will never... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Martha My Dear Prudence at 3:44 PM on August 21, 2022
How Many Books Make a Place Feel Like Home?
Twenty books. Same as in town.
posted to MetaFilter by bartleby at 2:26 PM on August 21, 2022
Well, just from a purely architectural POV, an eight inch solid layer of material surrounding a room is going to deaden sound and vibration like woah. Libraries are also calming because they are so well insulated from the outside world physically.
posted to MetaFilter by seanmpuckett at 1:33 PM on August 21, 2022
My house is full of books. I love going away and staying somewhere spare without a bookshelf in sight. And I love coming home to my library.
posted to MetaFilter by gwint at 12:08 PM on August 21, 2022
MetaTalk post: Metatalktail Hour: Tell me of your happy place, Usul
When the drums start at a live show

When drums stop very bad. Next come bass solo.
posted to MetaTalk by Greg_Ace at 9:40 PM on August 20, 2022
MeFi post: Here’s why HBO Max is pulling dozens of films and TV series
Is "corporate greed" all three of the reasons though?

As far as I'm concerned, piracy is a moral imperative when content is locked up purely to avoid paying the creators for their work.
posted to MetaFilter by seanmpuckett at 10:16 AM on August 20, 2022
Anything removed from circulation like this should be automatically put in the public domain.
posted to MetaFilter by Small Dollar at 12:57 PM on August 20, 2022
This is winnowing of culture, the opposite of the Long Tail we were supposed to be getting with digital services. Instead, we're getting only the Hits, with stuff that is Good Enough to be watched by 90% or 60% or whatever viewer rating is their threshold for perceived profitability.

Their cultural offering is being defined by span of control, what one person who sits in a chair at one of these services can understand and keep in their own head. That being limited to... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by bonehead at 11:14 AM on August 20, 2022
The solution to clutter should be better design and promotion of titles rather than removing titles entirely.
posted to MetaFilter by drezdn at 10:50 AM on August 20, 2022
MetaTalk post: On Cooling Off MetaTalk Threads
I was trying so hard to address a broader point about people being hurt by fighty MeTas that I kind of did not get around to addressing the actual post.

A 24 hour window does not make sense to me. The world has 24 time zones and there are MeFites scattered around it. Some work days, some work nights, some get to visit the site only during certain hours or on certain days. People deserve to get to speak their piece on site issues and we have to allow time for people to do... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by DirtyOldTown at 9:10 AM on August 19, 2022
FanFare post: The Sandman: Dream of a Thousand Cats/Calliope
> "My cat was -enthralled- by the animated cats."

Only 999 to go!
posted to FanFare by kyrademon at 2:36 AM on August 20, 2022
FanFare post: The Umbrella Academy: Season One
A casting director has to run into a sort of paradox when looking for a "young" Ellen Page.
posted to FanFare by paper chromatographologist at 6:38 PM on February 22, 2019
FanFare post: Movie: Flash Gordon
At one point, he stopped, peered at the camera, and bellowed “GORDON IS ALIVE!!!” and returned to the story without further comment.

If you're going to have a catchphrase, you could do worse.
posted to FanFare by madajb at 4:29 PM on August 19, 2022
FanFare post: The Sandman: Collectors
Just giving folks a bit of "preview" news -

Netflix has just released a surprise eleventh episode, based on a pair of one-off stories: a live-action adaptation of Calliope, and an animated adaptation of Dream Of A Thousand Cats.

That is all.
posted to FanFare by EmpressCallipygos at 3:34 AM on August 19, 2022
MeFi post: Thunderstorm? Skip the shower
I'm into dying like this. I want the whole sudden death thing.

Watched my dad die of a combination of covid and Parkinson's and cancer earlier this year -- now I'm totally into 'massive heart attack' or 'unsurvivable car crash' or 'died in the shower during lightning storm while drinking shower beer'.

Sorry to be creepy. But having a piano drop on my head and kill me is now totally my death jam. I've seen trying to eek out a bit more life and uh.....thanks but no.
posted to MetaFilter by A Terrible Llama at 1:28 PM on August 18, 2022
FanFare post: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: A Normal Amount of Anger
I would have watch that show.
posted to FanFare by Brandon Blatcher at 11:33 AM on August 18, 2022
MeFi post: A carefully-researched comic about wealth inequality
I would have much prefered a policeman forcibly taking and redistributing his hoard. It should not be up to Mr. Rich to decide if he is full yet.

More likely the policeman would have been there to stop the five people at the hungry end of the table simply helping themselves to Mr Rich's surplus food.
posted to MetaFilter by Paul Slade at 11:33 AM on August 18, 2022
MeFi post: Thunderstorm? Skip the shower
Good lord but this is taking theoretical safety concerns to an extreme. Not that it's a particular problem for me; in a thunderstorm I'm too busy sitting out on the porch admiring the show.
posted to MetaFilter by Nelson at 11:33 AM on August 18, 2022
FanFare post: The Sandman: The Sound of Her Wings
richet biscuit, Gaiman answered a question on tumblr about why that episode wasn't filmed there and iirc he brought up covid as to why they didn't film in different locations. He had more to say but I've forgotten it. My memory of his answer may be spotty. I don't know how to search his account on tumblr.
posted to FanFare by bleary at 9:11 AM on August 16, 2022
FanFare post: She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: A Normal Amount of Anger
Yeah, riochet biscuit, I think that Marvel Studios will be facing a bigger crisis when Finn eventually moves on than they will when they lose Feige.
posted to FanFare by Ipsifendus at 6:30 AM on August 18, 2022
MeFi post: 28 year old Georgia woman cannot walk, talk, eat, or breathe on her own.
I'm an osteopath in Britain, and this is a whole complicated subject!

Osteopaths in the UK and America started from the same point, with a magnetic healer and travelling preacher called AT Still, who put together a whole philosophy of how everything in the body would work better if the various fluids in the body moved around smoothly. Some of it was surprisingly accurate - lots of things about the functioning of the lymphatic system, and ways into it. He founded a... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by fizban at 5:12 AM on August 18, 2022
I was going to mention osteopaths, too. Both osteopathy and chiropractic emerge from the same sort of 19th century pseudoscientific nonsense and took these diverging paths and I'd be curious to understand how that happened.

My understanding is that there's not a whole lot of evidence for OMT and a lot of DOs don't actually practice it.
posted to MetaFilter by hoyland at 4:56 AM on August 18, 2022
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