Sideblog Archive

June 29, 2023
"I think I can be of help here as a physical oceanographer (one who studies the movement of the ocean) and one who works with ice at that!"

June 26, 2023
sonofsnark is looking for "recommendations for amazing fiction writers that I am unlikely to have heard of before"

June 24, 2023
Hello! Professional architectural historian checking in here ... Preserver addresses Mchelly's question about "McMansion" as architectural nomenclature.

June 22, 2023
yasaman posted about Brìghde Chaimbeul, the young musician from the Isle of Skye who is helping to bring back Scottish smallpipes from the edge of obscurity

The latest Metafilter site update is here

June 19, 2023
Skulls of your enemies, but planted with succulents: doctornemo on cozy horror, including the subgenre's basic elements, a historical perspective, praise, criticism, controversy, and more!

June 18, 2023
bendy asks, Explain back pain to me like I’m a n00b.

June 17, 2023
Pressure Drop: Talking about the Corelle Brands / Instant Pot bankruptcy filing.

June 13, 2023
you have elected to spin the wheel, a choice as pointless yet inevitable as life itself ... What if Werner Herzog were Pat Sajak's replacement?

June 12, 2023
Wondering what exactly is blowing up over on Reddit, and why? Rhaomi has a seriously in-depth explainer.

Shepherd is looking for "debunky, chatty, science-y" podcast recs: "I love Maintenance Phase and If Books Could Kill and would like more podcasts like this..."

June 11, 2023
"When we were kids, Ted and I wanted a house like that": doctornemo remembers meeting Ted Kaczynski's brother and sister-in-law.

June 6, 2023
Scent back in time: paduasoy posts an article from Current Archaeology about Aroma Prime, a company creating historical scents, including the smells of dinosaurs, dodos, mummification, candlemakers, ether, vintage sweets and the Wicker Man.

Corridor of uncertainty? Mefites describe cricket to each other in tomcooke's post thread about a serious amateur cricketer who found themself unexpectedly drafted in to make up the numbers in a village cricket match

June 4, 2023
A great rundown on all the moving parts of email validation from QuixoticGambit on goatdog's question "How do I unspam myself?" How do I make my emails not end up in people's spam folders?.

June 3, 2023
The dread was this mix of "No fucking way, it makes no fucking sense, it couldn't be ... it couldn't," and this deeper recognition that, on some level, it had to be. Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted takes a deep dive on the "Succession" finale in Fanfare.

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