Amazon donations page passed $1M during the last hour
September 12, 2001 2:37 PM   Subscribe

Amazon donations page passed $1M during the last hour This is one minor lift to my spirit as I refresh the page to watch the tally grow. (Just wanted to get the link to the top of the page for those who may not have seen it)
posted by jonah (8 comments total)
At 1.2 million as of 3:30pm PST.

Will they consider this consumer spending? At least it shows people aren't afraid to spend their credit.
posted by linux at 3:32 PM on September 12, 2001

At 18:33 Eastern Time it's at $1.245 million.
posted by tranquileye at 3:33 PM on September 12, 2001

Double Post
posted by owillis at 4:05 PM on September 12, 2001

god forbid we double-post useful links when they're most needed. repetition can only help in this case.

and it's at 1.3 million now, btw.
posted by patricking at 4:21 PM on September 12, 2001

Yes, I know it's a double post, it actually is a link to the original post owillis (the same one that is in your comment). I apologize for relinking, I just know that alot of people may not know about the link and may not scroll all the way down to yesterday's post. The Red Cross site seems to be having difficulty handling the traffic, the Amazon site does not. I certainly wasn't trying to steal anyone's thunder for the great resource (thus my link to the previous post, rather than directly to Amazon).
posted by jonah at 5:05 PM on September 12, 2001

over 1.4 million now. and this is just one of many donation sites. Yahoo PayDirect and the Red Cross website are two others, if you have problems with the amazon page for some reason.

Also, from the Red Cross donation page:

"Donate Your Tax Rebate
Soon you'll receive your tax rebate in the mail. Consider donating your rebate to the American Red Cross to help save lives. You'd be amazed at how far your gift will go to help those affected by disaster:

$600 buys food for a week and clothing for a family of four.
$300 buys five days of meals and motel stays for one displaced disaster victim.
$250 provides emergency shelter and food for 50 disaster victims for one day.
$100 buys replacement prescription medication, like insulin, blood pressure or seizure medication for 3 disaster victims who have lost everything.
$50 buys 10 new blankets in an emergency.
Your tax-deductible gift— in whatever amount you choose— will provide disaster relief and other essential Red Cross services in your community, and around the world. "
posted by smt at 5:11 PM on September 12, 2001

It's going to pass $2 million within a few hours, I'd imagine (it's $1.8mil now). Amazing.
posted by hijinx at 10:43 PM on September 12, 2001

This thread is well out of public view, but it's over $5 million now. with 135, 321 donations. That's almost $37.00 each.

meg, of has been keeping track of the increase in donation size ... "And each time I checked, that too grew. From an average donation of $24, to $26, then $27. Last night at nearly $1.8 million, the average donation was $30. As I write this, the total donations top $2.7 million and the average donation is now up to $33.87. Not only are people continuing to give, they are continuing to give a lot. Watching that figure grow and grow has been the only thing to put a smile on my face these past few days. "

it's very encouraging to watch the generosity of people continue to grow.
posted by smt at 2:57 PM on September 14, 2001

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