November 9, 2001
4:32 PM   Subscribe

Michael Jackson is mentally ill.
Not that anyone needed further evidence of that fact but this article made me laugh. (I'm crying on the inside...)
posted by TiggleTaggleTiger (23 comments total)
And I'm not crying because I like Michael Jackson or anything. I'm crying because it is sad to watch someone slip into insanity.
posted by TiggleTaggleTiger at 4:33 PM on November 9, 2001

The guy's still alive and yet he has to talk through a psychic? WTF?

It is feasible to believe Princess Di and the Pop King had a friendship in which they shared similarities to their stressful lives under a microscope, but doubtful much more than words. There are few on this planet who would have understood what Diana went through. Michael would have a better perspective than most. Perhaps Mikey read too much into it.
posted by ZachsMind at 4:45 PM on November 9, 2001

This is just as bizarre-sounding to me: From the same page -- Jacko's upcoming movie?!?! Is this for real??
posted by rio at 4:55 PM on November 9, 2001

During an interview with US magazine 'TV Guide', Jackson said the film would be entitled, 'Capricious Anomaly In The Sea Of Space'.


You know, I mean, it's all sad and everything that his psyche is fractured because of his twisted upbringing, but if you're going to be a megalomanaical/horrifyingly insecure media sensation, you might as well be an entertaining one.
posted by solistrato at 5:33 PM on November 9, 2001

I think there is absolutely no doubt that Michael Jackson has a mental illness.....the sad thing is who would be in a position to urge him to be seen by a competent psychiatrist?

It truly breaks my heart.
posted by bunnyfire at 5:57 PM on November 9, 2001

I agree with skallas that the article does not say he is mentally ill. He describes chest pains and coughing. If you think the article demonstrates that he's mentally ill, no doubt you thought so already (I don't have any opinion of my own, by the way -- I'm just saying what was actually in the article).

On the other hand, I don't see anyone suggesting he needs to be locked up, except perhaps the comment that he's "slipping into insanity", which is a rather crude way to look at mental illness. Most people who are mentally ill have to deal themselves with the reality of their situation. If they aren't causing serious trouble, no one's going to lock them up. It's not that easy to get someone else to take responsibility for managing your own life.
posted by caveday at 6:20 PM on November 9, 2001

This is "News of the World" news - in other words, National Enquirer "news". It's not MJ speaking to the press, it's "speaking to the News of the World, through Jackson's psychic friend Uri Geller." Come on, MeFites, where's your bullshit detector?

Not that MJ isn't a complete trainwreck or anything.
posted by acridrabbit at 7:21 PM on November 9, 2001

"Speaking to the News of the World, through Jackson's psychic friend Uri Geller..."
posted by mmarcos at 7:21 PM on November 9, 2001


He donates millions to charities. What have you all done for other people who need financial aid?
posted by kv at 7:26 PM on November 9, 2001

What have you all done for other people who need financial aid?

i've maintained my stunning visage in an unmolested state so as not to inflict visual pain on the poor sods. and you?
posted by quonsar at 7:57 PM on November 9, 2001

He donates millions to charities.

And this is relevant to his mental health how?
posted by rushmc at 9:03 PM on November 9, 2001

Michael Jackson is not insane, if only by reason of semantics:

Wealthy people who act strangely = Eccentric/Idiosyncratic
Poor people who act strangely = Crazy/Insane

Thus, MJ is just eccentric. :-) His face, on the other hand, freaking hideous -- saw his pic on the cover of TV Guide at grocery store yesterday, and he positively doesn't look human anymore.

(private to quonsar: great comeback to kv)
posted by davidmsc at 10:13 PM on November 9, 2001

And none of us actually know the reasons why he has had to have surgery on his face.

It wasn't a great comeback. There are never great comebacks at Metafilter. Nearly everyone just shows off as best they can, mostly by poking fun at other people.
posted by kv at 10:22 PM on November 9, 2001

I can't help but observe that his newest album has debuted
at No. 1. How ill is that?

posted by Lynsey at 10:52 PM on November 9, 2001

And none of us actually know the reasons why he has had to have surgery on his face.


Michael Jackson is mentally ill.

posted by gleemax at 2:12 AM on November 10, 2001

He could be Bipolar....many in that category, especially in the arts, have truly produced works of genius.....and at the same time wrestled with their inner demons........having a mental illness does not have to mean some one is drooling and swinging from the chandeliers.....if Michael is dealing with a chemical imbalance in his brain, throw in a little paranoia made worse by his isolation.that could certainly cause some of the strange behavior we see out of him.....true, since he has a lot of money, people will call him eccentric.....i guarantee you if he was of average income the story would be different-but maybe he would not be as ill-and certainly i feel he would have been more likely to receive treatment.

Also-most people with a mental illness do not have to be "locked up". Many actually are able to hold down jobs, etc. with the proper meds and would be surprised to know how many people you work with, are friends with, or even are related to, that have a mental illness(which let me point out is actually a physical illness of the brain)....but because of perceived stigma, they probably will not tell you. This thread is certainly a mild example of that.
posted by bunnyfire at 4:08 AM on November 10, 2001

He donates millions to charities.

Yes, but have you seen or heard the monetary figures which went into his latest album? I'm still trying to work out how many starving children in Aghanistan $50 million could feed.
posted by Danielle_T at 5:04 AM on November 10, 2001

If he didn't sell music, how would he have the funds to donate?
posted by kv at 5:27 AM on November 10, 2001

Does this mean we can look forward to Jacko doing a cover of Patsy Cline's "Crazy"?
posted by MAYORBOB at 6:04 AM on November 10, 2001

It wasn't a great comeback. There are never great comebacks at Metafilter. Nearly everyone just shows off as best they can, mostly by poking fun at other people.

Make up your mind already!
posted by kindall at 9:37 AM on November 10, 2001

Kv, you're certainly not helping your point by lashing out at people. You're right, we shouldn't be ragging on the Gloved One for being wierd, but I don't think anybody's really being malicious. Relax -- we're talking about a public figure, someone whose life is open to view (well, sometimes), not teasing you for still being a fan.

Michael has been exhibiting signs of mental instability for a long time. While this article was clearly filler -- an interview conducted through a psychic? come on -- fabricated by the News of the World, it's no secret that he's got some problems. Howard Hughes had problems, too -- paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, germaphobia -- but because of his vast wealth no one was able to help him. We can only hope that Michael's illness doesn't kill him. In the meantime, sit back and try not to stare too long at the carnage.
posted by me3dia at 3:21 PM on November 10, 2001

We can only hope that Michael's illness doesn't kill him.

Correction: We could only hope that he wouldn't procreate. But, alas, we are too late.
posted by verdezza at 4:00 PM on November 10, 2001

C'mon verdezza: Although some forms of mental illness may be hereditary, you don't give it to your kids -- you get it from them. ;-)
posted by allaboutgeorge at 5:47 AM on November 11, 2001

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