"HIV is a metaphor for a lot of quasi-related phenomena,"
December 1, 2001 11:39 AM   Subscribe

"HIV is a metaphor for a lot of quasi-related phenomena," says Val Turner, an AIDS analyst and senior consultant in emergency medicine at the Royal Perth Hospital in Perth, Australia. "No one has ever proved its existence as a virus."

Does this movement/theory/philosophy have any power behind it? It's scary nonetheless.
posted by o2b (4 comments total)
Is it really so scary? Without the Devil's advocates in the world, everyone would blindly believe things without questioning the real truth. Groupthink. That is what is truly scary.
posted by PWA_BadBoy at 12:44 PM on December 1, 2001

I'm not sure about the science (if any) behind this person & site, but it certainly can't hurt to have alternate theories and opinions out there. And to those who say, "...but it CAN hurt, by giving people misinformation, thereby possibly exposing them to deadly diseases!", I say, bull. Any sane person who regularly interacts with society, classrooms, healthcare systems, or a television has enough facts and opinions on which to base his/her actions. Mind you, I think the AIDS situation has been blown out of proportion; to my mind, cancer is the far scarier enemy, infecting more people, largely unpreventable, etc.
posted by davidmsc at 1:04 PM on December 1, 2001

(Be sure to check out the discussion here.)
posted by arco at 1:13 PM on December 1, 2001

it's worth noting that the article is dated november 1996. a lot has happened in the last 5 years.
posted by themaxx at 2:45 PM on December 1, 2001

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