To the west is a house, bricks fall from the sky, and there are zombies.
February 2, 2015 12:36 PM   Subscribe

Wish you could make games but have no idea how you'd get started? Have you never coded a day in your life and feel overwhelmed trying to teach yourself? Can't draw anything beyond stick figures? Overwhelmed and don't know what questions to even ask? You're in luck! is a tool that will give you personalized resources to help you get started making your first game, custom tailored to what you're actually making. (h/t)
posted by Room 641-A (15 comments total) 44 users marked this as a favorite
To the west is a house, bricks fall from the sky, and there are zombies. congratulations - you have invented minecraft, collect $2billion.
posted by Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory at 12:38 PM on February 2, 2015 [3 favorites]

I was ready to drop $25 on RPGMaker XP. But it doesn't support 64 bit. ::sigh::
posted by Splunge at 12:44 PM on February 2, 2015

The link for "I want to make an mmo" is hilarious and I will start linking to it judiciously
posted by hellojed at 1:22 PM on February 2, 2015

The page for Blender needs like 3 paragraphs of f bombs because holy bajeezys I hate using blender to make anything. I have done modeling, rigging, and animation in it. is amazing though. Highly recommended. Its a clearinghouse for new and weird games
posted by hellojed at 1:27 PM on February 2, 2015

I was going to post a joke about wanting to make a game like Zork, but they actually do have resources for that.

You can't get ye flask.
posted by teponaztli at 1:39 PM on February 2, 2015 [2 favorites]

Cool site and resources! I've been dabbling with RPGMaker (trial version) and have been holding off on buying because of the cost. I've also felt really overwhelmed by the sheer size and functionality it offers. I didn't think there were any other options out there though. But Ren'Py looks interesting, easier to use and is free. Pretty excited about this development now.
posted by stubbehtail at 1:54 PM on February 2, 2015

> The page for Blender needs like 3 paragraphs of f bombs.

Anything (free, preferably open source) than you like better?
posted by jfuller at 2:28 PM on February 2, 2015

Not totally accurate. Unreal 4 actually works native on linux (Editor stack and target platform)

It's nice to see someone tell people they shouldn't start by making an mmo though.
posted by Lord_Pall at 2:42 PM on February 2, 2015

>Anything (free, preferably open source) than you like better?

I hear good things about wings3D but I haven't used it. I have used Google sketch up, which can export to a thing Unity3D can load, and that's pretty good for level design. Neither support animation, so I'm stuck with blender for rigging needs.
posted by hellojed at 2:48 PM on February 2, 2015

I've had some good experiences with GameMaker. But they all come with caveats, I spent a lot of time learning the system, it poses all kinds of traps for the unwary, and you have to be careful with it. In some ways, to use it well, you have to know almost enough to use something more professional. And yet, there's like a ton of nice little things it does for you.

I have reams to write on this subject. I've considered writing a guide to GM development, in fact. Maybe later.
posted by JHarris at 4:46 PM on February 2, 2015

I spent a lot of time learning the system, it poses all kinds of traps for the unwary, and you have to be careful with it. In some ways, to use it well, you have to know almost enough to use something more professional. And yet, there's like a ton of nice little things it does for you.

I'm sorry, what game did you say this was? It sounds fun!
posted by Room 641-A at 5:50 PM on February 2, 2015 [1 favorite]

Neato! Neato posto!
posted by Drexen at 2:55 AM on February 3, 2015

It's pretty great that Zoe Quinn does things like this despite being quasi-homeless and under constant attack by internet randos.
posted by GameDesignerBen at 6:43 AM on February 3, 2015 [1 favorite]

> I've considered writing a guide to GM development, in fact. Maybe later.

JHarris, if you do and you publish it (instead of just giving it away in the form of a website) you'll sell at least one copy, to me. I'm up to speed on a lot of computer topics but I know almost nothing about game design or coding. (Not so hot on databases either, now I think of it.)
posted by jfuller at 12:32 PM on February 3, 2015 [1 favorite]

I've considered this for several years now, it's only a matter of tie until I do it I think, I have to search my hard drive for my notes though.
posted by JHarris at 6:26 PM on February 3, 2015

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