Flying Lotus - FUCKKKYOUUU
January 25, 2016 11:28 AM   Subscribe

( SLYT ) With the ability to travel in time, a lonely girl finds love and comfort by connecting with her past self. Eventually faced with rejection she struggles with her identity and gender, and as time folds onto itself only one of them can remain. Director: Eddie Alcazar Composer: Flying Lotus Producer: Javier Lovato
posted by mrblack (7 comments total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
NSFW blood, violence, some nudity.

(this is great, though. FlyLo has a real love for cult/shocking cinema, so his score works really well here...)
posted by raihan_ at 11:33 AM on January 25, 2016

Interesting short but it took me a while to get the time travel thing until I noticed the syringe thing up close.
The bamboo torture-kill scene really resonated. That is how my body feels every spring because I have an invasive bamboo grove on my property!
posted by Muncle at 1:29 PM on January 25, 2016

Is the quality on this upload intentionally bad? I double checked like twice convinced it must be some re-uploaded youtube view thief video, but it just seems compressed to hell. It's like a bad TV rip on some russian file sharing site.

and yes, i know the text on the intro is an intentional effect. i mean the whole thing.
posted by emptythought at 4:36 PM on January 25, 2016

Quality looked normal to me, check your settings I guess. I watched it in 1080p. It's "bad" in the "film" sense (grain. scratches) but not in the compression sense.
posted by RustyBrooks at 6:42 PM on January 25, 2016

I thought the pixel-y stuff was deliberate. It seemed to indicate that something was going wrong, like it would happen when the two of her were interacting and it was turning creepy instead of sexy. Wasn't it occasionally pixel-y for everybody?

I was certainly disturbed. The description helped, because otherwise I don't know that I would have had a clue what was going on.


Is it that she uses the syringe to go back in time, but using it disfigures her? Or maybe it disfigures her and somehow impregnates her with herself, and that new self destroys her mother-self in an infinite loop? I got that she was making love to her other self and that she ultimately killed her other self, but I wasn't getting how the syringe/disfigurement/swollen belly connected.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 6:45 PM on January 25, 2016

I watched about half of it again (the middle half) and I don't see anything that looks like purposeful digital artifacts (or even really anything egregious even by accident).

I can't really make any sense of it. That's not really a criticism of it, it's very short and surreal. It's possible to take a complete cogent story and cut it down to a short enough series of vignettes that "fit" into the narrative but don't give enough information to extract it out yourself. It's sort of typical of really short stories and films, and something I like about them, the sense of ambiguity.

I doubt I could have come up with a description anything like the OP just from watching it, even multiple times. No way in hell would it ever have occurred to me that time travel was involved.
posted by RustyBrooks at 7:01 PM on January 25, 2016

posted by not_on_display at 8:14 PM on February 9, 2016

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