Happy New Free Thread, MetaFilter ... what do you want from 2024?
January 1, 2024 5:01 AM   Subscribe

'tis 2024 here, there, and everywhere, and welcome to a fresh slab of 365+1 days of calendar. Much will happen during this year, on earth and up in the sky; some sports in France, and the important vote in Sweden, but eventually eyes will turn to the USA to see who emerges victorious. But, sweet dear MeFites, what are your aspirations, hopes, desires, dreams for 2024?
posted by Wordshore (95 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
I am hoping that my sense of smell and taste return after a four year hiatus.
posted by DJZouke at 5:04 AM on January 1 [21 favorites]

For those who remember my vintage Apple II peripheral card project, I had a big weekend with it. I got the v1 version of the PCB functional to the point of working as a video-out system! Which is good, because the VidHD card I had bought when I tooled up for the project died sometime between when I last used it in July and now.

The card has issues with some of the other things I wanted to do with it, so I am hard at work on a v2 design to correct those mistakes. But I succeeded at my original design goal of HDMI-out video, which is pretty fucking awesome given that I started in May having done zero hardware development work since 1999.
posted by notoriety public at 5:15 AM on January 1 [12 favorites]

I want a new job, new love, parts in shows, and not to feel like I am horrible crap in other people's eyes (specifically work) all the time.

That said, my friends were super sweet to me last night, so that really helped.
posted by jenfullmoon at 5:16 AM on January 1 [16 favorites]

I'll be happy just to write the specific "thing" which has been prowling around the back of my head for far too long, now. It's going to take a lot longer than one year, but getting some quality and relevant words down and on paper or screen would be a great start.

Also (by the same artist as the 'sports in France' link), play some good games outside of my usual format and genre.
posted by Wordshore at 5:28 AM on January 1 [8 favorites]

Hoping to complete my 500th life modeling session before the end of the year! Also hoping to get my first song with real commercial potential professionally recorded, and start shopping it around.
posted by ZenMasterThis at 5:31 AM on January 1 [9 favorites]

I want 2024 to be the year I land a literary agent. That relies on things external to me, of course, so I'm hoping to finish the current novel in progress and get it in shape to start querying by year's end, if the book I'm currently querying doesn't work out.

I'd like to post more consistently to the blue in 2024. I'm on a run of posts right now that will eventually end for one reason or another, but I'd like to settle into a sustainable frequency that's more than "once or twice a year."
posted by cupcakeninja at 5:45 AM on January 1 [13 favorites]

There's a bunch of practical things I want to accomplish this year, but more importantly I want to take a lot of bubble baths and hikes, and I want to write more postcards and read more books.
posted by the primroses were over at 5:46 AM on January 1 [14 favorites]

Happy new year, metafilter friends!

My husband has resigned from his job, which has been burning him out. I hope he keeps prioritising his own needs over that of the Western Cape Education Department.

He's actually started playing music again, after an 8 year break, it's so awesome.
posted by Zumbador at 6:10 AM on January 1 [26 favorites]

On a large, global level I want the 'green' revolution to gain even more steam and point a way forward for institutional investors to make more money than with fossil fuels.

On a cellular level I'd like my current, ongoing bout of covid/wicked-ass cold to come to an end because Jesus is this tedious and uncomfortable/very uncomfortable.

I'd like for it be a very boring year. Personally and societally.
posted by From Bklyn at 6:12 AM on January 1 [10 favorites]

I rented a Euphonium last month. (That's the littlest big horn).
I don't think I can justify the price of owning it, but I am committed to honking out sloppy but joyful tunes on it for the next month or two before I send it back to the shop.

Instruments can be shockingly expensive but you can rent all kinds of stuff to try it out, highly recommend!
posted by SaltySalticid at 6:13 AM on January 1 [12 favorites]

Back in July I had my aortic valve replaced for the fifth time since I turned 27. (I am now 66.) The surgeon installed a human homograft valve (along with a section of aorta), which was his only option given the condition of the valve site after undergoing four previous replacements. It’s actually a great valve (very performant) but these typically only last for about 10 years. And there’s currently no surgical (or transcatheter) procedure that would allow the valve to be replaced again given the condition of my heart. So unless there are some new advances in valve replacement (certainly possible), I’m living with the last valve I’m going to get.

Unsurprisingly, I’ve been reflecting a lot on how I’d like to be living for the next decade, how to be take care of my heart, as well as how to best prepare for the inevitable changes I’ll be facing when the valve does fail.
posted by Insert Clever Name Here at 6:18 AM on January 1 [60 favorites]

I hope you don't start the new year off like I did by hitting a patch of black ice and crashing my bike. I'm hoping this isn't an indication of how my year's going to go.

So I guess my hope for 2024 is to remain upright.
posted by tommasz at 6:34 AM on January 1 [17 favorites]

I have worked on myself like crazy for the last 15 years since I quit alcohol. I learnt that there was no situation internal or external that did not merit a drink. I listened and watched and charted the lot, examined them one by one and taught myself new ways of responding to each and everyone of them. I reinvented myself. I am beyond delighted that life afforded me the years and the leisure to do this. My wife and kids are even more happy about it.
I am at peace. Never happier.

Recently, my friends have begun to die. There's a group of ten of us who went to high school together, played football together, and stuck together. We're all in our 70s and cancer is having a field day. Walsall Willy, a very good lad and a classical music obsessive, was planning on seeing the Wolves game against Everton a day or two ago, breathing difficulties and back pain stopped him and triggered a day of hospital tests. Today, he's seeing in the New Year with a cocktail of painkillers and liquid morphine as cancer drills holes in his spine and ribs. He told us all quietly and kindly in a whatsapp earlier today. He's the 4th casualty in 18 months.

Doctor daughter and doctor sister tells me these things always seem to arrive out of the blue 'tho' we've incubated them for decades and it may well be my turn tomorrow. That gets a soul thinking what's next. All of a sudden resolution making got serious. Bloody serious. Global answers are easy; open up more, love more, help more, grow in humility, eschew egotism - and always helpful. But the now the clock is ticking and I'm listening. I need focus. Where specifically and concretely do the global answers point? Who, where, what and how should I love more? Which doors are still shut? Where is my ego most active and recalcitrant? To be honest, I haven't got a clue. But I know sitting with my questions for a day or two will do the trick and I will know what my real job is in 2024. It's exciting. I don't want to be twiddling my thumbs and pissing about while my metaphorical Rome burns down. I'll keep you posted.
posted by dutchrick at 6:50 AM on January 1 [41 favorites]

Aaagh. Sorry - Insert Clever Name Here I completely missed your post and would have worded my own more sensitively had I not. Thank you for your post and wishing you strength and courage as you contemplate the next ten years.
posted by dutchrick at 6:55 AM on January 1 [8 favorites]

A friend asked if I would take the archives of his old Commodore 64 magazine-on-disk (it lasted over 16 years) and make a version that can be downloaded and sold. I've made some progress, because PySimpleGUI is great, but there's a great deal left to do.

It's full of wonders, and I really hope I can do it justice.
posted by JHarris at 6:56 AM on January 1 [11 favorites]

I want good health at long last. After nearly 30 years of Crohn’s Disease, my small intestine ruptured and outright died in 2022. I spent a week in a coma with septic shock, then 45 days in the hospital. I had to learn to walk and move my arms again following the coma of nightmarish dreams from which there was no escape. I was not expected to survive, but I flourished and bounced back. I’m even walking without a cane again. My doctors don’t know why I’m still alive. People don’t survive this.

In the aftermath of that, the drug they had to give me to keep alive caused cancerous tumors to develop, so I started chemo in late 2023. The chemo killed my kidneys, and I write this from a hospital bed where I’ve been since just before Christmas. I had to be brought by ambulance because I was so weak I was unable to move or speak. I had to be carried downstairs on a special tank-treaded chair. My kidneys have recovered and are healthy again after we flushed the dead cancer cells out of them, but my nutritional levels can’t reach normal levels, so they won’t let me go home. I’m just parked here until the doctors figure things out. I’ll likely need some form of home care IV and TPN when I do get out. They are amazed I recovered so quickly and so much. Kidneys aren’t supposed to recover from only 7% functionality.

For 2024, I just want all of this behind me and to get back to my life. I’m only 42. I still have a lot I want to do. My wife has been an amazing caregiver, and we knew when we got married that things could potentially be bad when it comes to my health, but nobody expected this bad.

A friend says my superpower is coming back from death, and I’ve had seven near-death experiences over the years that people usually don’t survive. I’m starting to think he’s right. My surgeon has described my case as “multiple lifetimes of traumas”. After each incident I change my appearance, such as facial hair or clothing style, because I feel like I come out of these things a slightly different person. Come to think of it, I may be a Time Lord.

So yes, better health for 2024 please. Or a TARDIS. I’d accept that too.
posted by Servo5678 at 6:57 AM on January 1 [75 favorites]

I'm rooting for you Servo5678!
posted by JHarris at 6:59 AM on January 1 [13 favorites]

I'm rooting for everyone facing health challenges. There's been more and more of that over the past few years in my family and social/work worlds. It's people getting older and then things that used to be trivial turn out to be serious, or things that they didn't even know were a possibility suddenly show up. It's scary and sobering.
posted by Dip Flash at 7:07 AM on January 1 [12 favorites]

Previously: Have a Theme, Trick Your Brain

My theme is going to be "The year of calm."
I don't expect to avoid the chaos and disruption of a slowly collapsing society, but I hope to learn to respond in the least destructive manner possible (therapy, mindfulness, breathing, acceptance) while supporting those around me.
posted by mecran01 at 7:16 AM on January 1 [6 favorites]

Listen more to the quiet. And the music of the spheres.Practice some mild meditation.Cook some more fancy things, not just the practical stuff.
posted by Czjewel at 7:18 AM on January 1 [7 favorites]

Saltysalticid...I haven't seen or heard the word euphonium in 30 years. Last night I watched "The Music Man"...The song 76 Trombones mentions it. And now you bring it up....
posted by Czjewel at 7:22 AM on January 1 [5 favorites]

I want to organize: my photos, my figure displays, and whatever else.

Also, continue with the model kits. I can feel myself getting better at them with each one I put together. Currently have a Gunpla in progress, then it's break time until it's warm enough to safely use materials like cement and topcoat (outside, or with the windows open).

Today is the first sunny and mostly clear day in at least a week, so I'm taking that as a good sign. Don't let me down, 2024.
posted by May Kasahara at 7:35 AM on January 1 [6 favorites]

In 2024, I have the following personal goals:

1. Successfully run a marathon in late spring, ideally under 3:30 (although that's a secondary goal, the 42.2 has a way of humbling people). I took myself from jogging around the block in 2020 to multiple half marathons last year and running 65/km a week, but a full is a different beast - so I bit the bullet and got a coach to make sure I train effectively. Yesterday I did a 26km long run with the last 4K at marathon pace, my longest ever. It's unreal that my body and mind have become capable of that, in my early forties. I am not quite as energetic as I was when I was younger, but I feel I've traded that off by not being so hard on myself and risking over training.

2. Read the entire Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, all 3700 pages. One bite at a time...but what a wonderfully written book that is.

3. Tell more people I love them and care for them, and be more selfless. Be thankful for the gift of life and for the privilege of living in a world with such beauty, both natural and human made. Junk any bitterness, despair, and anger in me.
posted by fortitude25 at 7:37 AM on January 1 [16 favorites]

I hope Trump doesn’t win, and in case he’s somehow not on the ballot, I hope the Republicans don’t win. I hope that the Israeli government and Hamas wipe each other out and leave the civilians alone, and the same for Russia.

There’s more, but that’s a start.
posted by MexicanYenta at 7:38 AM on January 1 [22 favorites]

(@dutchrick Please, nothing to apologize about. And thanks for your sharing and the good wishes. Hoping you find the clarity you're looking for.)
posted by Insert Clever Name Here at 7:39 AM on January 1 [6 favorites]

(Best wishes to you Servo5678! And just 'wow')
posted by Insert Clever Name Here at 7:41 AM on January 1 [8 favorites]

I'm off to a wake in a few minutes - the 40-something brother of an ace student of mine. I hope that's the last for 2024. Last week I wrote a letter; on paper; with a stamp; to a mentor of mine on a different continent. He taught me a) how to cook a cheese toastie on a lab hot-plate [hint: tin-foil] b) why you shd wear a jacket and tie for job interviews c) a most improper joke about sumo wrestlers. I've passed that wisdom on for - checks - 40 years and wanted to give credit where it's due. I hope to dash off a few more such letters in 2024.
posted by BobTheScientist at 7:50 AM on January 1 [13 favorites]

For the world... less bad news please, and that the crises of the last few years find some positive resolution. Or at least, end.

For myself and Mrs C - continued health, get outside more, especially on bikes and on the water, and to take every opportunity presented to celebrate life with friends.

Personally - to face my few little challenges head-on, so I'm wasting as little time as possible on them. To be a better friend. To give back more to our community.

To those of you overcoming real challenges - may you be rewarded with health and happiness.
posted by Artful Codger at 7:53 AM on January 1 [8 favorites]

I lost 30 pounds last year and hope to lose 30 more this year.
posted by SPrintF at 7:53 AM on January 1 [14 favorites]

I am making it my business to eat food from as many different countries or regions of the world as I can get in my metro area in 2024. A preliminary rough count gave me 36 distinct cuisines represented, and I will add any new ones I find as this progresses.

BobTheScientist, you can’t hint at a dirty joke about sumo wrestlers like that and not share.
posted by ActionPopulated at 7:59 AM on January 1 [6 favorites]

I also hope to query a novel this year, if I can get over the aniticipatory fear of rejection that's ground my attempts at publishing anything to a halt for the past few years. I just finished writing (apart from the epilogue) a long piece of fiction that I began on 01/01/2023, which is pleasing in its circularity, if not in how much longer this one took to get out than the last one. Willingness to work on fiction in the evenings, and to put aside having a life for a while, is the difference between completing a novel-length project in under 60 days (as I managed in 2022) and taking an entire year to write something of the same length (which was how it went in 2023).

Every time the voice in my head telling me I achieved nothing this year pipes up, I remind us that we've written two novels since July 2022, gone vegan and had top surgery in 2023. It wasn't a great year career- or mental health-wise, but I did not achieve nothing no matter how much a certain part of my brain wants me to believe that.
posted by terretu at 8:20 AM on January 1 [19 favorites]

I look forward to my retirement in six weeks. After 46 years of working continuously, I’m looking forward to doing all the things I had placed on hold: unread books; unwatched movies, TV shows, and anime series; art and photography projects; computer cleanup and archiving – as well as decluttering and reorganizing the entire house. I expect to blow up and reassemble my daily / weekly / monthly routines – and I can’t wait to get started.
posted by LovelyAngel at 8:29 AM on January 1 [19 favorites]


Totally forgot to share my own plans.

I'm going to publish my latest book, "Ray and the Stone Cold Axe Woman" soon (it's at the proofreader right now), and bring out print versions of "Ray and the Cat Thing" and "We Broke The Moon".

Then I'm going to write a sequel to "We Broke The Moon" as well as a totally new book that's going to have some of the narrative as words, and some only as drawings.

I've started teaching myself to play the drums as well as the base guitar, so I hope I can keep that up.

And I've been swimming at least once a week, in the lake up in Silvermine, or in the sea, and I hope I can keep that up as well.

I hope I can learn to manage my extremely severe anxiety that's been kicking my ass. All these things, writing, drawing, music and swimming are helping a lot.
posted by Zumbador at 8:36 AM on January 1 [18 favorites]

Wishing better health to all those who have so much going on this year.

I sprained my foot right before Christmas so have mostly been spending the holidays babying it. I'm hoping expensive orthotics that are on order from the podiatrist I saw Thursday may help me stop hurting my feet (which seems to have been the theme of my 2023 ... sigh) so I can actually walk safely and with less pain enough to do some of the things I would like to do in 2024. In-laws moved to Santa Fe right at the start of the pandemic and we have yet to visit due to either things going on with us or things going on with them ... maybe this will finally be the year?

Currently I'm nostalgia streaming some of the Philadelphia (PA) Mummer's parade (this year is the 124th). You can catch a bit here (this link has a little bit of background on the parade) or here. (There have been some major problems with it in past years, which I really hope have been dealt with for good.)

In my holiday internet meandering I did come across a Chinese poetry substack, which is rather interesting.

Finally, a poem:

“Good Riddance, But Now What?”
by Ogden Nash

Come, children, gather round my knee;
Something is about to be.
Tonight’s December Thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
The clock is crouching, dark and small,
Like a time bomb in the hall.
Hark! It’s midnight, children dear.
Duck! Here comes another year.
posted by gudrun at 8:48 AM on January 1 [16 favorites]

For the world, I'm hoping we collectively grasp the climate crisis and take serious action. That then leads us to rethink our political economy.
posted by doctornemo at 8:57 AM on January 1 [9 favorites]

For myself... 2023 was a bad year. My father died. My wife suffered two heart attacks. To take care of medical bills (this is the US) I spent 6 months doing brutal overwork, 70+hour weeks.

So for 2024?
I want my wife to live and be healthy.

I want my work to be focused so that's it's excellent and doesn't kill me.
posted by doctornemo at 8:59 AM on January 1 [23 favorites]

I want my cancer to go away. Surgery on the 18th has a 70% chance of getting it if nothing changes before then, but I have one more scary test. If that's ok I won't exactly relax (30% chance of chemo and/or radiation is still no fun) but I'll do less contemplating of how to arrange things before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

Survival is the goal; everything else comes after that.
posted by gentlyepigrams at 9:04 AM on January 1 [21 favorites]

I want my wife to be happy and healthy. She's got rheumatoid arthritis and it's been hard on her, except for the past couple of weeks when she's been on prednisone (which can't be taken long-term).

Our 20th anniversary is coming up and we're planning on some kind of vacation to celebrate.

My parents are moving to town in a couple of months, so I'm hoping that all goes smoothly and they're happy here.

Personally I had a pretty decent year for the most part and would like to keep that up. Anxiety and depression mostly stayed away and I'm pleased with my creative output.

I want to see Trump and his cronies utterly humiliated and behind bars, and his supporters all slink back under whatever rocks they crawled out from under.

I want to see DeSantis's career utterly tank, my old home state become less of an embarrassing, backwards hellhole, and a lot more positive news in 2024 where it comes to trans rights.
posted by Foosnark at 9:06 AM on January 1 [16 favorites]

I have seven finished, unpublished novels. Two of them are actually pretty good: a murder mystery involving a kid who really did fall down the stairs, and a YA fantasy about swashbuckling gunpowder/sailing naval officers in a matriarchal world. I absolutely suck at and loathe self-promotion, that weird semi-psychotic drive to make other people look at your stuff, but this is the year I'm going to make myself do it, and constantly query these works and do the social media I can't stand and try to get an agent and/or publisher for at least one of them.
posted by outgrown_hobnail at 9:22 AM on January 1 [11 favorites]

I have been ignoring the US election as much as possible, but I'm in Maine, where the Sec. State just declined to certify a notorious candidate to be on the ballot. But now it's 2024, time get planning for the campaigns. My local Dems are all talk and no action, and I'm trying to shake them up. There will be door-knocking, phone calls, letters.

Others have mentioned health issues; I'll hold you in the light for health this year. It's a crappy thing about getting older, having your body lose capacity. I have health issues that are keeping me from having fun, a classic geezer thing.

Let's all take a pledge to make great posts this year, throw a little money at the MeFi Conglomerate of Sites.
posted by theora55 at 9:32 AM on January 1 [15 favorites]

In 2024, I'm hoping that my partner will be able to get a job as a programmer and I'll be able to set myself up as a freelance indexer and proofreader, and that this will be the year we leave the commune we've been living at for the past decade-plus and start living on our own. I realllllly want my own kitchen.
posted by chantenay at 9:34 AM on January 1 [10 favorites]

As I get older and closer to death (whenever that may be - not likely tomorrow, but maybe not 10 years from now either) I find myself less inclined to make resolutions or plan to "work on myself". I know better than to think I'll suddenly change my spots due to the turnover of an arbitrary manmade unit of time.

I don't even know what I want from the next year. I'm 63, and grateful for the lack of any significant physical/medical issues (and heartfelt sympathies to all who are dealing with such!), so I suppose that as long as I'm upright and a contributing member of society, I'd like to continue that state of affairs for another year at least. And I wouldn't mind finding a partner to share the remaining bit of my life with, that'd be nice.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:10 AM on January 1 [18 favorites]

Best wishes to all with health issues.

My wish is that DeSantis ignores my little state college after he comes back to Florida with his tail between his legs. We have had enrollment issues over the last 5 to 6 years for various reasons. Things might be turning around. I hope we survive 6 more years till I can retire.
posted by wittgenstein at 10:29 AM on January 1 [9 favorites]

There's a thing I'm not going to name because I don't want to jinx it and I'm really close so I'll just say "yeah, that thing."

In another thread about tarot, I mentioned that I have a special affinity for the Empress card (it's where I got half my handle) - it's all about appreciating and letting yourself have the smaller, simpler pleasures that are in abundance. And I don't mean things like importing the wagyu beef for every meal - I mean, like, go for real maple syrup instead of Mrs. Butterworths, or celebrating the first really good strawberries when they're first in the farmer's market in spring, or stopping to watch a sunset or finding a hand lotion with a smell you REALLY like so you can secretly and periodically sniff your hands to perk yourself up, or you make a playlist for when you want to dance in the living room in your underwear and then you actually DO that. I try to be more Empress-Like a little each year, but this past year took a big step forward (especially since I've rediscovered local libraries - holy crap the one in my neighborhood rocks). So I want to keep on that momentum.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 11:14 AM on January 1 [14 favorites]

Actually, going out to a nearby bar for New Year's Eve was part of that Empress Mode; there's an Irish pub 3 blocks away I'd been meaning to check out, and I thought that'd be a dressed-down option. And they were doing really well until midnight - but then after pouring everyone champagne, the 3 bartenders decided it'd be fun to spray everyone at the bar with bottles of champagne at midnight and I got hosed.

I wanted to drink champagne, not wear it. I left immediately after that, damp and cranky, and started soaking the black-eyed peas for lunch today before going to bed. (I'm eating the Hoppin' John from said peas and I'm feeling much better now.)
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 11:18 AM on January 1 [7 favorites]

holiday theme: so.much.cheese.

Mr Supermedusa & I made lasagna yesterday. ricotta spinach. so.much.cheese. (that was after the cheesy polenta the night before (with the triple cream brie app) and then more cheesy polenta for brekkie). it came out great but oof thats a lotta work!

I do not make resolutions but I do have things I want to focus on it coming months:
get back on the regular workout horse
study Spanish everyday!
work on The Book, which is going really well and my readers have been very enthusiastic and encouraging, which is just so incredibly awesome.
I want to try to get out on some hikes more, like maybe once a month.

I too have had a year of random health issues, although nowhere near so bad as many others here. (best best best of wishes for you all, and your families, who are facing the big bad scary stuff). I'm trying to be grateful on the balance, my stuff is all treatable and I am not disabled, although pain does impact the mood sometimes...

Happy New Year!! I hope you all thrive and find joy. I hope all republicants find a deep hole.
posted by supermedusa at 11:19 AM on January 1 [4 favorites]

Yeah, health stuff sucks. Having spent nearly a month in the hospital this time last year, and then dealing with the surgeries, and the colostomy bag and all that entailed, and the hernia from said colostomy, and oh yeah, the blood clots in my leg and lungs...

So, less of that horrible shit 2024.

TFG going to jail would be nice, but, I'll take him not winning.
Other than that, it's too early in the year to be making grandiose plans. May you all make it through another trip around the sun, and be posting in this type of thread next year!

Metafilter: so.much.cheese
posted by Windopaene at 11:44 AM on January 1 [8 favorites]

I have developed a new years’ tradition of resolving to watch the sunrise on Jan. 1st, which is a) a lovely way to start the new year (and even better when I can go back to sleep afterwards like I did today), and b) a highly attainable goal that allows me to keep my resolution with several hours of the start of the new year. I’m all about highly attainable goals. Outside of that, I am helping to organize a faculty and staff for justice in Palestine at my workplace, so I plan to continue organizing with them and calling my reps to demand a ceasefire. I have a big personal/health goal that I’ve been moving towards and will continue that into 2024. I’d also like to spend less time working and more time exercising, seeing friends, hiking, and laughing in 2024.
posted by sleepingwithcats at 12:19 PM on January 1 [5 favorites]

I’m going to keep on my exercise train so I can look at surgeries this year. I just got an appointment with an endocrinologist so I can get someone to look at my hormones and tell me how best I can work to fix them. Also decide how far I want to transition.

Also going to keep writing, maybe try to publish my first novel, see about a new job, and then, Bob willing, move to a larger place.

2023 was a yeah of working to reconcile and improve things with my wife, so 2024 is going to be a yeah to work to reconcile and improve things with me.

That said, this is the year I may hear one or both of my parents are hospitalized or dead, but, you know, they haven’t spoken or reached out to me at all since I came out, so I expect it to be second-hand at best.
posted by mephron at 1:14 PM on January 1 [4 favorites]

Sending good vibes and internet hugs to everyone struggling with health issues.

I have a few of my own health issues right now and I’m hoping that the in the next month or so I’ll finally get some answers and that the answers are not too scary. I still have trouble believing that despite the plentifully available evidence - that’s a grandchild bouncing around the living room; my hair is naturally white, not bleached to a fare thee well - I’m getting old. It seems I cannot just be raucous anymore nor can I eat all the cheese. I should be exercising, god. So anyway, here come the scary health tests.

But enough of all that lofty resolution stuff. In 2024, I need money. I guess a job is the best way to accomplish that but hitting the lottery would also be extremely okay. In fantastic news, the state of Oregon decided that I was indeed in a hostile work environment and I am getting unemployment. I didn’t even have to appeal. So the dire need for money is slightly less, but still. Money, money, money.

If I had a million dollars I could buy a triplex and house the whole family. I am tired to death of living in a 1400 square foot house with all these people. Even though the non family members have been yeeted (thank the gods) it’s still too much and I want my glorious solitude back. But I am also grateful that we do have this (leaking) roof over our heads and are eating pie even as I type. Happy new year, metafilter! I hope it is a better one than 2023 for everyone.
posted by mygothlaundry at 2:10 PM on January 1 [14 favorites]

If I had a million dollars I could buy a triplex and house the whole family.

Wasn't expecting a Barenaked Ladies song this early in the year, but here we are and now we have to live with it.
posted by hippybear at 2:20 PM on January 1 [5 favorites]

"Happy Birthday!"


predictions -2024.

metafilter will transition (change) and grow.

The war in Europe will likely result in a ceasefire.

China's belt and road will stay on schedule and thier GDP will near reach record highs.

war in the middle east will not break out into a global conflagration.

Donald Trump will not be elected president if, if the Democrats can successfully convey a better economy and a more peaceful attitude militarily even though America will sell weapons worldwide at a near record rate. and, and if President Joe can bring in a really bright new staff like Kennedy did and then kind of sit back and more be presidential.

A strong third party might arise compromised of degaussed republicans and disaffected democrats with a loose platform of green power and green money power. With a hand Shakey, ya know, pragmatic approach diplomatically and militarily.

posted by clavdivs at 2:31 PM on January 1 [4 favorites]

Saltysalticid, that's the second time I've come across "euphonium" today. Old friends dropped by unexpectedly, and the husband is a keen multi-instrumentalist, having just added the aforementioned euphonium to trombone, double bass and piano. I bet their neighbours are well pleased.

On a sadder note, my 94-year old mother departed this life early today, slipping away peacefully after a steady physical and mental decline over the past year. So tomorrow I'll begin the now familiar tasks, arranging all those things that have to be arranged in order to bring a life to a tidy close.
posted by 43rdAnd9th at 2:35 PM on January 1 [16 favorites]

Happy New Year, and good health to all

This year will bring changes. I work two jobs, and one will certainly end soon, because it has a time limit. The other is developing in ways I don't really enjoy. I suspect it's becoming a dead-end for me, I don't know. But it's funny, if someone had asked me 5 years ago, I'd have said that I can't wait to retire. Now, not so much. I have ideas, and I have begun to enjoy working again. A year from now, I will be in a different place, hopefully a good one.
Where should I go? I don't have all the options I had at 30, but maybe there were too many back then.
Whatever I end up doing, I'd really like to get back to drawing, preferably in a professional setting rather than as a hobby. For some reason, I don't get it done when it's a hobby. I can spend hours on cooking and developing techniques and recipes, so it's not that I can't have hobbies. It seems that there is something about drawing and my trauma, and I (with the therapist) haven't figured out what it is yet.

So many here have manuscripts developing, and so do I. But I am not setting any goals just yet, they just stress me out. I feel the most important goal is to get back to life, after more than 20 years where something I couldn't at first explain gradually developed into full-blown PTSD. If I can feel happiness just once again like I used to, that would be amazing. I miss the happiness most.
posted by mumimor at 2:35 PM on January 1 [9 favorites]

About the world: I have lots of wishes for the world. But one of the things that gives me energy and hope is doing something.. I do what I can, where I am. And I feel that if I think too much about the things I can't do anything about, like Trump, or the wars, I go into a negative spiral.

I focus on societal change, trying to see the big challenges we face on a global level as opportunities for improvement. And I am genuinely positive. I'm a crunchy person who has worried about the environment since the 1970s, when I was a teenager. I feel that finally now, a significant number of politicians are listening. That is much better than during the 00s, where I felt all hope was being burnt off in a permanent consumerist and military-industrial frenzy. (that 2000 US presidential election was really the worst sliding doors event ever).
posted by mumimor at 2:48 PM on January 1 [6 favorites]

Sorry to hear, to hear 43rdAnd9th. Parental death is always hard to deal with, even when, probably a good thing, re, mental decline. 94 is a pretty good run though, (not going to make that, but). Also, talk to a lawyer ASAP. Get all those details under control. (Nearly died last year, and all of our shit was fucked up, and Ms. Windo would have been in total limbo. Talk to an attorney!)
posted by Windopaene at 4:28 PM on January 1 [3 favorites]

want to go home

work on my projects

repair whats left of body if poss

but none of this will come to pass of course
posted by Rev. Irreverent Revenant at 7:39 PM on January 1 [2 favorites]

I want my mom to get better and get out of the hospital
posted by Ray Walston, Luck Dragon at 8:31 PM on January 1 [6 favorites]

Having finally succeeded at outliving Kissinger, I'm switching to outliving Murdoch.
posted by flabdablet at 11:36 PM on January 1 [11 favorites]

The Sweet Baboo and I now have a New Years Eve tradition after 42 years of marriage (43 in a couple of weeks) -- cuddle on the sofa under some blankets and drink hot cocoa and watch B-level horror movies as the clock ticks toward midnight.
Megalodons! Cave monsters! The moon is going to strike the earth, oh no!
We could do without losing electricity to half of the house, though. Bummer.

Now the heat is back on (sorta), the corner bedroom is painted (which is why we were at Lowe's when the lights went out), and plans to redo the master bedroom next are moving forward.
Free community trash removal day is coming up, so we need to get the drywall, lumber and other construction debris torn out. But that means finding more places to store books.
Sigh. I have a lot of books.

But after 38 years, the corner bedroom is looking fantastic. It needs some details. We removed the carpet and the flocking on the ceiling (we kept the ceiling drywall). Now it sounds like an auditorium. And under warm white led lights the ceiling and walls match (seriously, I agonized over that color!) But it's getting there.
It will be our bedroom while the other two are remodeled. It's gonna be a productive winter.

Resolutions? No one gets hurt. No more weird discoveries under 1980s drywall. And that we qualify for the funding that helps pay for the minisplit to heat and cool our home.
On a broader note, that health, wealth and happiness comes to all, and that we can all take a moment to appreciate the little things.

Time is fleeting. Cherish the ones you love.
And always keep chocolate nearby.
posted by TrishaU at 2:13 AM on January 2 [9 favorites]

Win the Powerball - but the universe does remind you that you can't always get what you want.
posted by rough ashlar at 2:24 AM on January 2 [3 favorites]

but the universe does remind you that you can't always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes, you just might find...
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:14 AM on January 2 [3 favorites]

Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday this year!
posted by srboisvert at 6:35 AM on January 2 [13 favorites]

I would just like to figure out who sent me a giftwrapped book with no other information.
posted by JanetLand at 8:25 AM on January 2 [5 favorites]

I'd like 2024 to be like 12/31/23 and 1/1/24

-spending time eating good food and watching great movies with Ms. Gorgik
-taking care of my physical health
-spending time with friends
-doing advocacy work with other highly motivated volunteers
-those will all help with 5) taking care of my mental health
posted by Gorgik at 9:09 AM on January 2 [4 favorites]

I got great news to start the new year! I've got a hernia!

No, seriously, it's great news. Because if it wasn't a hernia, it would have been something that they just couldn't treat and then we'd be into the whole pain management thing. But since it's a hernia, it may be operable, which means the other issues that might be going on might get fixed, so... yay!

(And seriously, shout out to my awesome radiology tech from this morning, who was astonishingly thorough and determined; it can't be easy to find anything in that mess anymore, but he went after it with a will. When he quietly said, "Found it" I just about wept.)

If this happens this will be my fourth hernia surgery on this area, my ninth overall.

Which, on top of badly-controlled Crohn's disease, has been a lot.

So this year I'm hoping to make it through another surgery to a land of health and pain-free happiness beyond it. With rainbows and chirping birds and fluffy bunnies and kitties and puppies and who knows maybe I'll even be able to get a job and avoid homelessness.

Happy 2024.
posted by MrVisible at 11:17 AM on January 2 [13 favorites]

Put on the new Chicken Run movie tonight to watch and our boy cat was VERY INTERESTED in watching the screen. Like, I've used "cat television" YouTube videos for him before, but i'd not seen him get lost in a movie for people before.

Just an interesting data point. Try it on your cats!
posted by hippybear at 5:59 PM on January 2 [8 favorites]

Okay, so a while back I mentioned that I was doing microdosing of psilocybin in an attempt to try to Be More Well, and I think the main effect it's had for me has been to help me break even very slightly out of my stasis.

Like, 3 weeks after I started microdosing, I decided to quit smoking after over a decade, and it has stuck. I've gotten health insurance after a long while of not having any and am moving forward with the horror of the health care maze once again. I'd been avoiding this because I've stalled out before so many times but I'm feeling good about things this time.

Heck, I went through two boxes of stuff I haven't opened since we moved to this house 20 years ago and sorted it out and disposed of most of the contents!

Anyway, that's my update. I think it's giving me a bit more umption in my gumption. I plan on keeping at it for a while, because even if that's not the reason why I'm moving forward with things, it isn't hurting and I have all these capsules here.
posted by hippybear at 10:39 AM on January 3 [7 favorites]

What dose are you using, and how far short of what would bring on a tripping state for you is that?
posted by flabdablet at 10:45 AM on January 3 [1 favorite]

I'm doing 0.1 - 0.15g every 3 days. An active dose for these shrooms is 2g. So it is very very far from even being noticeable, let alone tripping.
posted by hippybear at 10:46 AM on January 3 [1 favorite]

I'm glad to hear it, hippybear! May your new-found momentum endure.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:47 AM on January 3

Auditioned for Fiddler last night. Mine went well, I was a little thrown by the piano sounding different than I'm used to, but I made it through my big long note without running out of air, so YAY on that. Not that it matters, anyway.

I didn't put down any part I "wanted" (this is a joke for me) and left that box blank on the form. This is because every time I've written down parts to be considered for, I was straight up not considered for/allowed to read for them, so why bother. The best results I got was writing down "warm body or dead body" for Christmas Carol (the joke is that you play ghosts in one scene). Like technically I'd say "consider me for anything" if there was a point in saying anything because I'm not against playing any of the older women/character bit parts if offered one, but I know darned well they're not going to?

Writing down what part you want is generally intended for the people who are all, "I want Tevye or NOTHING!" and is more of a lead actor thing. They spell out here, "let us know if you would or wouldn't take ensemble, if you only want a part and not ensemble, you may not get in."

Then I started to wonder about this because I was sitting with two friends who do ensemble only. One of them was just sent home after the singing and the other one wrote down "ensemble" for hers because she doesn't want parts and the director was all, "you're just here to watch" to her, and then she said to me, "she just has people read who said they want roles." Then everyone else but me and her got parts to read and I felt super weird.

I was finally randomly allowed to read for Golde about halfway through, surprise. I thought I did a good job on it and suddenly I busted out with comedic voice, but...I know how that's going to go, a lot of older women auditioning for this one, etc.

Oh well, I know what my place is in this world, and since I'll probably be getting fired/having another mental breakdown during the run of the show, not having a part is all for the best.
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:36 AM on January 3 [2 favorites]

My own show is scheduled to start rehearsals again tonight after a 2-week holiday break; it's also our last week before we open on the 11th. So - of course today is also the day that one of our producers comes down with the flu and one of our cast also says she feels a cold coming on.

And of course the director is in the middle of teaching a class and hasn't checked her email.

I've texted her to alert her and ask "so....yo, are we still going to bring everyone else into rehearsal or what?" In the meantime I'm still prepping for things - making sure my paperwork is in order, getting my bag packed and getting a bento together to bring for my dinner break.

Jenfulmoon - you reminded me of a moment from when I was auditioning for Golde in my high school's Fiddler production. They were holding auditions at a time when I was also appearing in a community theater kids' show about St. Patricks' Day; the St. Patrick's Day show would be wrapped up the day before we started rehearsals for Fiddler.

Anyway - I got up and was going through the scene with Golde and Yente in Act I. At some point, as I was talking, I suddenly noticed the girl reading for Golde was looking at me a little funny. I still kept talking, furtively glancing offstage - where I saw everyone else looking at me funny. Then I glanced out into the theater - where everyone ELSE was looking at me funny.

I'd still been talking during that whole time. And I finally listened to myself speaking - and that's when I finally realized that I had lapsed into an Irish accent throughout the whole scene.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 12:51 PM on January 3 [7 favorites]

Ugh - RFK just made it onto the Presidential Ballot here in Utah. And a neighbor a few houses up the road has a Kennedy 2024 sign up. I wish for non-crazy, boring, politics again.
posted by inflatablekiwi at 2:39 PM on January 3 [2 favorites]

Sending all my fellow chronically and acutely ill Mefites good wishes for a healthier or at least an easy year. Hang in there, folks.
posted by gentlyepigrams at 4:07 PM on January 3 [4 favorites]

Good and/or improved health to all and all you love. :)

I want to get my first sale on my scrappy upstart version of Etsy. I also want to write more.

Got a bonus day off this week, which means today has been catching up with emails. (I'm a Gal Friday for a small company that makes eco-friendly products.) Decided to switch to recording sample requests via OneNote instead of on paper. I started doing that already for the outbound shipments I manage, and it's much more efficient to alt-tab my way to the app to check and update the data. :)

And I need to alt-tab myself back to Excel so I can finish up the last task before I go home. :)
posted by luckynerd at 4:53 PM on January 3 [2 favorites]

that's when I finally realized that I had lapsed into an Irish accent throughout the whole scene

omg the turning up at school and suddenly realizing the pants are missing dream irl
posted by flabdablet at 9:33 PM on January 3 [3 favorites]

At the end of the day it is up to you to become obsessed and hack on your rizz as your side-hustle so you can be less cringeworthy and instead impact, slay and become iconic. Wait for it...1
posted by srboisvert at 8:22 AM on January 4

Ugh - RFK just made it onto the Presidential Ballot here in Utah. And a neighbor a few houses up the road has a Kennedy 2024 sign up. I wish for non-crazy, boring, politics again.

I'd be so tempted to make lots of virus signs and put them all over lawn in the middle of the night.
posted by srboisvert at 8:25 AM on January 4 [3 favorites]

You'd want just a few the first night, then suddenly masses of them on the next.
posted by flabdablet at 10:16 AM on January 4 [5 favorites]

I got a callback!!!! *faints*

I think most people got called back on this one and I continue to have low expectations, but I'm so flattered!
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:10 AM on January 4 [8 favorites]

My medical quest is over. They refused to diagnose me and punted it, and the paperwork I need to be signed off on is lost in the mail, nobody saved or scanned a copy, nor will anyone else sign off on it or redo a copy. The next time I can see a medical professional who COULD help is two days after my deadline.

I'm doomed. I am out of ways to save myself. I tried so hard and in the end, it doesn't even matter.
posted by jenfullmoon at 6:42 PM on January 4 [3 favorites]

jennfullmoon: Is there anything in your medical sphere called anything similar to "care coordinator" you might be able to contact for help?

I've tried and failed twice at the health care thing so far, and this time it is the first thing I've looked for. I'm not good at this game, but rumors they exist and could help me. Maybe one exists for you, too.
posted by hippybear at 7:50 PM on January 4 [1 favorite]

That title has not been brought up to me, but at this point I am out of people willing to help until I have my appointment on the 17th. Heard back from the guy who signed the form and he said, "it's in the mail!" And that's it. SIGH.

Had the callbacks tonight, I sang for three parts but got dismissed early and didn't get to read aloud. Eh...that's fine, at least I got a callback for once. This is already a lot better than I expected for the likes of me.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:57 PM on January 4 [4 favorites]

Our holiday travel is over. Final tally: 15 days; five cities in five countries; 200k+ steps; 14 Christmas markets; 18 Hungarian/Romanian/Czech Blu Rays/DVDs added to collection. About to fly home through Reykjavik. I had joked early in the trip that if the volcano went off and delayed my connection and I got to see Iceland too, that would be terrific. But now, I'm tired and would really like to go home and see my dog.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 1:51 AM on January 5 [8 favorites]

Greetings from the other side of holiday travel in which I managed to 95% unplug for 10 days. We rented a flat in the 18th which was a 20 minute walk to the flea market in one direction, a 20 minute walk (all uphill) to Sacré-Cœur in the other direction and less than 10 minutes to 2 metro tops. Our son saw Paris for the first time and scored some exotic Pokemon cards, I got to spend an entire day tramping around the city eating all sorts of delicious breads and pastries for all of my meals and OH MY GODS the Christmas market we went to was just fabulous. We had SO MUCH FUN.

The worst part was the flight over, as I somehow managed to hit a trifecta of rough flight/migraine/food poisoning and things got very gnarly from landing to baggage claim.

I am in a 4 day PTO “deficit” to start the New Year (due to accrual rules), which already achieves the goal of taking more time off throughout the year and not spend it all in December. My other goal is to get back into a lifting + rowing routine.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:18 AM on January 5 [4 favorites]

i am so god-damn close to the thing i want that i am not even going to tell all y'all about it yet because i don't want to jinx it but please everyone cross fingers and shit
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:41 PM on January 5 [9 favorites]

EC, sending my...
posted by Greg_Ace at 6:47 PM on January 5 [1 favorite]

i am so god-damn close to the thing i want that i am not even going to tell all y'all about it yet because i don't want to jinx it but please everyone cross fingers and shit

I can't be alone in both wishing you success, and also dying to know what the thing is. Fingers crossed for good news!
posted by Dip Flash at 7:26 PM on January 5 [3 favorites]

Thanks for the support everyone, I will divulge all in due time

In the meantime - I have the next two days off from rehearsals, and then Tuesday I hit the ground running with a 12-hour day and then we have our final dress and then we open. It's also rainy and icky outside today here in NYC. So I've already planned to spend most of the day with food - cooking and advance meal prep.

* I still have half the package of the black-eyed peas Rancho Gordo sends us every year, so I'm cooking them up to use as ingredients in other things later in the week (once you've got the beans cooked you can throw something together with them way quicker). Tonight's dinner will actually use some cooked beans - this amazing-sounding African stew with the beans, and with peanuts and tomato. I'm also throwing in some sweet potato and spinach to boost the complete-meal-in-one-bowl factor.

* I'm also leaning heavily into Japanese food this month - I tend to be drawn to a different Asian cuisine each year after the holidays, maybe to counter all the cheese-and-dairy richness from December. This year my brother's family gave me a pan for making tamagoyoki - those Japanese rolled-up omelettes - and that sent me diving into the Japanese cookbooks, particularly bento-prep ones. So I'm going to be making a bunch of fridge-stable Japanese things, and also pre-cooking some single ingredients, so I have them all as options for either "it's 7 am and I need to throw a bento box together for my lunch break today" or "it's 10 pm, I just got home and can only eat what I can pile onto a plate and microwave". I'm even precooking some rice and divvying that up amongst different containers so I can even go the "throw a bunch of stuff on rice and heat it" route.

* My brother's family also gave me a couple of cookbooks I'd seen at the library and coveted - one is all about reducing food waste, and has ideas for creatively using random ingredients. There's a muffin recipe I've already made from it that is perfect for slightly-tired apples, and I have one and will be making a batch up for grab-and-go breakfasts. The other is the "sequel" to a cookbook I already had and loved - "Snacking Cakes" is the original, and is all a bunch of really simple modest cakes that are perfect for "it's just hanging around the house for you to whack a slice off of and you're done with it after a week so it doesn't go bad." The sequel "Snacking Bakes" also expands into cookies, and there's a couple of the chocolate cookies I've made and already eaten through; I may restock there. There's also a wonderful-sounding chocolate-banana cake with a mocha glaze that I'll be making as well.

....All that oughta hold me through tech week.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:00 AM on January 7 [1 favorite]

....And now that I'm winding down from cooking, I have another observation:

So, in early 2003, I was one of two stage managers for a show in the basement of this space on Bleeker Street in NYC. It was an ensemble cast, and a dark-as-fuck satire about race relations. So the director really tried to keep the casts' spirits up because we were dealing with such dark material, so we all kinda bonded; in one case, this tall dude named Colman especially bonded with me, because at one point he played a dude trying to find his friend in a crowd, wandering around just randomly shouting his friend's name. And by coincidence, that name in the script was my OWN name. Sometimes in rehearsal, as we did that scene, he would wander around shouting that name and sometimes would wander over and shout it directly into my face. ...But it was teasing born of cameraderie; on another occasion, when the cast decided to have a dance party before one performance, he saw I was still puttering around getting the stage ready and ran over to talk me into stopping to dance with the cast for just a couple minutes.

....Tonight, 20 years later, it's the Golden Globes; I found a place that was livestreaming it, including some of the pre-shows, and just put it on. And - the very first face I saw was Colman's. He was standing next to his husband Raul, just before he walked the red carpet as a Best Actor In A Drama nominee in tonight's ceremony. (He's up against Cillian Murphy, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Bradley Cooper, so it's one fuck of a long shot; but still.)

Life can be WILD, yo.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 4:57 PM on January 7 [3 favorites]

posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 5:17 PM on January 7 [2 favorites]

my new year resolution is to literally never do anything i don’t want to.

by making this resolution i am placing a fairly extreme bet: i am betting that my sense of what i want or don’t want to do is sufficiently wired into my sense of ethical responsibility that what i want to do and what seems to me to be right to do are generally aligned, and furthermore i am betting that my sense of what’s right to do is itself sufficiently sound that if my sense of what i want to do is hooked up to my sense of what’s right to do, then by never doing anything that i don’t want to do i will in fact be a better person than if i were to sometimes do things that i don’t want to do.

literally nothing can go wrong with this scheme.
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 5:26 PM on January 7

That's a dangerous bet... I know for a fact I'd never wash the dishes or clean the house again, for starters.
posted by Greg_Ace at 5:45 PM on January 7

nah, i don't think that's true
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 10:14 AM on January 8

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