Honk Honk Rattle Rattle Crash Beep Beep
June 22, 2004 6:53 AM   Subscribe

Let's say that you have a cell phone, and you need to sound as if you're somewhere else, or you need to get the long-winded person you're talking with off the phone.
posted by Witty (7 comments total)
See also.
posted by armoured-ant at 7:06 AM on June 22, 2004

Can you layer sounds? "I'm in my helicopter's restaurant's jacuzzi, sitting too close to the fire, but I have to let you go because it's thunderstorming and my other six lines are ringing."
posted by DrJohnEvans at 7:59 AM on June 22, 2004

"Phone" doesn't sound like another line ringing. It sounds like a call you've placed as it rings back through your handset... I think it's all a set up. They want you to get caught!
posted by micropublishery at 8:17 AM on June 22, 2004

"Sorry, I can't talk. There are....crickets."
posted by jpoulos at 8:29 AM on June 22, 2004

When I was in the Army, we had a variation on this. We would use tiny electric razors to make static sounds over the radio.

"Bravo six-one, leave the mess area and move your platoon to some unpleasant location or other, over."

"... bzzz ... Please repeat last transmission, over ... bzzz ..."
posted by me & my monkey at 9:29 AM on June 22, 2004

jpoulos - that was my first reaction too. It's not like these sounds are particularly problematic for phone conversations. I was hoping that they'd have sound clips like "car accident outside" or "witness to a shooting" or "pulled over by cops." Instead they just have crickets chirping or a quiet and calm beach.

"Sorry, I can't talk. There are....seagulls."
posted by crazy finger at 9:51 AM on June 22, 2004

"Sorry, I can't talk. There are....crickets."
"Sorry, I can't talk. There are....seagulls."

These are still making me laugh.
posted by Witty at 1:12 AM on June 23, 2004

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