The Hamburg Cell
August 24, 2004 3:15 PM   Subscribe

The Hamburg Cell.
posted by reklaw (2 comments total)
Jarrah's certainly an interesting character -- the priviliged Catholic-school student, the nice Lebanese kid turned street-fighting karate nut. and the last call to his Turkish girlfriend back in Germany -- all good stuff.
of course Hamburg is key -- it also happens to be the location of the Technical University where others implicated in the attacks studied as well.

but what I'd _really_ like to see is somebody like DeLillo try to imagine Atta in Florida in the months before the attack -- the American girlfriend, the PS2 games, the visits to local bars. that's something I'd love to read
posted by matteo at 3:27 PM on August 24, 2004

Well, like it or not, it had to happen some time, and I think there's a good argument for a non-US outfit to make the first attempt. (Not only that they'd arguably be able to make a less propagandistic film, but that they'd absolutely be able to launch such a project with more credibility.)

The proof, as always, will be in the pudding--how good a movie is it, and how well does it survive the factual dissection that will inevitably ensue?
posted by LairBob at 3:57 PM on August 24, 2004

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