Cute kid sings a song on the ukulele
December 10, 2009 4:28 PM   Subscribe

I'd like to sell a vowel.
posted by Horace Rumpole at 4:36 PM on December 10, 2009 [7 favorites]

Horace, how clean is the e you're selling?
posted by mannequito at 4:38 PM on December 10, 2009 [1 favorite]

posted by Horace Rumpole at 4:41 PM on December 10, 2009

Comme ça Ism!
posted by HopperFan at 4:44 PM on December 10, 2009

Can we discuss why he's locked in a supply cabinet?
posted by RustyBrooks at 4:52 PM on December 10, 2009 [1 favorite]

Can we discuss why he's locked in a supply cabinet?

To practice the ukulele.
posted by The Devil Tesla at 4:53 PM on December 10, 2009 [18 favorites]

Between this, the Hey Jude Baby, and the Star Wars 3 Year Old, I'm starting to think that Metafilter is trying to get me to breed. Cut it out guys, I get enough of this from my grandma.

Except it's just so goddamn cute, I can't stop wanting it. Damn you, Metafilter.
posted by ourobouros at 4:53 PM on December 10, 2009 [2 favorites]

Tragically, the musician is actually a severely developmentally stunted 32-year-old man. He is attempting to express his angst through ukulele compositions (the ukulele being the only instrument he will ever be able to play), but his shrunken lip and tongue muscles leave him unable to enunciate his lyrics.
posted by decagon at 4:56 PM on December 10, 2009 [3 favorites]

Funny you say that, ourobouros. I think MeFi is trying to burn out my cuteness fuse.
posted by rokusan at 4:57 PM on December 10, 2009

I think MeFi is trying to burn out my cuteness fuse.

Ohnoes, you have uncovered my secret plann!
posted by The Devil Tesla at 5:01 PM on December 10, 2009

Jason...Meraz? You mean Jason Mraz? See also his version of Summer Breeze, which I think is pretty cool.
posted by adamdschneider at 5:06 PM on December 10, 2009

I think it's fantastic that even at his young age, he's already grasped the importance of rock-and-roll faces when performing.

This kid is gonna be huge one day.
posted by quin at 5:13 PM on December 10, 2009 [1 favorite]

Jake Shimabukuro ought to start getting nervous now. This kid is obviously being raised in some sort of Shaolin ukulele monastery.

also, always amused by little kids' unfailing ability to fuck with their noses regardless of what else is going on
posted by fairytale of los angeles at 5:19 PM on December 10, 2009 [4 favorites]

That was so sweet my teeth hurt now.
posted by DaddyNewt at 5:34 PM on December 10, 2009

I think he was taking singing lessons from Elizabeth Frazier.
posted by FatherDagon at 5:42 PM on December 10, 2009

is it just me, or he doesn't know how to play, but he is faking it really well, like he will know how to play one day.

This is really cute.
posted by djduckie at 5:50 PM on December 10, 2009

I always hoped my kids would be like this, but they have rejected the uke in favor of drums and piano and singing words you can understand, none of which is as cute as this little guy.
posted by davejay at 6:11 PM on December 10, 2009

OMG - this was so damn cute!!! It hurts!
posted by garnetgirl at 7:01 PM on December 10, 2009

A capella version / mashup
posted by smackfu at 7:36 PM on December 10, 2009

More - same kid.

1. How old? 5?

2. I think the main thing driving the lyrical style is that he speaks a different language (Japanese?).
posted by Mid at 7:42 PM on December 10, 2009

His rendition of While My Guitar Gently Weeps is pretty astonishing.
posted by piratebowling at 8:46 PM on December 10, 2009 [4 favorites]

At last someone who really GETS it.
posted by humannaire at 9:05 PM on December 10, 2009 [2 favorites]

Oh my god, that was adorable. It makes me want to go smash something to bring balance to the world.
posted by too bad you're not me at 9:27 PM on December 10, 2009

For your second time around, watch it with the lyrics.
posted by whatnotever at 10:10 PM on December 10, 2009

Damn You! This video actually made me smile a bit for humanity! I'm not supposed to do that!

That was pretty great. Thank you.
posted by Lutoslawski at 10:16 PM on December 10, 2009

I like the part where his nose starts to itch so he stretches out his face since his hands are occupied. That's totally how I deal with nose itches while I do the dishes.
posted by so_gracefully at 10:53 PM on December 10, 2009

Bah humbug!
posted by vac2003 at 11:37 PM on December 10, 2009

It's cute how his face gets all mrazzed up.
posted by Albryhno at 9:14 AM on December 11, 2009

Jason Mraz stumped the Akinator.
posted by desjardins at 10:11 AM on December 11, 2009

Now that I think of it, I wonder what Kutiman of thru you could do with this kid.
posted by The Devil Tesla at 8:40 AM on December 13, 2009

piratebowling: His rendition of While My Guitar Gently Weeps is pretty astonishing.

Agreed. I think his singing is very cute in the Jason Mraz cover (sounds so wrong to refer to it as a "cover" like he is a 30 year old guy playing in a bar band), but his version of WMGGW is amazing. I bet J. Chalmers Doane has seen this video and is plotting a way to get that kid to Canada.
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 12:57 AM on December 18, 2009

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