November 29, 2004

Victorian Fax?

Faxing since 1843.
posted by arse_hat at 11:54 PM PST - 19 comments

Fascism in America?

Fascism in America? It Can't Happen Here is a masterful satire in which a popular, dimwitted politician rises to dictatorial power on the backs of radio evangelists, opponents of urban, yacht-owning, college professor liberalism, common people, and the Rotary Club. America is pushed into a manufactured war by all-powerful corporate interests, liberties are restricted in the name of national emergency, and all is coordinated by a behind-the-scenes political maestro sometimes called "the brain." Sound familiar? It's nothing new: the book was written by Sinclair Lewis in 1935.
posted by socratic at 10:39 PM PST - 50 comments

Inexcusably borderline linkage - Use chemicals

The MilkDrop visualisation now comes by default with Time Warner's Winamp, and is the greatest thing ever.
posted by Pretty_Generic at 9:53 PM PST - 34 comments

Who is watching Big Brother?

Who is watching Big Brother? Last week, the Australian Privacy Foundation held its annual Big Brother Awards, with biometric passports winning the prestigious "Orwell" for the most invasive technology (other countries' Big Brother Awards here). Not long before, Privacy International and the Electronic Privacy Information Center released their 7th Annual Survey on the state of privacy in sixty countries, claiming that threats to personal privacy have reached a level that is dangerous to fundamental human rights. Are we edging closer to Room 101?
posted by UbuRoivas at 8:30 PM PST - 6 comments

Thank god it wasn't Cherry

Tommy Douglas voted Greatest Canadian. The next nine, in order: Terry Fox, Pierre Trudeau, Sir Frederick Banting, David Suzuki, Lester Pearson, Don Cherry, Sir John A. Macdonald, Alexander Graham Bell, and Wayne Gretzkey. [follow-up to this post]
posted by krunk at 7:58 PM PST - 77 comments

The Incredibly Easy Pee-Zee

I will definitely get one of these . . . to use at various outdoor summer events, so I don't have to dehydrate myself for fear of using those awful porta-potties.
posted by livingsanctuary at 6:48 PM PST - 40 comments

Step on it!!

Art to walk on: Persian carpets are beautiful, exotic, and affordable, with a long, colorful history. I've turned my apartment into a palace. (That's me on the right.)
posted by Floydd at 6:32 PM PST - 8 comments

With our powers combine we are captain bandiwth leech

Bwahahahahaha - Take a shot back. Bill Gates promised to end spam. Now lycos is letting you take a shot back ala SETI. Get your copy and make love not spam.
posted by sourbrew at 5:39 PM PST - 44 comments - Preserving the memories of Christmas Vinyl Past - Preserving the memories of Christmas Vinyl Past. [more inside]
posted by soundofsuburbia at 5:20 PM PST - 5 comments

The Ghosts of Presidents Past

Presidential action figures are making a return just in time for the Holidays. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, we could all use a little Dick Nixon to kick around come New Years.
posted by nathan_teske at 4:44 PM PST - 11 comments

Well, At Least It Has Three Acts

Just how bad are some of the ideas floating around in Hollywood? Very, very, very bad. Perhaps guys like this will prevent such monstrosities...and if not, at least there will be mockery to get us through.
posted by OhPuhLeez at 3:58 PM PST - 26 comments

Getting Old

An Octogenarian's Journal Here's what we have to look forward to, if we're lucky.
posted by Photar at 3:22 PM PST - 9 comments

28 Variations

28 Variations
posted by cmonkey at 2:24 PM PST - 19 comments

President George W. Bush arrested upon arrival in Canada

Canadian authorities have arrested US President George W. Bush and charged him with offences under Canada's War Crimes Act. Says (Canadian Prime Minister) Paul Martin: “This decision was not made lightly. But, it was also a decision that was impossible not to make. The United States is not outside the rule of law, and cannot expect to get an unlimited “free pass”. This decision puts a grave strain upon both our nations, and I urge calm and restraint from our American neighbours, as well as from Canadians. I have met with the cabinet, and with our colleagues in the House. This is a time of great crisis for us as a nation. But as people, we will survive this test. Earlier I enacted the Emergency War Powers Act. This is necessary to guarantee our domestic security. This is not a time for panic, for lawlessness, for anything other than a responsible and sobre focus on what lies immediately ahead.”
posted by at 2:22 PM PST - 76 comments

News you can use!

Don't smile or else Johnny Law will get you!
posted by Bag Man at 1:29 PM PST - 13 comments

Masonic Art

Dilletante Press offers a gallery of Masonic Art. The even-handed introduction lacks the sensationalism that ususally accompanies outsiders' presentations of things Masonic, leaving the viewer free to see the art for what it is, and not for what it represents. The images of mortality are great. It's good to see this stuff presented in a serious light. Of course, it's also good kitsch to find stuff like Masonic party supplies (sugar molds?!?) and trucker hats. And don't miss the 1930 DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Fraternal Supply Catalog No. 439
posted by tomharpel at 12:14 PM PST - 35 comments

rock balancing and rock trees

Bill Dan likes to balance rocks. He is not alone - many others ply the art of rock balancing, simply for the pleasure of the act and hoping to surprise and delight future wanderers who chance upon them. As in many art forms, it's hard to compete with the mastery of nature's hand.
posted by madamjujujive at 11:14 AM PST - 50 comments

Four Men and a Dream

Octoroon Jihad the greatest band you never heard greatest band you will never hear. This web site has interviews, a discography, a tour schedule and of course the band's manifesto and bios. If there were some music files on this site, I'd almost believe it.
posted by marxchivist at 10:08 AM PST - 7 comments

Bad Movies

Have you seen It has plot summaries, still photos [.jpg], sound clips [.wav], and most amusingly, videos [.mpg]. Here is the full list.
posted by sciurus at 9:13 AM PST - 51 comments

Th-th-th-that's a lot of title cards, folks!

The Warner Bros. Cartoons Filmography And Title Card Gallery has more title cards and coloured rings than you can shake a carrot at. A great resource that goes hand-in-hand with this and this for all your Looney Tunes-related research.
posted by Robot Johnny at 8:51 AM PST - 10 comments

An anthropologist from Mars

David Byrne's web journal
posted by Swampjazz! at 7:32 AM PST - 42 comments

Brother from another planet.

ArtFilter: Scottrohedron raps and wraps.
posted by mic stand at 7:21 AM PST - 5 comments

Is Sibel D. Edmonds a walk'n dead man?

Tin Foil hat time! Here is the letter that Sibel D. Edmonds and 24 other former federal employees signed and are prepared to tell all to a grand jury. 24 - that sounds like a TV title. Or a group of people who've seen something that concerns them. 24 more than the last time the blue talked about Mr. Edmonds. Now go scooby out the truth you meta-filter sleuths!
posted by rough ashlar at 6:55 AM PST - 41 comments

Illustration with some bite

The Art of Celia Calle
Dismiss any preconceived ideas of fine art as you step into the mindset of Celia Calle. Calle's art aesthetic is strangely alluring and undeniably powerful. Her awesome images are ominous, commanding, sometimes warped, but always spiced with a generous injection of humor, in keeping with the artist's effervescent personality.

My favorites are this, this, this and especially this
posted by Hands of Manos at 5:04 AM PST - 33 comments

The World's Shortest Comprehensive Recycling Guide

The World's Shortest Comprehensive Recycling Guide.
posted by nthdegx at 1:56 AM PST - 17 comments

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