March 31, 2016

Cornhub. Hot. Sexy. Buttery. So very very very nsfw.

Shucking. Popping. cobbing... nsfw! Very very nsfw (seriously) but so very sensual, alluring, and enticing... true art!
posted by Jacen at 9:35 PM PST - 62 comments

Hear that lonesome whipporwill...

The illegal birdsong cafes of Istanbul -- "In Istanbul, men keep birds locked away in cages to encourage ever more mournful songs – and then gather to listen to their sorrow. Two photographers [Cemre Yesil and Maria Sturm] teamed up to chronicle this secretive subculture"
posted by jamaal at 6:44 PM PST - 24 comments

Everybody's a Critic

The company’s latest undertaking, which moved out of beta four months ago, is News Genius, which seeks to bridge the gap between journalism and commentary by showcasing the annotations made to the biggest news stories of the day...Anyone who puts information about themselves on the Web is consenting to a certain amount of scrutiny. But that consent becomes less cut and dry when content providers explicitly place limits on that scrutiny—for example, by disabling comments—and News Genius and the Web Annotator essentially override those restrictions. [more inside]
posted by Bella Donna at 4:39 PM PST - 59 comments

Your opinion is ALWAYS correct

Party Over Here brings you the mansplaining hotline [SLYT]
posted by trillian at 4:06 PM PST - 38 comments

I want to fly like an eagle, to...a telemark landing?

British ski jumper Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards famously placed last in both the 70m and 90m ski-jumping events at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics, despite setting one British ski-jumping record, and becoming a crowd favourite. He's now the subject of the recently-released biopic, Eddie the Eagle (trailer here). [more inside]
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 3:45 PM PST - 22 comments

Cherelle Baldwin found not guilty

Woman Accused Of Murdering Her Abusive Ex Goes Free After Almost 3 Years Behind Bars. This is an update to the post last March about Cherelle Baldwin, who had been in prison for 21 months at the time for killing her abuser. Today, after nearly three years behind bars, she was set free. [Via Democracy Now]
posted by homunculus at 3:16 PM PST - 25 comments

la chouette d'or: 8377 days and still hidden

La choutte d'or, the golden owl, is the prize in a scavenger hunted created by Max Valentin in 1993. It's still hidden, 23 years later, and here is a reddit thread devoted to it.
posted by MoonOrb at 2:54 PM PST - 27 comments

20 Years of Help-lessness

I was 20 years ago today techie Christopher B. Wright used his copy of Microsoft Paint for OS/2 to awkwardly draw a comic about "the software biz". Two decades of irregular updating and failed spin-offs later, Help Desk continues, basically unimproved in its art, with today's interesting plot twist.
posted by oneswellfoop at 2:49 PM PST - 19 comments

Whispering your way to 'brain orgasms'

An interview with rising stars in the ASMR community [SLYT]
posted by BuddhaInABucket at 2:43 PM PST - 47 comments

what makes a villain great?

Trekspertise makes The Case For Gul Dukat, throughout all of Deep Space Nine
posted by the man of twists and turns at 2:40 PM PST - 39 comments

How to Hack an Election

"For eight years, Sepúlveda, now 31, says he traveled the continent rigging major political campaigns... Many of Sepúlveda’s efforts were unsuccessful, but he has enough wins that he might be able to claim as much influence over the political direction of modern Latin America as anyone in the 21st century."
posted by cudzoo at 1:27 PM PST - 16 comments

Spreadsheets In Space Prepare for Battle

Casino-financed in-game war stands to be largest in Eve Online's history. [more inside]
posted by msbutah at 10:42 AM PST - 140 comments

59 ideas to stop domestic violence homicide

Survivors, advocates and experts suggest practical ideas to end murders of intimate partners. (Single link HuffPo)
posted by bearwife at 10:40 AM PST - 21 comments

Transgender Day of Visibility 2016

It Needs to be Seen and more stories to celebrate the 2016 International Transgender Day of Visibility.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 10:23 AM PST - 14 comments

Glas and All That Jazz

"Glas won master film maker Bert Haanstra a well-deserved Academy Award® for Best Short Documentary in 1959. The film contrasts the production of hand made crystal from the Royal Leerdam Glass Factory with automated bottle making machines in the Netherlands. An industrial film with a bebop heart, its lyrical use of light and sound still looks and sounds fabulous, nearly 60 years after it was made." [more inside]
posted by Beti at 10:20 AM PST - 9 comments

"Never throw out a woman. You never know if she is a teabag."

Inspirational advice. (SL Mallory Ortberg)
posted by lunasol at 10:18 AM PST - 30 comments

“Would they call me a diva if I were a guy?”

Groundbreaking visionary of contemporary spatial design, Dame Zaha Hadid has passed away. The British designer had a heart attack while in hospital in Miami, where she was being treated for bronchitis. One of the most sought-after architects in the world, Iraqi-born London-based Hadid was first woman to be awarded the prestigious RIBA gold medal in her own right, and the first woman to win the Pritzker Prize.
posted by infini at 8:28 AM PST - 60 comments

The Death of Moral Relativism

From the Cold War to the War on Terror, conservatives have protested the “evils” of moral relativism for decades, and now it may be a relic of the past. But although conservatives got what they wanted, they didn’t get what they expected. It’s hard to say for sure whether they’re better off now than they were before. It depends on how you look at it. Or, as some might say, it’s all relative
posted by y2karl at 7:54 AM PST - 85 comments

It had never occurred to me that Asian-American heroes might exist

The first time I saw her she wasn’t even skating. I was flipping through the handful of channels our TV could pick up with its rabbit-ear antenna when I glimpsed her waving from the tallest podium at the 1991 World Figure Skating Championships, dazzling in rhinestone-studded hot magenta, with her high hair-sprayed bangs and million-watt smile. She’s Asian, I thought. There’s an Asian girl on television, and everyone is cheering for her. - What I Learned From Kristi Yamaguchi by Nicole Chung
posted by nadawi at 7:52 AM PST - 21 comments

four times less

“The numbers speak for themselves,” Solo said. “We are the best in the world, have three World Cup championships, four Olympic championships and the USMNT get paid more to just show up than we get paid to win major championships.” Five members of the World Cup-winning USWNT have filed a wage discrimination complaint against US Soccer for being paid less than then men's team "despite the women’s team being more successful and, at the moment, more profitable."
posted by everybody had matching towels at 6:18 AM PST - 86 comments

A new banana promises to cure blindness in East Africa

"In the winter of 2014, students at Iowa State University received emails asking them to volunteer for an experiment. Researchers were looking for women who would eat bananas that had been genetically engineered to produce extra carotenes, the yellow-orange nutrients that take their name from carrots. Our bodies use alpha and beta carotenes to make retinol, better known as vitamin A, and the experiment was testing how much of the carotenes in the bananas would transform to vitamin A. The researchers were part of an international team trying to end vitamin A deficiency. The emails reached the volunteers they needed to begin the experiment, but they also reached protesters. “As a student in the sustainability program, I immediately started asking questions,” said Iowa State postdoc Rivka Fidel. “Is this proven safe? Have they considered the broader cultural and economic issues?” ... Fidel told me she and her friends had found it nearly impossible to extract information from researchers, or from the Gates Foundation, which is providing funding for this project. Too often conversations about these kinds of issues simply reverberate within their respective echo chambers. So to bridge the gap I took the gist of the students’ questions to people at the Gates Foundation, scientists working on the banana, and the one person who may have done the most to fight vitamin A deficiency — an ophthalmologist who has no interest in either promoting or bashing GMOs." [more inside]
posted by Blasdelb at 5:51 AM PST - 72 comments

The Ballad of Fred and Yoko

How One of the World's Foremost Beatles Collectors Died Homeless on the Streets of Little Rock
posted by box at 5:39 AM PST - 8 comments

"...and then halfway through, HERE COMES THE DUMPSTER OF POOP."

What do you get when you mix a good liberal arts education, surprisingly good automotive journalism, and toilet humour? Regular Car Reviews. Regular Car Reviews is a Youtube Channel run by two car guys from Pennsylvania. Toilet humour, non sequiturs, modified acoustic covers of 90's classics, and surprisingly good automotive history and journalism about cars (the odd motorcycle, and one airplane). [more inside]
posted by generichuman at 5:19 AM PST - 13 comments

And now, it's goodnight from me...

Entertainer Ronnie Corbett, best known as one half of the Two Ronnies, has died 31st March 2016 aged 85. [more inside]
posted by NordyneDefenceDynamics at 4:47 AM PST - 70 comments

"Draw a picture of a whale"

Mark Twain reveals his surefire method for memorizing the reigns of the English monarchs. [more inside]
posted by Iridic at 4:44 AM PST - 10 comments

Imre Kertész has died.

Imre Kertész, the 2002 Nobel Prize Winner For Literature has died. Kertész, a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, was Hungary's only winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. He was awarded the prize, "for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history". [more inside]
posted by vac2003 at 2:53 AM PST - 10 comments

The Sisters of the Valley

Of course, not ALL nuns grow weed. In fact, we’re pretty sure most nuns DON’T grow weed. But these nuns are no ordinary nuns. These nuns are The Sisters of the Valley, the subject of a fascinating series of photographs taken by photographers Shaughn Crawford and John DuBois. [Possibly NSFW as discusses marijuana use] [more inside]
posted by chavenet at 2:09 AM PST - 18 comments

Bug-Eyed Monsters via the Martens Process

Robert Martens, whose homegrown animations (including adaptations of the Mars Attacks cards, Herbie Popnecker, Jack T. Chick and Struwwelpeter) have been featured here previously, has used his distinctive style of limited animation to create UFOLOGY 101 - Space Spooks and Looney Goons, a weird and charming satirical anthology animation about the history of UFOlogy. References include the celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg in 1561, the claims of George Adamski, and the better-known incidents involving Roswell and Jonestown.
posted by BiggerJ at 12:15 AM PST - 1 comments

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