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Path to Adulthood

What are important things that every adult should have? What are important things that adults should be able to do? In other words: what should I do, what do I need to have, and what life skills should I learn in order to become more of an adult?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by livinglearning at 7:26 PM on January 19, 2012 (55 comments)

where the party at? oh nowhere.

Extroverts: What do you do when you have to be alone for a long time? Or you have to make a decision and there's no one to call and talk it through with you?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by sweetkid at 7:54 PM on December 13, 2011 (20 comments)

Gone Daddy Gone

As triggered by a post on reddit explaining GoDaddy's support over the controversial SOPA bill, web techies everywhere have started their "internet walk of shame", finally finding the final reason to ditch the popular domain registrar. Others have tried to start a boycott over use of services. It's not the first time they've shaken up issues online.
posted to MetaFilter by xtine at 12:07 AM on December 23, 2011 (104 comments)

a little bit goes a long way if you do it every day

I am a big fan of consistency- the rewards that can be reaped by simply doing something often over a long period of time are like slow motion magic. Please tell me about some of the things that you do for a few minutes a day to reap mega rewards in the future.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by palacewalls at 11:15 AM on January 27, 2011 (31 comments)

Grad school advice?

My graduate school orientation is Wednesday and I'm getting nervous. Overeducated Mefites, I'd love any advice you have to offer!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by honeydew at 1:58 PM on August 16, 2010 (25 comments)

Fudge or death?

Three christmasses gone, my wife and I bought some fudge. I've just found it in the back of the cupboard -- can I eat it? It's basically just sugar, that never goes off, right?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by coriolisdave at 12:25 AM on June 6, 2010 (29 comments)

What is this cello music?

Please help me identify this solo cello piece. Video of the performance is here if you'd like to jump right in, otherwise more details follow.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by tractorfeed at 5:32 AM on June 3, 2010 (5 comments)

Professional jack-of-all-trades?

How does one become a "professional jack-of-all-trades", like David Sedaris or John Hodgman?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by reductiondesign at 11:44 AM on March 10, 2010 (19 comments)

How corporations help governments spy on their people

How Nokia helped Iran "persecute and arrest" dissidents is a short article from Ars Technica that neatly summarizes how Nokia allowed Iran to arrest protestors and how corporations become involved in deals like these.
posted to MetaFilter by The Devil Tesla at 7:34 AM on March 4, 2010 (35 comments)

"The coroner’s report from Argentina makes slighting mention of a brain tumor..."

"Back in 1993 I was tutoring my sister in algebra. Her quizzes and tests were always made of word problems with a running storyline involving many recurring places and characters. I tied the fate of the main characters to how well she did on the previous quiz, so a good performance brought them good fortune. Unfortunately, one test she completely bombed, and, well, this is a transcription of the quiz she got next."
posted to MetaFilter by Iridic at 3:05 PM on February 3, 2010 (40 comments)

Weird, or just different?

Weird, or just different?
posted to MetaFilter by twoleftfeet at 4:29 AM on February 1, 2010 (49 comments)

Calvin and Hobbes, Eighth Wonder of the World

Bill Watterson, the reclusive creator of Calvin & Hobbes, gives what is believed to be his first interview since 1989.
posted to MetaFilter by Effigy2000 at 11:07 AM on February 1, 2010 (83 comments)
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