December 26, 2013 12:58 PM   Subscribe



Við erum ljónynjur forynjanna Reykjavíkurdætur
Valkyrjur foringjanna þekkið þessar rætur .Dínamíska dúóið, þú og við
betra skiptum lið en að snúa við. Innblásnar af fortíðarsyndum
við undir þér kyndum, trúðu mér við myndum eður í aldingarði, spmámaðurinn
sagði og lagið okkur línurnar, vaxiði vagínurnar.
Ætlum að ónidda, reykjavíkursódóma takiði til fótanna.

Andsettar af rímum ógn á okkar tímum
rappkonukvendi búnar mæk í hendi
rífum kjaft með okkar rímnaflæði
það leggur enginn í okkar kvennmanskvæði
því reykjavíkur dætur
eiga þessar nætur

Ó 101, Þegar tungurnar tæta og allir fara að æpa, heltekur mig djúpstæður
leiði, helli í mig meiri mjöði, svarta solla er kominn aftur stærri en á fenrisúlfi er
hennar kjaftur, kraftur
enginn maður meiri svo þegið því ég andardrátt ykkar heyri., ég er ekki ein
úlfynja við erum töluvert fleiri.

Ég er skynvera, úlfynja, forvitið frík. Sveiflandi makkanum í Reykjavík.
Reykjandi heit í einni flík. Reynslurík, gjörólík, dramatískaren dínamít.
Litríkari en hver árstíð, gulur, rauður, grænn og blær. Svartur hvítur. Geri hlutina
uppá mínar eigin spýtur. Ég er indjánahöfðinginn, þarf ekki að kynna hann inn.
Ég fæddist með 17 rokkstig, ætla ekki að stilla mig. ertu að skynja mig? Tilfinna
er komin til að trylla þig!!!

Ég vil veita mér það skáldaleyfi að víkja frá, tek róandi í töfluformi og
trúi á stjörnuspá. orðin mín álög, kveðandi rýmur á nornadulmáli. heit er
orðin að báli þú veist við erum úr stáli, hrein mey skiptir ekki máli, hitnum
bara meira, brennum ekki ái! blótandi blindandi losna ég úr hlekkjunum
með glimmerið í munninum og naglaförin í lófunum! Ekki að fíla þetta
svefnherbergisdjammsesjón, kvenhormón með ambissjón að performa í
kaldalón. Þarf ekki medífer eins og Salómón því ég er kama kama kamílíón!

Í blikká renna baugar, í smásjá hvísla taugar
Smásjór og fjöll, glitrandi köll, hús og ein höll
og svo allir þeir sem breyst hafa´í drauga
Ég er í stíu. Og ég man eftir kvöldinu sem stjórnin féll,
eftir bálinu sem brann og dansinn í kring
hring eftir hring eftir hring. VANHÆF RÍKISSTJÓRN!
Von og bón um skilning, um að
Nú er kominn tími. Kominn tími. Löngu kominn tími
Við höfum valdið höfum vonina, flettum loksins ofan af
kvótakóngaklíku. Við ætlum ekki að sökkva í þetta sýki
Við viljum sanngjarnt réttarríki
Við ætlum ekki að sökkva í þetta sýki
Að ríkisstjórnin falli eða víki. Köllum þessu kalli!
Við göngum ekki í gildrurnar. Gapandi með grænar glyrnurnar
Við erum rödd andspyrnunnar.

Sæll Bjarni B, hér er Sigmundur D
mættir! til að græða meira fé
kominn í killer grúv, 39 uppsagnir á RÚV, gott múv
stjórnum fjölmiðlum, stjórnum hugsunum.
Enginn fær að vita hvað við bardúsum.
ég er með nýja markaðshugmynd fyrir Geysi
ég oní honum hótel reisi
ég veit hvernig ég græði ég Vatnajökul bræði
vatnsaflið virki og álverin styrki
Hver þarf Björk, Þórsmörk og Sigurrós
viltu ekki frekar kaupa þér coke í áldós
Seljum vatnið til Neslé, fáum 10.000 kr í veskeð
lækka bensínskatta, græði slatta
engar stelpur ná að stoppa mig með því að rappa
"Bulldoza listina, bomba náttúruna styrki bankana, geri sjálfan mig að forstjóra,
ég á jeppa fjóra og villu stóra, í flóóórida, ég ownidda"
peningar, peningar vúhú, menning, menning búhú...

Ég rúlla um göturnar með taumlaust flæði
Þarf ekk'að borgí fokking stöðumæli
ég er alltaf niðrí bæ. ég er alltof fokking flæ
Nærist bará rusli eins og Krua Thai
Reykjavíkur borg í ljósum logum
undan skíta, funky, rúnkara og marða orðum
frá stelpuskottum, með perraglottum og bæjarrottum í rauðum sokkum
Flæðið berst eins og blóð í bindi bundum, fundum gramm í öllum húsasundum
stundum þarf að segja sannleikan. Því ég reyki ekki gras, ég fíla bara metangas.
Ég borða ekki hass ég fæ mér frekar vatnsglas og ég
meika ekki Flass svo ég hlusta bará Kvennaþras
Stöðumælamörður, láttu mig í friði því ég er umhverfisvæn og ætla stúta þessu
liði...ratata bitch!

ég er stærri en orð fá lýst, það sem ekki má, ég geri það víst
rímnalæti, ég er í fyrsta sæti. Ég er svo sæt að þú gætir
fengið femínístablæti
sælgæti, dreymir- barefþú gætir
og komdu þá að kveðast á, þá skal ég þér sýna
að kveldúlfur er kominn í kjerlinguna mína!
sem gerir mig svo helvíti fríska, lifandi, tifandi, sataníska
heldur þú að þú sért eitthvað fyrir mig?
ég er alltof stór fyrir þig, komin til að roðfletta þig
það er eldur í mér fer að hitna BRENNUR! Því ég er hér
og ég fíla þegar hárið leikur í blænum

Ég er stormsveipur úr vesturbænum
Reykjavík, ég er svar við ykkar bænum
Feyki ykkur með mér í einum grænum
Við hænum alla að okkur er við stígum á stokk
Því þessi rappkonuflokkur er svo fokking mikið rokk
Æj úps ég sagði aftur fokk en þú mátt ekki fá sjokk Margrét Erla Maack.
Því hver er ber að baki nema systur eigi
Er í systralegi ekki systralagi
Þjóðin heldur ekki þvagi yfir þessu lagi
Mér nægir ekki að eiga borg og bæi
Ég vil heiminn segðu nú að þú fílir blæinn!
posted by CitoyenK at 12:59 PM on December 26, 2013 [4 favorites]

I liked the cat cameo.
posted by GenjiandProust at 1:04 PM on December 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

I seem to like this. That's odd.
posted by ZaneJ. at 1:04 PM on December 26, 2013

I know how I make I Vatnajökull wrath water power works and smelters subsidies. Who needs Björk,

Lovely, the young ladies certainly have, well, what's the translation of 'tude?
posted by sammyo at 1:17 PM on December 26, 2013

I like this! One of the Youtube commenters said it was feminist, and the Google Translate of the lyrics posted above hints that might be the case. I liked the flow, their voices, their costumes and makeup, and their cat. I only wish there were more outdoor shots so I could see if there were any locations I recognized.
posted by matildaben at 1:20 PM on December 26, 2013

I'm kama kama kamílíón!

Me too.
posted by surplus at 1:21 PM on December 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

Noting that Google Translate wasn't much help.
posted by aught at 1:21 PM on December 26, 2013

...ratata bitch!

It's good to see some love for this under-appreciated Pokémon.
posted by Monsieur Caution at 1:26 PM on December 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

Noting that Google Translate wasn't much help.

It's amusing that it has trouble with a lot of the lyrics, but not with the "fuck you" part.
posted by CheeseDigestsAll at 1:37 PM on December 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

It's always interesting to listen to raps in languages you don't understand. Oddly enough, flow translates a lot of times even if you don't know the meaning. Some artists will just rap word salad over holes in the lyrics they have so far, and those demo tracks leak sometimes.
posted by cashman at 1:48 PM on December 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

A hiphop or rap tag would be helpful too.
posted by cashman at 1:48 PM on December 26, 2013

I've listened a few times now and I keep getting hypnotized by the rolling R's...
posted by Jacob G at 2:06 PM on December 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

Yeah, this is indeed a feminist rap collective. The name Reykjavíkurdætur translates to Daughters of Reykjavík. It started as an open mic (I think) for female rappers. There's a lot of crossover between the literary and art scenes and Reykjavíkurdætur (for instance my chapbook publishing company is putting out a little book of poems by Bergþóra Einarsdóttir, the one in the blue wig, later this winter). Besides being feminist they're very political, calling out specific politicians by name, and referencing things that pretty much happened last week, as well as old political issues. For instance "vanhæf ríkisstjórn" (incompetent government) was the slogan of the anti-government demonstrations after the financial collapse.

Incidentally, the chorus goes:

Daughters of Reykjavík
On dark nights
We own this city
Hear lioness-words
posted by Kattullus at 2:20 PM on December 26, 2013 [21 favorites]

Love a full translation... anyone with a spare 6 months on their hands?
posted by greenhornet at 2:28 PM on December 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

Kattullus is a tease.
posted by cjorgensen at 3:56 PM on December 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

þarf meira Cowbell .
posted by OHenryPacey at 5:34 PM on December 26, 2013 [5 favorites]

Metafilter: Has trouble with a lot of the lyrics, but not with the "fuck you" part.
posted by sourcequench at 7:23 PM on December 26, 2013 [3 favorites]

I think the translation misspelled "forstjóra". But my Icelandic is a bit rusty. ;)
posted by TDavis at 10:52 PM on December 26, 2013

Was in Reykjavik in March of this year on a Saturday night. Amidst all the drunks falling over, laughing, making out, jumping on moving cars and howling & singing, and the broken glass, and puke in the streets, all I could think was, 'So this is what happens when the 90s never end.'
posted by artof.mulata at 1:51 AM on December 27, 2013 [1 favorite]

I often wondered what it would sound like if Vikings tried to rap.
posted by zaelic at 7:11 AM on December 27, 2013 [3 favorites]

OK, I'm surprised no one else posted this. Here's Google Translate's version - there's even some interesting cross-language bits it got "right":

Reykjavik Daughters

We are lionesses se peoples Reykjavik Daughters
Valkyries captains know these roots. Dinah mercy duo, you and
better trade item than to turn to. Inspired by the past sins
the torch to you, believe me, we'd conversion in the garden, spmám Nonetheless, the market
told us the song lines, grow vagínurnar.
Going to Onida, Reykjavik Sodom cover your legs.

Possessed of Rhymes threat of our time
rap female creature created sword in hand
let us with our jaw na rhyme flow
it puts no one in our women's mans song
the Reykjavik daughters
have these nights

Oh 101, when the moon and shred all going to yell, overwhelms me deep
lead, pour me more hip, black Solla is back bigger than the Fenris wolf's
Her mouth, power
no one more so appreciated because I can hear your breath, I'm not alone
wolf lioness we're considerably more.

I have a sense of being, wolf lioness, curious freak. Swinging your Mac in Reykjavik.
Hot smoked in a single garment. Reynslurík, completely different, dramatískaren dynamite.
Colorful but each season, yellow, red, green and tint. Black white. Things to do
offer my own. I am an indian chief, no need to introduce him.
I was born with rock 17 points, do not intend to adjust myself. do you perceive me? Distressing
is here to rock you!!!

I want to give me a poet Gross deviate from, take a sedative in pill form and
believe in horoscope. my words spell, chant spaces on witch coded. is hot
become a fire you know we are made of steel, a virgin does not matter, warms
just more burn Ouch! swearing blindly do I get rid of hlekkjunum
with glimmerið in the mouth and nails in the palms! Not into it
Comfort djammsesjón sleep, female sex hormone with ambissjón the Performa in
Kaldalón. Do not medífer like Solomon because I'm kama kama kamílíón!

The flashing slides Circle microscopic whisper nerves
Microscopy Jór and mountains, sparkling palace, houses and one house
and all those who changed hafa'í ghosts
I'm in the stall. And I remember the night that government fell,
Bali by the burned and dance around
round and round and round. Inability government!
Hope and request for understanding, that
Now is the time. 's Time. Long time
We have caused, we hope, scroll down finally
quota royal clique. We're not going to sink in this disease
We want a fair rule of law
We're not going to sink in this disease
Government fall or disqualification. Call this call!
We take no traps. Gaping with green glyr the lines
We are the voice of the resistance rate.

Hi Bjarni B, here is Sigmund D
met! to earn more money
come in killer grúv, 39 redundancies at RUV, good múv
control the media, controls thoughts.
No one gets to know what the bar cookies.
I have a new marketing idea for Geyser
Down I will raise him Hotels
I know how I make I glacial waters rage
water power works and smelters grants
Who needs Björk, Þórsmörk and Sigurrós
would not you rather buy you a coke in Aldona
Supply water to Neslé, get ISK 10,000 in veskeð
lower gasoline taxes, Green bunch
no girls manage to stop me by rapping
"Bulldoza art, bomba natural strength of the bank, make myself the CEO;
I have a jeep and four large error in flóóórida I ownidda "
money, money vúhú, culture, culture búhú ...

I roll down the streets with unbridled flow
Do ekk'að pay a fucking parking meters
I'm always downtown. I'm way too fucking flow
Nourished just rubbish as Krua Thai
Reykjavik city burning
before shit, funky, beats and Mardi words
from stelpus cat, with Perra grinned and farm rats in red socks
Flow passes as blood volume bound, found in all gram alleys
sometimes you need to tell the truth. Because I do not smoke grass, I liked just methane.
I do not eat hash I get me a glass of water and I rather
Survive no flash so I just listen Women Thrastarbogi
Meter Mord, leave me alone because I'm environmentally friendly and supported this
Ratan team ... bitch!

I'm bigger than words can describe, what can not be, I am sure
rhymes panic, I'm in first place. I'm so cute you could
received feminist holy object
candy, dream-bare fþú may
and then come to admire in eg please, let me show you
Kveldúlfur that's in my kjerlinguna!
that makes me so fucked refresh, live, ticking, satanic
do you think that you have something for me?
I'm too big for you, come for skinning up
there is a fire in me begins to warm burner! Because I'm here
I liked the hair game blows

I veipur storms from the western
Reykjavik, I answer to your prayers
Feykir you with my one green
We all hens to us is to go on stage
Therefore, this rap group wife is so fucking huge rock
Thought the oops I said fuck again but you can not get shocked Margret Erla Maack.
Therefore, each person in the back unless sisters not
Is not sisters uterine sisters place
Nation but not the urine of this song
I is not sufficient to hold the city and towns
I want to tell the world now that you Lattice tough conditions
posted by IAmBroom at 1:59 PM on December 31, 2013 [2 favorites]

I just saw Reykjavíkurdætur perform at this house party concert thing. It was the sort of random lineup you get at these sorts of events in Reykjavík. The evening started with a producer/presenter of a radio culture show playing a sound-piece she had made by recording her two-year old son singing and then playing the recording back to him and recording that. It was affecting. After that there was a classical violinist playing a baroque violin accompanied by an electronically processed and distorted version of her own playing. Also very good. Last before Reykjavíkurdætur (who were one of 9-10 artists on the roster) was this video alongside a Q&A with the artist about the instrument. It was very interesting.

Then Reykjavíkurdætur were up. They didn't perform all together, but various sub-voltrons of the full group. Apparently there are now 13 of them, and they're actively recruiting more women, encouraging the women in the audience to come to their "rappkonukvöld" (rap women's night). Starting were three MCs who I think started the open mic (but I'm not sure), Blær, Salka Sól and Tilfinna (who, if you want to keep track, are the MCs whose verses start at 5:34, 1:52, and 1:02). The first track was a pretty good boast that Blær had written after she realized that previously her lyrics were mostly made up of cursewords. Then Tilfinna did a solo track about being in a relationship with the devil (Blær had a short cameo as a harlequin-masked devil).

Next Reykjavíkurdætur-voltron on stage were two MCs whose names I didn't catch (they're at 4:27). As a duo they call themselves Cyber, charmingly named for the type of lipstick they both prefer. They are the youngest members of the crew. Their raps were in some ways simpler than those of the previous three MCs, but they were very strong. One of them delivered verses in Icelandic, Polish and English (the English one being of such ear-burning profanity that I thought that the fifty-something couple seated near the front would implode from embarrassment... which was pretty great to watch). The beats were very DIY, with one of the tracks being played off an iPhone app. Lots of fun.

Then Blær, Salka Sól and Tilfinna came back. What was probably the highlight of the night for me was when they did a serious song about sexual violence. It was incredibly powerful with them taking on different roles. Tilfinna was the victim, Salka Sól was the narrator/society, and Blær played the victimizer. It was uncomfortable in a good way, like a little play almost, in rap form, dealing with a really harrowing subject.

After that there were two sisters who form a band called Hljómsveitt (they're the MCs who come in at 3:29). First they did a cute indy song calling on boys to get their girlfriends to come (the title of the song translates to "I Love to Come") which they wrote for a friend of theirs who, at the age of 28, had yet to orgasm during sex. The next song they did was an indy rap called "Kynþokkafull" (essentially it means "Sexy") about how having hair on your body is sexy (here's the video, which is a bit NSFW, though no more than the average music video). It was pretty great performance.

Then I had to leave. Next up were, I think, a jazz band, and some more music and some readings. My impression of Reykjavíkurdætur was that they are the real deal. Considering they came together only a couple of months ago they already have plenty of solid material. I'm pretty much a fan by now. I'll buy their record when it comes out.
posted by Kattullus at 5:13 PM on January 4, 2014 [4 favorites]

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