It's a dog eats pretzel world out there
February 14, 2014 7:48 PM   Subscribe

posted by Going To Maine at 7:59 PM on February 14, 2014 [2 favorites]

If dogs actually did have hands, this is what they'd do 90% of the time.
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 8:09 PM on February 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

They do (or at least they used to) do a bit on Sesame Street like this where they'd have some dog headed thing with human hands.

It really creeps me out.
posted by VTX at 8:45 PM on February 14, 2014

This is the funniest video I have seen in ages, it is the hands and gestures that make it. Bless the dog for waiting somewhat patiently.
posted by msjen at 9:02 PM on February 14, 2014

If that wasn't so cute, it would be very disturbing.
posted by sieve a bull at 9:11 PM on February 14, 2014 [1 favorite]


I am going to go ahead and assume that in your regional dialect "horrifying" means the same thing that "awesome" does in mine.
posted by dersins at 9:14 PM on February 14, 2014 [2 favorites]

I am going to go ahead and assume that in your regional dialect "horrifying" means the same thing that "awesome" does in mine.

The dog very nearly gets its eye poked out with a fork. Awesome.

They do (or at least they used to) do a bit on Sesame Street like this where they'd have some dog headed thing with human hands.

It really creeps me out.

William Wegman's Weimaraners.
posted by Sys Rq at 9:23 PM on February 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

Back when I worked at a video store in the mid-'90s, I liked putting William Wegman's weimaraner movies on the video monitors. Some beloved female punk rock icon came into the store and started braying, "What is this? This is horrible! This is so annoying!" And I have hated that punk rock icon ever since then.
posted by queensissy at 9:49 PM on February 14, 2014

posted by phenylphenol at 10:35 PM on February 14, 2014

As others have mentioned, this is exactly William Wegman's work. I loved this stuff as a kid.
posted by lalunamel at 10:36 PM on February 14, 2014 [1 favorite]

posted by aubilenon at 11:08 PM on February 14, 2014

That fork bit was awful--that doesn't even require any thought to know it's not a good idea--but the rest was great. What a nice, patient dog.
posted by maxwelton at 11:41 PM on February 14, 2014

There is a very perplexed cat in that kitchen, meowing plaintively.
posted by potsmokinghippieoverlord at 12:45 AM on February 15, 2014 [6 favorites]

Managed 4 seconds. Ugh.

Interesting how polarising it is, though.
posted by howfar at 12:50 AM on February 15, 2014

They do (or at least they used to) do a bit on Sesame Street like this where they'd have some dog headed thing with human hands.

It's a good camp skit routine for kids too - brushing teeth and so on. Using two humans rather than a human and a dog.
posted by sebastienbailard at 1:17 AM on February 15, 2014

@msjen: bless the dog for not eating all the pretzels at once indeed!
posted by Zandile Williams at 2:08 AM on February 15, 2014 [1 favorite]

I would love to do something like this with my dog, but trying would be an absolute disaster. I've managed to dress her up* in a hoodie in the past, but getting her to sit on my lap while I fed her would involve a lot of shuffling and jiggling and me getting elbowed in the crotch as she tried to climb out of the hoodie via a sleeve.

*You mustn't judge me!
posted by Solomon at 3:04 AM on February 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

*You mustn't judge me!
posted by Solomon at 11:04 on February 15 [+] [!]

posted by Devonian at 5:34 AM on February 15, 2014 [3 favorites]

Thing this dog has likely learned: If they put a red hoodie on me I'm likely to get food in short order.

Observational: That dog has excellent nails.
posted by Nanukthedog at 6:46 AM on February 15, 2014 [2 favorites]

Bucky,... you've changed so much since the last time I saw you!
posted by cleroy at 8:23 AM on February 15, 2014

Much double. So same. Very copy. Wow
posted by de at 8:24 AM on February 15, 2014

I dissolved into giggles when, after all that (somewhat) graceful wiping of the mouth with the napkin, they use the sweatshirt to clean their hands.
posted by mixedmetaphors at 8:43 AM on February 15, 2014

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