We'll have to settle for this
January 13, 2002 2:57 PM   Subscribe

We'll have to settle for this until flying cars and transport tubes show up. George Jetson would (or will) be proud. Now, how to slip roofie into one of these?
posted by sharksandwich (5 comments total)
How is this much different than a jello shot?
posted by jare2003 at 3:10 PM on January 13, 2002

Edible booze.... sounds good to me. I hate drinking, and having to get up to go to the jakes every few minutes, and some tosser stealing my bar stool while I'm gone.

More than this though, I'd like to see smokable booze.
posted by esquilax at 4:49 PM on January 13, 2002

esquilax, you may want to try a water pipe (such as this). Simply put vodka or suchlike in the back chamber instead of water and, hey presto, you should find that the heat of the smoke is enough to vapourise some alcohol and, well, you get the rest of the picture.
posted by MUD at 5:15 PM on January 13, 2002

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase Bong Water.

Why you'll never see flying cars can be summed up in another: Household Collision Insurance.
posted by y2karl at 9:18 PM on January 13, 2002

Or you could look here...


It's pretty Jetsonesque...
posted by Samizdata at 10:44 PM on January 13, 2002

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