“I was now a Lonely Bird … spreading my wings from field to field”
March 2, 2018 1:12 PM   Subscribe

Thank you for this. I lived in Antigua on and off for a few years and he is new to me. I have forwarded to a few Antiguan friends.
His lack of acknowledgement from his home island doesn't surprise. Antigua and much of the West Indies, especially in this era did not much care for artists or intellectuals, with a few exceptions who tended to have been 'discovered' outside their home territories. Home grown writers and artists were never feted or held up as examples of excellence, I think this is partly cultural machismo and the rest plain philistinism pushed by the ruling, monied elite, aping their colonial british masters who had no appreciation for much apart from horses and money.
posted by adamvasco at 1:36 PM on March 2, 2018

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