Charton Heston has symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's
August 9, 2002 11:51 AM   Subscribe

Charton Heston has symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's But he plans to continue to hold the position of NRA President, at least until the dementia means he can no long aim effectively.
posted by djfiander (77 comments total)
And there is a contradiction between dementia and running the NRA?
posted by cedar at 11:54 AM on August 9, 2002

"Damn! Damn you all to.....uhhhhh, uhhhhh..."
posted by amberglow at 11:56 AM on August 9, 2002

Hmmm... political snark or joke about horrible disease? Political snark or joke about horrible disease? Political snark or joke about horrible disease? I'll choose neither, and simply say I'm sorry for 'ol Charley and his family, and respect his decision to speak openly about his disease.
posted by evanizer at 12:03 PM on August 9, 2002


Oh, I forget. Carry on, I know you must be hungry.

Seriously, I'm a card carrying member of the NRA. I hope he has a few good years left in him. ( I do enjoy his crazy comments. He's so entertaining.) I feel for his family, and offer my support for his views and the organization he stands for.
posted by bradth27 at 12:06 PM on August 9, 2002

That would explain the cameo in Burton's Planet of the Apes...
posted by byort at 12:08 PM on August 9, 2002

How convenient, now he can simply forget about all the gun-related deaths he’s been responsible for.
posted by TeejNSF at 12:18 PM on August 9, 2002

Maybe he'll confuse the NRA with the IRA, and all of our problems could be solved.

Making fun of an elderly man's terminal illness is pretty low, but I just did it.
posted by Adam_S at 12:19 PM on August 9, 2002

"Look! I disagree with that man's politics so I'll make fun of his physical frailties! This makes me feel good!"

How convenient, now he can simply forget about all the gun-related deaths he's been responsible for.

Last time I checked Charlton Heston never murdered anyone.
posted by insomnyuk at 12:21 PM on August 9, 2002

I think history will show us that there's more to Heston than immediately meets the eye:

1)His perfect turn on "SpaceGhost Coast to Coast" ("You caught me. I don't floss.")

2)Two appearance with Dame Edna, where it was obvious that Heston really got what Barry/Edna was doing and really dug it, as compared to other celebs who would sit there looking very confused and uncomfortable

3)His perfect turn as the strolling player in Kenny B.'s "Hamlet" (just taking that role was a brilliant piece of self-consciousness)

In summary, "Cheston" is po mo and knows it. If he goes down, we'll all be losing a little.
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 12:22 PM on August 9, 2002

It didn't diminish Ronald Reagan's performance. Heston will be fine.
posted by sacre_bleu at 12:22 PM on August 9, 2002

Hmmm... political snark or joke about horrible disease? Political snark or joke about horrible disease? Political snark or joke about horrible disease?

As soon as posted I started wondering how long it would take the pc police to jump on it.

Another horrible disease is the proliferation of people who take each and every off the cuff the remark as some sort of horrendous slur on the demented community, the Asian community, the fat community, the Jewish community or whatever downtrodden and maligned group you've chosen to defend.

My post was about *one* person. Not about every Alzheimers patient in the country, not about *every* bad actor who espouses absurd poilitical opinions.

As far as your buddy Charly goes, he always was nuts and I doubt Alzheimers will hinder his ability to manage the NRA in any way whatsoever. Hell, it didn't seem to have much effect on the Reagan presidency.
posted by cedar at 12:26 PM on August 9, 2002

What gets me is the fact the Fox News Channel wouldn't shut up about this. I was at a local BBQ place in DC (Capital Q, represent! ), and they had FNC on and I swear they were talking about it for at least 30-45 minutes. Experts on describing what Alzheimer's was (at first the story was that he had it, then it was that he had symptoms consistent of it), what this means for him, the fact that he was in Planet of the Apes.

Maybe its just a slow news day, but jeepers. Don't they have a story about Panda sex life foibles or something? I almost expected they to start talking about a plan to miniaturize a small space craft to fix his brain or something. Sheesh.
posted by tittergrrl at 12:27 PM on August 9, 2002

(Thank you, skallas. That's a new word learned today.)

I've heard that, for the past two decades, Charlton Heston has been going out on his balcony at sunrise and pretending to be Moses.
posted by brownpau at 12:30 PM on August 9, 2002

Its called schadenfreude. Call it wrong, but if you think for second people are going to stop mocking others, especially easy, ahem, targets as Heston then you live on a different Earth than I do.

Those same people should stop blasting conservatives, then, for making fun of Hillary's colossal ass, apparent unwillingness to blow Bill, and general aura of bitchiness.

And for all those people she killed when she was too stupid and vain to get a workable national health care system in place!

::waits for click of shotgun, along with concomitant delicious irony::
posted by UncleFes at 12:35 PM on August 9, 2002

I've heard that, for the past two decades, Charlton Heston has been going out on his balcony at sunrise and pretending to be Moses.

Yeah, and you don't? Hell, I've been doing that for years.
posted by bradth27 at 12:35 PM on August 9, 2002

Maybe its just a slow news day, but jeepers.

I think a lot of Heston fans fall into the Fox News demographic. And no, I don't care to elaborate.
posted by whatnot at 12:36 PM on August 9, 2002

True, Skallas.... but it was a damn good book before they butchered it in Hollywood.
posted by bradth27 at 12:41 PM on August 9, 2002

Alzheimer's is horrible. My grandmother had it.

But, just because he's a good actor doesn't mean he's not a flake. After all, a man's gotta know his limitations. Oh yeah, that was the other tough guy.
posted by djfiander at 12:41 PM on August 9, 2002

Ok, so let me get this straight: "Guns don't kill people, Charlton Heston kills people."
posted by insomnyuk at 12:47 PM on August 9, 2002

Thank you UncleFes. My hat's off to CH if for no other reason than his being an independent thinker willing to speak his convictions rather than spout Hollywood liberal psychobabble just to get along. That in itself makes him somewhat unique. The fact that his views may not coincide with some of you folk's agendas is just life, kiddies.

TeejNSF, you need to go back on your medication now.
posted by Pressed Rat at 12:48 PM on August 9, 2002

You can call him a lot of things but A GOOD ACTOR. How dare you!

And do I think the NRA and Heston have blood on their hands? Hell, yes.
posted by TeejNSF at 12:49 PM on August 9, 2002

Oh, and skallas, I understand what schadenfreude is, and I admit I've taken part in it ("Look at that stupid bastard who lit himself on fire while trying to burn the flag", for example), but usually when someone's actions directly resulted in the suffering. Call it screwy, that's how I do it.

After seeing people I care about wither away from Alzheimers and Parkinson's, and I am disgusted by the idea that people can delight in the suffering of someone inflicted with a terminal disease.

I've never been called PC before either, now thats a trip...
posted by insomnyuk at 12:51 PM on August 9, 2002

And Pressed Rat, I think Hollywood is part of the myth-making machine that glorifies guns too, so that shoots holes in your "liberal Hollywood" theory.

And belonging to group that thinks just like you (that would be the NRA, RatMan) hardly makes you an "independent thinker."
posted by TeejNSF at 12:55 PM on August 9, 2002

TeejNSF - And do I think the NRA and Heston have blood on their hands? Hell, yes.

Canada - like the US, but without the guns.

I don't know if the NRA does any work in Canada or not, but they definitely don't get the media attention it seems they do in the U.S. Read the above link to see what gun control can do for a country.
posted by Adam_S at 12:57 PM on August 9, 2002

TeejNSF - I agree! On a similiar note, Gloria Child is responsible for the OJ killings, since she uses and is in support of cutlery.
Guns are not "evil", no matter how you twist and turn the issue. The person holding the weapon can be evil, however. ( so can the driver of a car.... should we put the auto manufacturers on trial?) Responsible gun ownership and use is a must, and I suggest it for anyone thinking of owning a gun.
posted by bradth27 at 1:01 PM on August 9, 2002

Before I say anything on this, is Heston Asian per chance?
posted by ElvisJesus at 1:02 PM on August 9, 2002

Gloria Child? Isn't she on after Melvin Yan but before Emeralph?
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 1:07 PM on August 9, 2002

Karma is a bitch.

for making fun of Hillary's colossal ass
It would be funny if she really had a big ass. Like J-Lo. Of course, J-Lo's assets on a whole far outpace Hillary.
posted by owillis at 1:08 PM on August 9, 2002

woops. Julia Child. heh. Gloria, her pet schnauzer, is completely innocent of all charges.
posted by bradth27 at 1:10 PM on August 9, 2002

And belonging to group that thinks just like you (that would be the NRA, RatMan) hardly makes you an "independent thinker."

The NRA is in favor of 'enforcing existing gun laws'. I don't agree, I'm favor of abolishing 'existing gun laws' along with most other restrictions on property.

But don't get me wrong, I'm for gun control. You always need a steady hand if you intend to defend your home or family with one.
posted by insomnyuk at 1:11 PM on August 9, 2002

oooh, oooh, i have one more: "If you loved him in a loincloth, you'll love him in-(oh, never mind)
Any man who says this deserves nothing but scorn and ridicule: "...I remember when European Jews feared to admit their faith. The Nazis forced them to wear six-pointed yellow stars sewn on their chests as identity badges. It worked..."
posted by amberglow at 1:11 PM on August 9, 2002

owillis, I felt the same way about that post. I happen to think Hillary is pretty damn good looking. In an Eskimo Pie sort of way.

I personally would have died of starvation had it not been for a rifle in the house as a child. Many thanks to the NRA for enabling my family to put food on the table.
posted by bradth27 at 1:13 PM on August 9, 2002


Hollywood is certainly a myth-making machine, & it would be a hard argument to say they haven't glorified guns in all their action movies in their pursuit of the almighty buck. It would be equally hard to dispute that most of the politically vocal members of Hollywood lean toward what one could reasonably term the liberal spectrum.

From my observation those who have opposing views and express them in that environment are considered politically incorrect and are sanctioned accordingly. CH hasn't seemed to play that game, in part I'm sure because his stature and point in life are such that they can't effectively cow him. It is from this perspective I say that he's an independent thinker & earns my respect for expressing his views.

They're probably offering a class down at the community college in inductive & deductive reasoning that you might benefit from - you seemed to draw a lot more inferences from my post than are warranted.

Extending your line of thinking to its reductio ad absurdum would lead us to conclude that anyone who belongs to any group that espouses a collective opinion or set of beliefs is, by nature of that membership, therefore a pawn without powers of ratiocination - or does that apply only to those who don't hold your own cherished beliefs?

Perhaps you only think that those who believe as you do could possibly have a reasoned position? That would indicate a sufficiency of arrogance and intolerance on your part - but of course, that's what you accuse others of, isn't it?
posted by Pressed Rat at 1:14 PM on August 9, 2002

Maybe its just a slow news day, but jeepers. Don't they have a story about Panda sex life foibles or something? I almost expected they to start talking about a plan to miniaturize a small space craft to fix his brain or something. Sheesh.

I don't think it necessarily has much to do with ideology or slowness of news today. It seems very similar to the hoopla when Michael J. Fox announced his Parkinson's.
posted by obfusciatrist at 1:17 PM on August 9, 2002

Many thanks to the NRA for kickass hats.

And Pressed Rat, I think Hollywood is part of the myth-making machine that glorifies guns too, so that shoots holes in your "liberal Hollywood" theory.

Oh, it's predominantly liberal, I think, but political ideology always plays second fiddle to money and multi million dollar movie deals.
posted by insomnyuk at 1:20 PM on August 9, 2002

Last time I checked Charlton Heston never murdered anyone.

No? What about all those Egyptian charioteers? Or are you still trying to pin that one on God?
posted by Grangousier at 1:21 PM on August 9, 2002

You always need a steady hand if you intend to defend your home or family with one.

You're more likely to need a steady hand for when you start shaving, insomnyuk.
posted by riviera at 1:21 PM on August 9, 2002

Wait, why are we flooding the country with cheap handguns again?
posted by zekinskia at 1:29 PM on August 9, 2002

If I had a dime for every lame half-joke you made, riviera, I could buy myself a ticket out of here.
posted by insomnyuk at 1:32 PM on August 9, 2002

You always need a steady hand if you intend to defend your home or family with one.

Where the hell do you live, man???

Besides, unless you're marching up and down in front of your driveway with a rifle over your shoulder, I don't see how having the gun makes you any safer.

Do what I do - pee on all the trees in your yard. It keeps all the criminals away, especially if they see you doing it.
posted by Jart at 1:36 PM on August 9, 2002

I think Michael J. Fox's announcement had a bit more newsworthiness to it because he was much younger than the publicly-assumed age when the disease strikes (the average age for contracting Parkinson's is 60, MJF wasn't even 40 years old when he was diagnosed).

If Matthew Perry (choosing another young male actor at random) were to announce that he was sufferring from Alzheimer's disease, I could see the reason for the big news story.

However, Heston is 78 years old. The risk of contracting it goes up after the age of 60 (according to this site). While it's a sad event, it really isn't that surprising that an elderly actor would be contracting this disease.
posted by grum@work at 1:39 PM on August 9, 2002

Although I may not agree with everything that insomnyuk has to say, I will defend him on this point.
It was intended in a light hearted manner, I suspect.
I have been unfortunate enough to be at home when a person broke a window in my home in the middle of the night and attempted to rob me blind. When I walked down the hall and into the living room to see what all the noise was about, he turned and looked at me, and then held up the crowbar ( which he used to enter the home) and started walking towards me. If it were not for the 12 gauge in my hands, he may have actually been able to hurt me and my family. Instead, he screamed like a little girl and ran like hell out of the house and down the road, where the police later picked him up, my VCR still in his hands.
posted by bradth27 at 1:44 PM on August 9, 2002

I don't think TeejNSF wants to hear that testimonial Bradth27. It's inconsistent with his belief system and creates too many conflicts.
posted by Pressed Rat at 1:48 PM on August 9, 2002

This is a touchy subject in, not the NRA or Heston's cheesy movie career, but giving up independence as you age. When do you stop working? When do you stop driving? When do you stop climbing ladders? When do you give-up living alone and move into an "assisted-living" environment aka nursing home?

So he has Alzheimers. Working, reading, and engaging the mind are all good therapy. Retiring from his post and watching The Planet of the Apes over and over would be bad therapy.
posted by Secret Life of Gravy at 1:48 PM on August 9, 2002

can we please get off the 'guns are good/bad' thing and get back to making fun of Heston?
posted by tolkhan at 1:50 PM on August 9, 2002

Where the hell do you live, man?

In a country where I have the right to defend myself, with a gun. I rather like it.
posted by insomnyuk at 2:12 PM on August 9, 2002

You always need a steady hand if you intend to defend your home or family with one.

I feel sorrow verging on pity for those who feel the need for guns. The world must be a very scary place for them.

Sorry Heston's got Alzheimers. Sorry also that he's been a misguided fool for years, and that he, the NRA, and its supporters shamefully contribute to the unconscionable violence in this country.

If it were not for the 12 gauge in my hands, he may have actually been able to hurt me and my family.

Right. Have you considered grenades?

Go to the pound and rescue a barking dog. Spend the money you wasted on your shotgun on some basic home security.

That way you won't have an idiot shotgun laying around your house awaiting some child's inquisitive fingers, awaiting theft and introduction into our community (which it would have been if you hadn't been home). We won't be awaiting those few inch-pounds of pressure in the heat of some future moment to produce yet another American gun-homicide victim.
posted by fold_and_mutilate at 2:13 PM on August 9, 2002

Doc to Heston: take two tablets and call me in the morning.
posted by CunningLinguist at 2:14 PM on August 9, 2002

I feel sorrow verging on pity for those who feel the need for guns.

Ditto for people like you who fear guns.

That way you won't have an idiot shotgun

That doesn't make any sense. At all. Shotguns are idiots?

our community

What community? Is this like the Emperor that has no clothes? I still don't see it!

Go to the pound and rescue a barking dog.

That dog will do really well against a robber armed with a nice flank of beefsteak, or a gun, even. Because criminals do have guns sometimes. I guess upstanding folks just shouldn't. You know, let the criminals have their way with us and let the glorious police solve the few murder cases they can (many cases go unsolved).

some child's inquisitive fingers

Cue Hollywood dream sequence. The stupidity of other people does not qualitatively affect my right to self-defense.
posted by insomnyuk at 2:17 PM on August 9, 2002

Ditto for people like you who fear guns.

No fear, having been trained to use guns since adolescence...and then outgrew the adolescent need for and interest in guns. Just contempt (and sorrow, as I said) for those who hide behind them.

That doesn't make any sense. At all. Shotguns are idiots?

Yep. I say the right tool for the right users.

That dog will do really well against a robber armed with a nice flank of beefsteak, or a gun, even. Because criminals do have guns sometimes. I guess upstanding folks just shouldn't. You know, let the criminals have their way with us and let the glorious police solve the few murder cases they can (many cases go unsolved).

Golly gee....why maybe the barking dog might just alert you before someone gets in the house.

Your gun will do real well in a firefight in your apartment, John Wayne notwithstanding. Frankly, I'd rather keep the gun out of your hand, and the criminal hand. For the sake of the safety of the community.

Cue Hollywood dream sequence. The stupidity of other people does not qualitatively affect my right to self-defense.

It's a Hollywood dream sequence that children are the victim of unsecured guns? That's your dream sequence, friend. It's a nightmare for the rest of us.

The stupidity of gun owners who need guns does not qualitatively affect the rights of children to be safe.
posted by fold_and_mutilate at 2:33 PM on August 9, 2002

That would indicate a sufficiency of arrogance and intolerance on your part... -- Pressed Rat

They're probably offering a class down at the community college in inductive & deductive reasoning that you might benefit from -- Pressed Rat

TeejNSF, you need to go back on your medication now. -- Pressed Rat

I'd like to say I just smell a common Rat, but the above sounds like pretty much like a HypocRat.
posted by fold_and_mutilate at 2:36 PM on August 9, 2002

fold, you should leave insomnyuk alone--he's got his hourly patrol of the family compound to do...
posted by amberglow at 2:36 PM on August 9, 2002

Frankly, I'd rather keep the gun out of your hand, and the criminal hand. For the sake of the safety of the community.

Remember criminals don't care about the laws, which do nothing to stop the acquisition of a gun on the black market anyway. And please tell me where the fuck is this community you keep referring to?
posted by insomnyuk at 2:40 PM on August 9, 2002

Right. Have you considered grenades?

Well, yeah. But to be honest, they tear up the meat too much.
Go to the pound and rescue a barking dog. Spend the money you wasted on your shotgun on some basic home security.
Look, some of us like guns, some don't. Some of us don't want to trust our lives to a dog from the pound, some do. I don't NEED guns. I like them. I shoot for pleasure and for food. And if needed, for safety. It's a weapon, just like anything else.
By the way, I don't have a shotgun just laying around the house. All of my guns are locked up, but easily accessible to me if I need them. ( I am the only one who knows the combination, so that my child cannot get at them. )
Calling gun owners stupid is just...well, stupid.
posted by bradth27 at 2:48 PM on August 9, 2002

Here Insomnyuk,, the perfect site for the 19 year-old who knows that guys with guns get the all the chicks. (I like emo/punk/hardcore and i h8 the government?, puhlease).

Man, I hate to stoop to ad hominem attacks, but parotting NRA bumperstickers is just too much.
posted by jonnyp at 3:04 PM on August 9, 2002

Hmmm... political snark or joke about horrible disease?

We don't really need to supply jokes about diseases when Heston gives us material like this:

"I can part the Red Sea, but I can't part with you..."

Was this (a)Heston to his fans in a videotaped statement or (b)Moses to Zipporah in the earliest known record of a cheesy love letter?
posted by pitchblende at 3:31 PM on August 9, 2002

My grandmother had Alzheimer’s and I witnessed the horror of that disease. I don’t wish that on anyone -- even Heston or Reagan whose politics I abhor.

I don’t think all gun owners are stupid but I do think a lot of them are compensating for feelings of impotence and powerlessness. That would explain why anyone would “shoot for pleasure.” What is it about shooting a gun that gives you pleasure, brath27? And wouldn’t Viagra and hand job be just as effective?
posted by TeejNSF at 3:38 PM on August 9, 2002


I still haven't made up my mind about gun control.

On the one hand, I'm into individual rights, protecting you and yours, and such.

On the other hand, I worry about all the children who keep finding daddy's guns and learning too late that they aren't toys.

On the third hand, I don't give a fuck about guns or kids and don't really want any of either.
posted by nath at 3:41 PM on August 9, 2002

What is it about shooting a gun that gives you pleasure, brath27? And wouldn?t Viagra and hand job be just as effective?

Without resorting to personal attacks on an individual's "feelings of impotence and powerlessness", I will tell you. Target shooting is just as "fun" as any other sport. There's a target, and you try to hit it, just like basketball or football. What's so hard to understand there?
As for Viagra and a hand job, my sex life is just fine. There is no "sexual thrill" from using a handgun or shotgun for me. I have been around guns all my life, and it is simply something that I do. I hunt to put food on the table, I keep a gun for my personal protection, and I shoot targets for fun. I have a license to carry a concealed handgun, and I carry it when I travel. To boost my ego? No. For the same reason others carry pepper spray.

Kids who find Daddy's guns and shoot themselves/someone else are in the same boat as the kid who gets in Daddy's car and places it in drive. Should we outlaw cars because of it, or educate our children and be more responsible parents?

I am not a gun-toting crazy person, and I use my rifles and handguns in a responsible manner.
posted by bradth27 at 3:49 PM on August 9, 2002

TeejNSF is right we shouldn't wish any disease apon anyone.
posted by DailyBread at 4:16 PM on August 9, 2002

Dear God, did I actually just see fold_and_mutilate reply to someone? Someone check the temperature of hell.
posted by kindall at 4:21 PM on August 9, 2002

Personally, I haven't have much need for guns in the house since I staked out the place with all those human skulls...
posted by alumshubby at 6:42 PM on August 9, 2002

Er, had, that is.
posted by alumshubby at 6:43 PM on August 9, 2002

Hillary's colossal ass

Heston: "good gawd woman, You have one lahrge ass."
posted by clavdivs at 6:46 PM on August 9, 2002

It was a slow news today, I think.

I was sitting watching Sky News (UK version of Fox News) this afternoon, as you do, and suddenly all the screens in the background went red and the 'BREAKING NEWS' banner swept across the screen.. and I was thinking.. 'war!', 'terrorist attack!', 'royal death!'.. and what do they report? Some guy might have Alzheimer's!

Definitely a slow news day. Then again, Sky News does this on every story they get. Whether it's the 9/11 thing or some guy 'possibly' getting an illness, it's that same newsflash panic!
posted by wackybrit at 6:59 PM on August 9, 2002

0 degrees celsius, 32 degrees Farenheit. Yep, you're right, Kindall.
posted by evanizer at 7:01 PM on August 9, 2002

You know, thats pretty f***ed that you say that djfiander. Mr. Heston was very brave to come forward with this, and I wish him all the best in the reminder of his life. He MUCH more than the NRA. Do some research.....He walked with Martin Luther King Jr.
posted by ericdano at 7:28 PM on August 9, 2002

"You can pry my gun from my cold dead hands." - Heston, halfwit.

*waits, patiently*
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 9:14 PM on August 9, 2002

Charton Heston is the premier example of how a person can taint his entire reputation with one act.

Okay, maybe it's O.J., instead.

But, as much as I deplore the whole N.R.A. thing (completely disregarding the whole notion of how he may have been an unwitting figurehead for the organization), I'm very sorry that Charlton Heston will (apparently) end his days not knowing about any of that, or about anything else he ever did.

That makes me sad - because I will say to my dying day that his version of "The Ten Commandments" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" are my two favorite movies of all time.

Why? They're both hilarious.
posted by yhbc at 9:39 PM on August 9, 2002

I feel for his family, and offer my support for his views and the organization he stands for.

I originally read that as "I fear for his family..." which seems equally appropriate.

I, personally, have no problems with guns. I live in a pretty rural area so most people have at least a hunting rifle. However, I really think allowing someone with a degenerative disease of the mind to be in possession of a gun is A Very Bad Idea. People with a history of mental illness, even non-violent, can't go into a store and buy a gun. If someone is diagnosed with an illness that is going to alter his judgement, perception, and mental acuity to an extreme degree why would they be allowed to keep what guns they do have?
Regardless of how he is now/was before, he will not be of a sound mind as the disease progresses. I saw my mother come home from her job as a geriatric-specializing nurse with cuts and bruises from patients attacking her almost every week, the patients who attacked their nurses were mainly those suffering from Alzheimer's. They didn't do it to be mean or vicious, they were confused and didn't understand where they were, or why these strange women were trying to force pills on them. The disease had progressed to a point where they simply couldn't understand what was happening around them, and how to react.

I certainly hope that he gives up his guns while he is still in full control of his judgement.
posted by Kellydamnit at 10:58 PM on August 9, 2002

On the other hand, I worry about all the children who keep finding daddy's guns and learning too late that they aren't toys.

More children drown in buckets each year than are accidently shot by guns. Sure, parents need to be responsible with guns and anything else dangerous left around the house, but I don't think we should let children be the sole reason for allowing or disallowing any item in our society.
posted by reverendX at 11:31 PM on August 9, 2002

I don't think we should let children be the sole reason for allowing or disallowing any item in our society.

Neither do I. I'm of a mind with Bill Hicks on this one: "'We have to protect the children'? What does that mean? They reach a certain age and they're off your fuckin' love list?"

I'm more for guns than against them, but like I said, I don't want guns or kids in my house, so I don't care a whole lot about the issue.
posted by nath at 12:33 AM on August 10, 2002

If I had a dime for every lame half-joke you made, riviera, I could buy myself a ticket out of here.

Let me send you a cheque: I can easily afford a half-price child fare.
posted by riviera at 2:36 AM on August 10, 2002

posted by Jubey at 3:41 AM on August 10, 2002

I once saw a documentary on the series POV (PBS). The filmmaker was a lesbian whose mother had disowned her because of her sexuality. Her mother was subsequently stricken with Alzheimer's at a relatively early age (around 50). Her mother no longer recognized the filmmaker as her daughter. She then embraced her daughter's sexuality and all her lesbian friends.

I wonder if CH will eventually forget his ideology regarding guns and start extolling the virtues of the Brady Bill?

I grew up with guns and all of the men in my family have guns. If I had to have a gun to protect my property I would only need one. I would need a pump action 12 gage with buckshot. The sound of the pump loading the shell is unmistakable to anyone who's not deaf and your aim doesn't have to be pinpoint at close range.

The weird thing about this debate is that you have to be all or nothing. It's either all guns must be destroyed or everyone has the God given right to an arsenal most developing countries can't afford. What ever happened to reason?
posted by whatever at 4:13 AM on August 10, 2002

So now they take his guns away?
posted by onegoodmove at 9:38 AM on August 10, 2002

What ever happened to reason?

You ain't from around here, are you son?
posted by ElvisJesus at 4:41 PM on August 10, 2002

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