a promising trajectory
February 25, 2023 6:10 AM   Subscribe

Kerbal Space Program 2 makes rocket science far more approachable, but no less complex [Polygon] “Despite its accolades, Kerbal’s zeal for orbital trajectories and delta-V’s can be intimidating. It is, well, rocket science. For its sequel, though, developer Intercept Games clearly wanted to make these systems more approachable for new players — and new interactive tutorials go a long way toward that end. None of which is to say that the designers have dumbed the series down. Rest assured, that signature customizability and attention to scientific realism remains fully intact. Even though Kerbal Space Program 2 is designed to ease potential rocket scientists into their new obsession, the many quality-of-life improvements that Intercept Games has introduced are just as much a boon to those who already speak Kerbin.” [YouTube][Gameplay Trailer]
posted by Fizz (17 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
I wish I had a brain that clicked with this type of game, but alas, just not in the cards for me. I've bounced off of this physics sandbox every time I try to give it a go. But happy for all the budding space engineers out there!!
posted by Fizz at 6:19 AM on February 25, 2023 [4 favorites]

Excited for this! Sounds like it's still a little too early access for me but I'll enjoy it once it's a little more baked.

KSP 2 has had a checkered development history. Intercept Games is now the developer but there was an interlude with Star Theory Games that ended poorly. Take Two, the publishing house that owns titular publisher Private Division, is the business driver behind all this messiness. The original KSP story is even more complicated, having been developed in Mexico by fashion house Squad. There was controversy there too. Apologies for the dirty laundry, I think this game will be great. Just interesting what a messy business games can be.

Has anyone played Balsa Model Flight Simulator? That's the game written by Felipe "HarvesteR" Falanghe, the original KSP lead developer. Reviews on Steam are strong but there's very little buzz about the game online. Maybe it needs a Scott Manley to be the hype man?
posted by Nelson at 6:26 AM on February 25, 2023 [2 favorites]

Like a lot of people into Kerbal, I'm interested but waiting.

The development was already troubled and the early access version they just released is very bare-bones (and they're asking $50 for it). I'd say at the minimum, I'm not going to jump until there's must-have features like heat modeling and a science mode.

Still, I have hopes. I loved the original KSP and let's face it: KSP was never not janky and cobbled together.
posted by Laura Palmer's Cold Dead Kiss at 6:54 AM on February 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

I have hundreds of hours in KSP, and like many others, I'm excited for what KSP2 might become, not what it is now. I'll be waiting for it to be more fully fleshed out before looking at it. My current PC only barely meets the minimum specs as well (and their 'recommended' GPU is a fucking 3080!)
posted by Dysk at 7:12 AM on February 25, 2023 [5 favorites]

I bought KSP's early access when it was only a single planet and a very small collection of rocket bits. Best $12 I've spent on a game, even though my interaction is in the mode of "play for a week, forget about it for two years, play for a week." I'm excited to see what KSP2 turns into, and I'm tempted to buy it now just to support that, even though it looks entirely underbaked at the moment.

It's neat to watch all the Lets Plays around launch time, at least. Watching folks who really get the game has always been fun for me, a la Star Trek competence porn.
posted by Alterscape at 10:36 AM on February 25, 2023

KSP is one of the greatest games ever created, and that is a science proven fact. Spare me your shooters and what not, just plant me on the ground and let figure out how to travel the solar system.

Also: EELOOFOREVER. It’s the best planet.

Haven’t tried KSP2 yet, I’m Mac based, so it’ll be a minute, but that’s fine.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 10:56 AM on February 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

€ 50 for an early access game in this state is not OK.
posted by Pendragon at 11:00 AM on February 25, 2023 [4 favorites]

Yeah, KSP is one of my all time favorites, but this is a definite wait and see. The price is pretty high for early access, particularly since there's no guarantee that anything will get finished. Also, my laptop is disappointingly just under minimum gpu spec. I'm a little baffled by the system requirements. Like, they seem to be targeting high-end hardcore gamers, and I wonder if that is really where the audience is?
posted by surlyben at 1:53 PM on February 25, 2023

KSP2 looks very pretty. I will wait for it to be more mature before I shell out $50 and move my good GPU between computers.

The KSP hype is nice, though. It's making me want to load up my favorite vessel designs and make exploded diagrams to show them off.
posted by Phssthpok at 2:15 PM on February 25, 2023

I’ve killed so so many astronauts (and, I assume, ground staff) in KSP.
posted by aramaic at 2:44 PM on February 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I was a huge ksp fan, but I can't imagine who would be the target audience of this ksp2 release. It currently has fewer features and poorer performance than ksp1. Any ksp enthusiast already owns a superior product. Apparently, the only new features of note are the tutorials. But these are only useful to new players, who should be even less likely to pay this much for an early access.
posted by Prof. Danger at 4:52 PM on February 25, 2023 [1 favorite]

I am happy that a game such as KSP even exists. Space operas are quite popular (like Star Wars or Star Trek), but real orbital mechanics is something that has not been really introduced into popular culture. And I feel like a pedant nerd by saying this.

On the other hand, calculating and planning a trip from Kerbin to Duna, and then launching your probe, intercepting Duna, aerobraking and landing your probe in one piece is an undescribable feeling. And this makes me even more of a pedant nerd.

I had planned to get KSP 2 on day one, but after reading the reviews, I'm on the fence. On the one hand, 50€ is a lot for an early access game that doesn't even work properly. On the other hand, I'm very curious and would like to see by myself how bad the bugs are. We'll see.

As Scott Manley says, my fellow kerbalnauts: Fly safe!
posted by LaVidaEsUnCarnaval at 2:00 AM on February 26, 2023 [1 favorite]

This is probably what gets me to finally buy a new laptop.
posted by pompomtom at 3:05 AM on February 26, 2023

Yeah not sold on KSP2 and I’m someone who bought the original before there was a spaceplane hangar and runway. Plus whatever shader they’re using for the parts makes everything look like it’s costed in a thin sheen of Vaseline.

Art direction for the opening cinematic is fun though.
posted by nathan_teske at 10:59 AM on February 26, 2023

My current PC only barely meets the minimum specs as well (and their 'recommended' GPU is a fucking 3080!)

Have you tried attaching more struts to your PC?
posted by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow at 11:32 PM on February 26, 2023 [2 favorites]

If I had a GPU the size and weight of a typical 3080, that's when I'd need the struts.
posted by Dysk at 1:38 AM on February 27, 2023

A 3080? Wow, weird
posted by Nelson at 4:19 AM on February 27, 2023

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