I've got a gut f(r)eeling
November 6, 2023 8:12 PM   Subscribe

Devo, 1977 It's your Monday free thread!
posted by Gorgik (57 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
posted by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 8:30 PM on November 6, 2023

Mark was on Broken Record recently. A little wander-y (would you want it any other way?) but good stories. Johnny Rotten, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young. All the good ones.

Transcript, basically
posted by alex_skazat at 8:39 PM on November 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

My band opened up for DEVO at the venue they used for the National Western Stock Show. Echoing and tinny as all get out. I had recently injured my arm on a cross the country (of America) mountain bike race, so I couldn't play this huge pair of cymbals I usually did, so I dressed up as a masked belly dancer and roamed the isles of seats. People were a bit surprised when they saw my package as I bent over them.

Oh and everyone at DEVO was nice backstage (the parking lot).
posted by alex_skazat at 8:42 PM on November 6, 2023 [12 favorites]

Look at all those chickens pumpkins!
posted by moonmilk at 8:58 PM on November 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

Alex, I think you need to go into much greater detail about everything you just said. Everything, as if I’m a newbie. Everything.

posted by ashbury at 9:01 PM on November 6, 2023 [8 favorites]

An unexpected photo opportunity I stumbled upon outside my apartment building this weekend. I think it came out pretty nice.
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:25 PM on November 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

I’ve seen Devo live only once about a decade ago and it was when Mark Mothersbaugh was suffering from strep throat. The show must go on, however, and it was like listening to an album from an alternate dimension: Tom Waits Sings Devo’s Greatest Hits.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 9:55 PM on November 6, 2023 [4 favorites]

So, updating from last free thread.

Your theater update: Oklahoma opened, it went pretty well with a few minor snags, got a glowing review from the theater critic. It's a pretty easy show for me to do, so that's cool, even if the show is nearly 3 hours long (my second longest musical, oy).

The "my life is a nightmare" update: had an appointment with my new PCP Friday and yes, I was immediately prescribed psych meds within oh, 15 minutes. I pointed out that if I have ANY side effects issues that screw with me at work, I will be written up and it will be used in my firing, so she agreed to give me 2 weeks off from work in case anything happens.

I am now forced to stop using any sleep aids because of this whole diagnostic process, so I pretty much haven't slept since then. Not more than about 2 hours at a stretch, anyway, because without what I was taking, I cannot stay asleep. So that sucks. I don't blame that on pills since I've been like this since 2020. I told this to my castmate who's a nurse and she freaked out and I was all, "sadly, this is normal for me."

(It's really weird. Like I'm not even needing to drink caffeine to stay awake despite the not sleeping, but also I don't think I'm at full faculties to handle job hunting right now like I was planning on doing, and hell, I'm having issues following a crochet pattern. So I'm a wee bit scrambled...but that was already happening, so.)

As for the pills: on the one hand, so far I haven't had any identifiable side effects, whew and yay. So far I feel about my usual, albeit I'm not totally losing my shit because I'm not at work, so it's hard to judge. On the other hand, my biggest reason for not wanting to get A Diagnosis for so many years was because A Diagnosis inevitably comes with A Bunch Of Pills For Life, which I can't swallow. So swallowing pills is not going well, this thread's suggestions and pretty much all the suggestions aren't really working, and it's taking me an extremely long time to get a damn solid object deliberately down the gullet. Like "good thing you're not having to go to work at a certain time" level of not going well. One is bad enough, I don't know how the fuck I'll handle it if/when I get A Diagnosis and then get MORE pills prescribed to me *cries* This is exactly what I dreaded my whole life and it's about as bad as I figured, minus vomiting so far at least.

And...I told my mother most of what is going on. I didn't use the super bad word as to what happened at work, but said I have to get diagnosed with something and go on pills ASAP and one way or another I will not be at my employer much longer, you get what I mean by that. She actually took it well (probably because I didn't spell out how bad it was at work) and was supportive and said I can move home if I have to, so there's that. Per what I've been told about diagnosis, she can't track down any paperwork from childhood but has been asking the relatives if anybody's been diagnosed with anything, and so far, three boy cousins have. Of course it's the boys in childhood, right? She also remembers all the complaints about me in childhood from teachers and the like and how they wanted me to go into counseling in 4th grade, except Mom took it as an insult of her parenting skills and said no. So she's on board if requested to talk to medical professionals, albeit she may not have a whole lot to contribute.

So basically I'm tired and have spaghetti brains and an effed throat, but could be worse under the circumstances. I have Big Appointment #1 in a few days, according to the PCP this will be followed up with a battery of tests, whee. Let's hope this shit is gotten over with as soon as possible. PCP said it'd take a few weeks, but I wouldn't be surprised if I hit Firing Time and I still don't have anything to temporarily save my bacon.
posted by jenfullmoon at 10:19 PM on November 6, 2023 [6 favorites]

Morning all!
I'm sitting here with a huge bowl of very hot porridge, trying to work and distracting myself with MetaFilter and the news. It's the time of the year where the leaves on the trees outside perfectly match my bedcover. So for a little while, I'm going to savor the good things and ignore all the stuff I don't know how to handle.

Hang on Jen!
posted by mumimor at 12:25 AM on November 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

I’d like to say that I miss Iain Banks.
posted by procrastination at 3:50 AM on November 7, 2023 [10 favorites]

Further returning film student update:

In one of my first free threads I mentioned concerns over the fact that I am like 30 years older than all my classmates and I don't live on campus so I feel a little bit like an outsider.

I acted in that student film a few weeks ago which went well and that helped me meet people, so I got closer to a few classmates, I auditioned for another student film but feel like I choked, but I was also anxious about another thing I signed up for: a 48 Hour Film Project. This is an organized filmmaking competition, you get assigned to teams, learn the required elements that have to be in your film, and you have exactly 48 hours (the school scheduled it for Daylight Savings so we technically got 49 hours) to have it shown to an audience shortly after the two day limit has expired. Again, this meets my rule to Participate.

I sat down with a few people I knew, waiting for the assignment. You had to sign up beforehand, so they already had the rosters made up just before 7pm, the start time. I got assigned to the smallest group: it was me, one senior that I had met a couple times but didn't know well, the guy who was production assistant on the film I was in who is also a first year film student, and a film studies major, an exchange student from France - he wasn't a filmmaker and I'm not sure he understood what he was signing up for. We would have had 5 people but our fifth didn't even show up.

Not to go into too much detail on production, but because the PA knew I could act, I got assigned that role right away; the film studies guy was a musician and composer - we put that right to work and we're the only film with an original soundtrack, and even though we are both 1st year students with gaps in our filmmaking knowledge the two of us had pretty solid production skills - watch it here. .

The five student teams were competing against each other; all five were shown to an audience of studentsd and encouraging parents, then judges deliberated, and...we, the team of first year students, non filmmakers, and one very patient senior, got 2nd place!

But here's the thing: before the showing, a woman who was in the previously short film with me, who isn't a film major but was there as part of an capella group that performed a pre-show, waved at me from across the lobby; another woman, a parent who I met waiting to audition for the second film, stopped and talked with me. And then afterwards I got a lot of fellow students coming up and saying how good we did on our project, and asking if I want to act in their future projects, and then the Instagram follows started appearing.

I'm included! All I had to do is wear a sombrero and dance with a mannequin. I joke, but what it really was is that is showed I wasn't just some guy sitting in class: I was really taking initiative to be a Filmmaker, and that's sort of an unanticipated result of my Participation rule: it's not just the act of seeing others' work or having mine seen, it's actively demonstrating I'm part of this, not just a watcher on the sidelines.

And, in another unanticipated twist, one of the students who I auditioned for and choked... made a comment that makes me think I did better than I thought.

But the 48 Hour Film Project is a high intensity thing and I, at almost 50, got only maybe 7 hours of sleep total between Friday and Sunday, so I'm still catching up. Sometimes you have to suffer for your art.
posted by AzraelBrown at 4:26 AM on November 7, 2023 [18 favorites]

Last week was essentially an adulting fail all the way around, in all my roles.

After 4 'effing months of visiting specialists to figure out my issue and FINALLY getting a medication regime that so far is working really well, I received a letter yesterday from Caremark informing me that they are dropping the medication in 2024 since it has gone generic. Except that I cannot seem to find the generic version on the 2024 approved list. I'm using the medication on a nonstandard dosing schedule and need to stay on at least the generic version.

The irony that one of the suggested replacements was a medication that I was talked out by the guy who finally figured out my shit is not lost on me.

I just want to cry.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 5:02 AM on November 7, 2023 [5 favorites]

Jenfullmoon and AzraelBrown have given "state of the Me" updates, so...

* I've posted a couple of comments and AskMe's elsewhere about my job hunt situation, which has been VERY volatile. I've joked that the kind of luck I have tends not to be necessarily straightforward "good" or "bad" - usually it is some variant of "weird". The kind of thing that the usual "career hunt advice" blogs don't cover - like, "the staffing service pushes aggressively to get you to start a temp-to-perm thing ASAP, but you ask for a week to hear back about a very promising permanent position that doesn't manifest, but then when you call them back about the temp position they never return your calls, and your existing temp job has already hired a replacement for you".

Things there have...started settling. I've written one last time to the flakey staffing agency but have largely given up on it, and the permanent job I've given up on as well (it's a city job that could come along any day in the future, and we will react accordingly). The night that things completely crapped out I spent a panicked 2 hours applying to things to get more irons in the fire - including an admin position with the office of the president at my college alma mater. ...I have an initial screening interview with THEM this morning.

I also have a different temp agency working on a bunch of things for me - one is waiting to hear back about a two-year temp gig working for Brooklyn's city hall, and the other is a six-month gig in the office of the president at a CUNY branch. I have another interview for the latter today.

AND - there's another staffing service altogether working on a direct hire situation with the Archdiocese of New York. The initial recruiter already had the interview with me - she said at the end of the interview that it sounds like I could do this job in my sleep, and she "likes my energy", so I'm hopeful. She already told me about the salary and the benefits - she apologized that the salary was "low" ("It's a non-profit, I hope you understand") but it's actually about a $6K RAISE over my last job. The benefits are what I'm looking for too, and I'd also get Catholic holidays off to boot. ....My mother tells me that my aunt has become much more Catholic as of late and has actually started a prayer circle for me, so she has been joking that this is Aunt Susan's doing.

I'm also doing this cheeseball Virtual Career Fair today through the state DOL. My existing temp gig gives me Tuesdays and Fridays off, so I front-load a bunch of career-hunt stuff there; this is a bit busier than usual, but just having the options is helping settle the panic.

* Speaking of the existing temp job - they recognize that I got screwed over by that staffing service and by them hiring an replacement, and will likely keep me on a couple extra weeks. It's not like i'm being pitched out on my ear - they had me on their budget until Christmas, and they've also already let someone else go anyway. And my boss is very persuasive so there's a good chance they can keep me around for a few more weeks at least, especially since my schedule has always been part-time. I have ideas for what to do while I'm there since the new girl is also there.

* And also - this whole time, I've had about $12K in my emergency savings that I've never touched. And I was already on a spending-habits overhaul anyway, so my expenses month-to-month during this time have been low enough that I've been in the black. the biggest draw on my budget each month was my IRA contributions - I was maxing my contributions out. I've stopped maxing them out, but I've still been able to make contributions. (I would love to get back to maxing the IRA contributions out, though, and have adjusted any career hunt goal accordingly.) So I could even conceivably go for the whole of December and then January with no work whatsoever, and still be okay.

* Two apps have been helping me in the past couple weeks; a meditation app called Headspace, and a food app called Too Good To Go. The first is a paid app with a SHIT-TON of guided meditations, white-noise soundscapes for sleep, and the like. I've been doing a lot of the sleep stuff for the past week, and at one point this weekend when I was getting into a fretting state about work, I hit it up for a quick meditation to target anxiety, and MAN did it help.

Too Good To Go is a newer discovery and HOLY CRAP it is awesome. It connects people with food businesses - a food store, restaurant, or other similar place that has food leftover at the end of the day packages it up into "surprise grab bags" that they sell for about five bucks through the app. It's all the perfectly fine food that they would otherwise have to throw away because it's the end of the day or it's nearing its sell-by date. You don't get to pick and choose what you get, you can only pick the store you go to.

It's a free app, and I downloaded out of curiosity - the cheap price and the sheer number of participating stores near me blew me away. I tried it out last night, with a bag of kolaches - usually they go for $5 each, but I got a bag of four for that price. They asked me whether I wanted all sweet, all savory, or a mix, and then packed things accordingly. I split the proceeds with my roommate, and one dinner of a spinach kolache and some leftover carrot soup later, with a chocolate peanut butter kolache for dessert, and I was sold. This thing is going to replace Grubhub for me, seriously. (And - it would be a LOT cheaper.)

So I have some job-hunt type stuff all morning, and then in the afternoon I'm going to do some other house-tending things - that always makes me feel grounded, and hoo boy I think I need that. But on average I'm bouncing back from that total weird-luck curve ball (although I am continuing to look, so if anyone hears anything....)
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:21 AM on November 7, 2023 [7 favorites]

theBigRedKittyPurrs : I cannot seem to find the generic version on the 2024 approved list. I'm using the medication on a nonstandard dosing schedule and need to stay on at least the generic version

Do you have insurance? They may be able to point you in the right direction, or even get the meds shipped to you from their preferred mail order source. They can also make exceptions on the formulary list depending on availability. Both of these options can be pains in the butts but are preferable to going without the meds.
posted by AzraelBrown at 7:11 AM on November 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

I’d like to say that I miss Iain Banks.

God, what I would give for just one more Culture novel.
posted by Thorzdad at 7:26 AM on November 7, 2023

Based on a bit from the book about sea otters that my daughter was reading recently, I have adopted one of their behaviors in which I suddenly grab my daughter, hoist her into the air, and loudly demand my wife give me some food in exchange for releasing her. Preferably shellfish.

I don't actually like shellfish, but it's more authentic that way. It's fun and educational. Everyone seems to enjoy it. I think. Sea otters...
posted by Naberius at 7:58 AM on November 7, 2023 [5 favorites]

It's a time of change all righty. We've been pushing hard to get our new-to-us, somewhat old-sort-of-falling-aparts house in shape for winter; last week's snow dust was a good test of our enplasticated porch. It worked! It was warm and humid enough overnight that the lemongrass has perked up again and is fighting it out with the pineapple sage for space. I have the pleasantly aromatic task of cutting everything back soon.
My hands are still in bad shape, having to take it slow when I just want to open boxes and move stuff around. I was contemplating applying for a part time job at a bigbox hardware store; the symmetry of working where I'm spending most of my money anyway appeals. But that's going to have to wait until I can get better treatment for my pinched nerves and wrists. Meanwhile, we've learned that cat resources should be " +1", so if you have 2 cats you need 3 litter boxes and food bowls, etc. Well, we're getting a delivery of another cat tonight, so I think we'll be +1 in terms of 1 cat for each level of the house, plus one for the lap at any given time.
posted by winesong at 8:12 AM on November 7, 2023 [4 favorites]

I bought a toaster this morning. Last night I looked around the kitchen and thought, "I've lived in this house for 45 years and you know what I need? A toaster!" So I went out and bought one.

Oh, and a loaf of bread.
posted by SPrintF at 8:36 AM on November 7, 2023 [10 favorites]

Ah! KEXP is playing Gut Feeling! It was meant to be!
posted by Gorgik at 8:38 AM on November 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

I saw Marnie Stern over the weekend for her new album release show, and I likely would have missed this if it wasn't for a recent FPP so feels appropriate to report back here. It was also the first live music I've seen since 2019

The show was all right, kinda messy sound mixing (I think? I don't know music stuff) and the vocals were drowned out, to the point multiple people shouted "turn Marnie up!" and the band made jokes about it. But they seemed to be having fun tbh, and it felt like a casual show so I didn't mind that much.

I've honestly been a little emotional listening to this new album because it's her first in 10 years and I can't help think about my own life changes in that time. The music itself also has this kind of feeling of glorious triumphant rejoicing to it and I'm just so grateful for it right now.

I thought about making a Fanfare post after this thread but I got shy and don't really understand Fanfare tbh, although I would love more channels for finding new-to-me music
posted by okonomichiyaki at 8:49 AM on November 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

No cart before the horse for SPrintF, nosirree!
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:55 AM on November 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

I got the news yesterday that our 100-150 year old ponderosa pine has a fungal infection and is going to die "soon".

It's a drag because it's the largest tree in the neighborhood and losing it will change the area. Also because of how I process things like this, I can't help but feel like it's my fault somehow.
posted by Gorgik at 9:10 AM on November 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

I have been struggling with my weight in the last year and have gained a considerable amount. I had done really well on my Optifast program and especially the follow-up, but then my best friends moved to Scotland and I had my second hip operation (which was keeping me focused on keeping the weight off). I was not going to try Ozempic but after seeing my doctor, I decided to give it a try. It almost immediately turned off the obsessing about food brain thoughts that I have all the time and it made me actually forget to eat. Unfortunately, when I did eat, I was making bad choices and then I discovered since it controls my blood sugar, I could eat things (i.e white bread, pasta, rice, stuff with sugar) that I had given up for almost 10 years and I started eating those--it was so easy to fall back into bad habits. In addition, I had the side effects of a piercing headache and nausea almost every day for the first month or so. Then, two weeks ago I found myself just sitting in my comfy chair staring at the TV without being aware of what I was watching, scrolling Instagram and thinking very, very dark thoughts. I used to have issues with depression that were mostly linked with my period. Having gone through menopause, and lots of therapy, I was mostly fine. And here I was not fine at all. That is apparently also a side effect of Ozempic for folks who have a tendency toward depression. Ugh. I am now titrating off and will be off it in a couple of weeks. Now that I am aware that the black dog was on my heels (so to speak) I am employing my tools from my toolbox to keep it at bay.

I may go back on Optifast if they will let me. And I am starting to cut out the foods which don't serve me well. It will be a struggle, but my hope is to get my weight down enough and my endurance back up enough that I can handle a trip to Scotland in the spring or summer.
posted by agatha_magatha at 9:15 AM on November 7, 2023 [7 favorites]

Last night some more brand new exciting and expensive house issues appeared. I think at this point I’m done; I’m going to start looking for a new place and getting this one ready to sell. I’m really sad but the writing is on the wall: somebody with deeper pockets needs to take on the money pit. I feel irrationally as if I’m being thrown out: I’ve been judged and found wanting.

I changed my entire life 5 years ago, moved across the country on a wing and a prayer and made it work. I thought I had finally, finally come into safe harbor. One year ago I had a house I loved and a job I cared about where I was making decent money for the first time in my life and from which I was planning to retire in about 8 years. Now I have a crumbling ruin and no job. I will never be able to retire and I honestly don’t know if I will even be able to stay in this place that I love.

On top of that, as soon as I left my job, my shoulder and neck went insane, which meant I was in severe pain for about five weeks and I’ve been miserably sick with one cold or virus after another since September. I feel like the work stress was the only thing holding me together and when it went away, I literally fell to pieces. I live in the rural US in 2023 and I’m an overweight older woman with a history of depression and anxiety: health care is difficult if not impossible to access. I have been dismissed and condescended to and ignored and my old insurance refused to authorize an MRI, so I guess I’ll just be in chronic pain on and off for the rest of my life despite the daily PT exercises. Cool, because hours online and on the phone with the ACA have resulted in no health insurance at all, so it doesn’t matter anyway: I can’t ever go to the doctor again until I get poor enough for Medicaid. This is also making getting a new job hard to do - there’s no way I can work full time right now. I can only sit in front of a computer for about 2 hours a day, max.

If that wasn’t enough to be going on with, my family is a giant drama filled hot mess; the truck needs brakes; and I can’t get in to see a dentist until March but my teeth hurt now. I need a haircut, somebody else needs to do the damn dishes for a change and goddamn if Toddler’s daycare didn’t call yesterday to tell us that a stomach virus was now making its way through the germ infested plague pit where we drop her off a couple days a week.

On the bright side though, I’m finally starting to recover from the latest cold from hell, I have an interview tomorrow morning for a part time job I really want and my daughter and I are talking about buying a duplex together once this house sells. If by some miracle that works out - and it will take a miracle - it could end up being a much better long term solution for everyone. I could even have my own kitchen again.
posted by mygothlaundry at 9:27 AM on November 7, 2023 [8 favorites]

AzraelBrown I do have insurance, it is the prescription arm of the insurance company that decided to drop the drug. And the prescription arm owns a well known drugstore chain and the whole thing is engineered to trap me into getting my prescriptions filled at the chain.

The last time this happened my doctor attempted to file an exception (same drug class!) and insurance made the process so complicated that even the doctor was "we need to put you something else" (talk about a tie into the Executive Function Theft thread). I can still get the drug but I'll be responsible for 100% of the out-of-pocket cost instead of the double-the-generic-"negotiated"-rate I am paying for it now.

But calling insurance and get confirmation of whether they will honor the generic is a good place to start.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 9:48 AM on November 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

AzraelBrown - I'm enjoying following your progress in film. "80% of success is showing up", said a famous, somewhat controversial director.

I've made no real progress this year towards my retirement goal of worming my way into helping with sound for amateur or indy films... but it's entirely for lack of trying. I have done a bit more field recording, including on a recent trip around France. Maybe this fall/winter I'll finally dip my oar in.

Best wishes to y'all in your various struggles with health and employment. Mrs C and I have been so lucky to make it to retirement without major setbacks.
posted by Artful Codger at 10:11 AM on November 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

"80% of success is showing up", said a famous, somewhat controversial director.

As an alternative, I like this Scorsese/Kubrick quote, that the hardest part of directing is getting out of the car, because then you have to go to work. I have to remind myself to keep getting out of the car, even if they make me work once I do.
posted by AzraelBrown at 10:23 AM on November 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

I'm almost ready to move out of my house and into my brother's even the house is still on the market (nearly 3 weeks). I'm still casually looking at houses, but I can't do much until this one sells. Well, not totally, true, I have about 60K tied up that I inherited from my father. I'm going to have to pay taxes on it sooner or later, but would rather wait. And it would leave me with only about 12K in liquid savings.

I'm in the cleaning out the panty/fridge/freezer cooking mode. I made a breakfast casserole with eggs, milk, greek yogurt, breakfast sausage, cheese and frozen pepper/onion strips. One of the cheeses is a ghost pepper cheese which is very tasty. That gives me dinner for the week.
posted by kathrynm at 11:09 AM on November 7, 2023 [4 favorites]

I'm in the cleaning out the panty/fridge/freezer cooking mode.

Let's compare notes sometime! Right now I have a half-batch of muffins cooling on the counter, that I made following a recipe from one of the cookbooks recommended in that AskMe - it was a suggestion for something to do with slightly tired apples, and I happened to have just enough such apples AND shredded cheddar on hand to make up a half-dozen. (Even better, it uses whole wheat flour, and I've been trying to work through that as well.)

My roommate's girlfriend was visiting us for the latter half of October, and my roommate worked from home LAST Tuesday, so this is the first Tuesday in a month I've had all to myself. I hit some job networking in the morning and then gave the house a good clean, and made the muffins; I'm feeling WAY more grounded and settled. The two interviews I had this morning went pretty damn good, too.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 1:16 PM on November 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

I discovered on the weekend that replacing the print head on my old Epson 16500 is actually quite simple (like five minutes with a screwdriver) and not a tear it all apart job like many other epsons so I have ordered a new OEM one for a tenth of what it would cost to replace the printer. It’s been unable to print for years but I didn’t get rid of it because it has a huge A3 scan bed I use to scan my artwork. It would be nice to print in colour again.
posted by seanmpuckett at 1:59 PM on November 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

I randomly bought the cassette of Are We Not Men from a friend when we were having a yard sale to raise money for our class trip to Japan (and let's be honest that money didn't pay for it it was just our parents). I loved it and then finally got to see them perform at Coachella years later. Best show of the festival.
posted by downtohisturtles at 4:46 PM on November 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

the horn player loses
posted by pyramid termite at 5:05 PM on November 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

i don't know that this merits an actual fpp but since everybody's talking about being sick in this thread i thought it might be interesting to pass on; it's getting clickbaited as could prozac cure long covid...Serotonin reduction in post-acute sequelae of viral infection.
posted by mittens at 5:26 PM on November 7, 2023

True confession: I have always loathed the whole "eponysterical!" thing on this website.
posted by senor biggles at 9:02 PM on November 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

You do know of course that such a statement will just make some of us lean even harder into that particular trope, right?
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:11 PM on November 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

Oh I know, but it's not like it's getting better naturally...
posted by senor biggles at 12:12 AM on November 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

So a friend of mine had a screaming crying suicidal meltdown in public tonight, which I seem to have at least somewhat set off (she had a long list of complaints). She couldn't be talked down and I had to call her mother, who is still sick with covid, to come get her.

I am exhausted and cannot sleep after that.
posted by jenfullmoon at 2:47 AM on November 8, 2023 [3 favorites]

Sometimes I wonder what is happening at Four Seasons Total Landscaping
posted by srboisvert at 5:40 AM on November 8, 2023 [5 favorites]

I elected to WFH today (Wednesday is the "strongly recommended" team day) due to a bad cold. I felt a bit bad about it

My coworker emailed that the power was out at the office.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 5:56 AM on November 8, 2023 [3 favorites]

So a friend of mine had a screaming crying suicidal meltdown in public tonight, which I seem to have at least somewhat set off (she had a long list of complaints).

This is a sentence that I can't let go, so - Jenfullmoon, I want you to print the following sentence out, in bold, and hang it over your computer.


Good luck.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:02 AM on November 8, 2023 [7 favorites]

We are fostering kittens again! Two litters of three each, from the same yard. We got the younger ones right around 6 weeks, which is an excellent age for socializing them, and they are already little love munchkins. The older ones, however, are more like troubled teenagers, probably around 11 weeks when we got them. Fortunately they had been getting some socialization from their feeders, so we weren't starting from scratch with them. They all purr now when getting petted, but it's tricky sometimes to get close enough to the older ones. Churu tubes do wonders for that though! "No, stay away, you're too scary... is that a meat tube omg I love you!"
posted by notoriety public at 7:17 AM on November 8, 2023 [4 favorites]

Kitties cannot resist a meat tube
posted by Kitteh at 9:01 AM on November 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

Kitties cannot resist a meat tube
posted by Kitteh


sorry senor biggles, this was too on the nose
posted by AzraelBrown at 9:04 AM on November 8, 2023 [3 favorites]

Almost every day there's a particular FedEx guy delivering around here (for context, I live in an apt. building, there's an apt complex across the street and townhouses next door, as well as lots of single-family homes). I know it's the same guy because he's always blasting country music and honks his horn like a maniac when backing into the street.

It doesn't bother me too much - this is generally a noisy and busy street (surprisingly so for a residential area) so I'm kind of used to it. The country music does grate a bit though.
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:44 AM on November 8, 2023 [2 favorites]

Aww, my mom just announced she is seeing someone. She's 70 years old and has early onset-Alzheimer's but it's nice she found someone to spend time with. My stepdad died six years ago and while Mom has never come out and said she was lonely, I kinda knew. I am happy for her. If she's happy, I am happy.
posted by Kitteh at 10:24 AM on November 8, 2023 [6 favorites]

I love that for your mom, Kitteh. I spent my whole childhood wanting my mom to be happy and finally she reconnected with her second husband about ten years ago and she's the happiest she's ever been. I waited years to see her have that.
posted by downtohisturtles at 10:55 AM on November 8, 2023 [3 favorites]

Oh, I forgot to add: Mom made it clear that marriage and cohabitation are off the table. She likes her independence!
posted by Kitteh at 11:12 AM on November 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

Aww, my mom just announced she is seeing someone.

That's nice! My Mom never met anyone after my Dad passed 12 years ago. She's now almost 90, limited mobility, but she still has all her marbles, so to speak. She soldiers on alone in their condo. She's lonely and watches too much TV, but she does have a good group of friends.

We wish she'd move to a decent seniors' place, if only to be around more people more often, and to generally be a bit more active (heading to the dining room for meals, group activities etc), but she's not interested in moving. Oh well.
posted by Artful Codger at 11:38 AM on November 8, 2023 [2 favorites]

My mom passed away in 2020, the same year my dad retired; my wife thinks he should find a girlfriend, but I remind her that my mom had a number of issues -- mental illness, alcoholism -- and I get the impression Dad likes the fact that he can just putter around the house without having to take care of anyone else.

But, deep down I do agree, it would be nice to see him have somebody self-sufficient in his life so he can just enjoy somebody's company without that caretaking.
posted by AzraelBrown at 12:50 PM on November 8, 2023 [3 favorites]

Learned yesterday that jazz fusion influenced early video game music.

Also going to see Devo on 11/16 in Los Angeles. Haven't seen them in... oh wow 18 years?! Not gonna be the same without Bob2 and Josh, but I'm sure it'll still be fun.
posted by luckynerd at 1:38 PM on November 8, 2023 [2 favorites]

I stopped in Pet Supplies Plus today to see if they had the litter box I want (they didn't). On my way out, I stopped and looked at the kitties up for adoption. There was a chill 10 year old orange boi that I so wanted to bring home right then and there. But, I have two old ladies. I'm moving into my brothers house and only will have the spare bedroom, and he has 3 cranky cats.
posted by kathrynm at 6:26 PM on November 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

While all of you that are American are preparing for turkey meals, tomorrow is goose day here in Europe. Normally I'm quite rigorous about cooking an actual goose, but this year I'm doing like most people in Denmark at least (can't speak for other countries), and I have bought a duck. I love duck, (and goose), so I am looking forward to our little feast tomorrow. I am not Christian, but this is a celebration I can get behind, as do many other Danes who don't care a bit about saints or Jesus.

Tonight is also the remembrance night for Krystallnacht, the first widespread pogrom against Jews in Germany under the Nazi regime. I chose to go to a place where they have created a new permanent monument for the escape of the Danish Jews in 1943. It was very low key, and also beautiful. This year, things are so difficult, it was good to be where things were gentle and calm. I can't always carry the weight of the world. I have more opinions than I am willing to share anywhere. But I will share that sometimes, people do the right thing. Even if they do it for the wrong reasons.

It is also the night where the Berlin Wall came down. A night full of personal memories for me. Today it feels like a promise that was never kept, but I'm in a bad mood when it comes to politics. Maybe because I fell asleep after the long trip to the monument, and burnt my dinner. Life is full of both high and low sentiments.
posted by mumimor at 2:02 PM on November 9, 2023 [1 favorite]

I didn’t have the cash to see them in Minneapolis in winter 82. My mates did. They hated it. 45 minutes. They were pissed. LOL. And DEVO were fairly problematic in many ways early on. But, they were just being ironic, right?

And they turned into DEVO. And their grooves get better with age. I actually like and appreciate Oh NO, it’s DEVO now.

And I am on my first road trip in 18 months, after the last year of surgeries. Getting to see my freshman son compete for his school in LA. On day 4 of the trip, and it is starting to feel less stressful, and just nice. Went to the Broad this morning. What an insane collection of modern art they have…
posted by Windopaene at 4:00 PM on November 9, 2023 [2 favorites]

Life got a whole lot easier for me once my mom got a boyfriend. God bless him.

As for my evaluation, I got marked "inconclusive" and I have to get a second evaluation and collect more proof from other people (which will be difficult to say the least) because I don't have much of any evidence of my childhood behavior, and I don't think they actually want to diagnose me, and I have lost a lot of hope after that. I'm supposed to get called "sometime" to schedule another one, but who knows when.

My mom was bugging me to hit up my cousin because their brother has ADHD and I wouldn't do it, so she hit them up and cousin was all "I don't really notice anything, I probably have something and my kid probably does, but I prefer to remain undiagnosed." To which I was all, yeah, I used to feel like that too, hah hah.
posted by jenfullmoon at 4:47 PM on November 9, 2023 [1 favorite]

And to stay on thread…

I will certainly die, I hope, before my spouse, I certainly hope so. She would be fine. I think I would not be.
posted by Windopaene at 7:46 PM on November 9, 2023 [1 favorite]

Some signs of bounceback in the job hunt front, but I don't wanna jinx things. So I will instead ask the universe one small thing that is overall a low-key thing, but bugs me to no end.

Dear Recipe Bloggers Of The World:

If you are posting a recipe for slow cookers, can you PLEASE for the LOVE of FUCK mention what god-damn SIZE of slow-cooker you are using?

OVER and OVER I have bookmarked a recipe that sounds like it would work out for me but I always have to do arcane math and telepathy to figure out whether your recipe has been written for a big family-size 6 quart cooker, or a 3-quart like I have. There have been many times that I've only realized too late that I should have cut your recipe in half.

Not all of us are feeding big families, some of us are single ladies who just want a damn meal waiting when they get home from work. LET ME KNOW WHAT SIZE OF COOKER I SHOULD BE USING FOR YOUR RECIPES, PRETTY PLEASE.

(pants slightly)

Okay, I feel better now.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:15 AM on November 10, 2023 [5 favorites]

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