Cosmic Baseball
September 22, 2002 11:33 AM   Subscribe

Cosmic Baseball starts from the premise that Baseball is a metaphor for life. It celebrates individuality and creativity. Notwithstanding that cricket is the best available metaphor for life, there is loads to explore on this wacky site, not much baseball on it though.
posted by Fat Buddha (6 comments total)
I've always been of the mindset that life is akin to racquetball: if one is close to hitting the wall, their innermost desire (or regret, depending) would be to do so with as much grace and aplomb as possible.

Failing that, of course, their next impulse would be to attempt (or yearn) to follow through as best as they can.
posted by Smart Dalek at 1:59 PM on September 22, 2002

I always thought bowling was the best analogy for life: sometimes, if you're not careful, you get a sore wrist.

posted by The God Complex at 2:09 PM on September 22, 2002

You only need to watch "The Big Lebowski" to KNOW that bowling is the best analogy for life.
posted by Emanuel at 3:14 PM on September 22, 2002

Well, I hate to disagree with you on my first post, but cycling is the best metaphor for life - especially the road race variety.

Just ask Lance, Bernard or Mario come to that...
posted by lerrup at 3:43 PM on September 22, 2002

I love it. I haven't completely figured it out, but I still love it. I remeber that in Desolation Angels, Kerouac devotes a chapter to an intricately designed minor league of the mind, and Robert Coover devoted a book, which I've yet to read, to a similar pursuit.

Besides, any site that features the poetry that is the Scooter. I remember that when I was young every year, I would look to see who was inducted into Cooperstown, and my Dad would always say, "Phil Rizzuto should be in there, too." Right he was. Cooperstown finally wised up and these perceptive gentlemen see him as the great man of letters he is as well
posted by jonmc at 4:52 PM on September 22, 2002

Michael Chabon's new book Summerland focuses heavily on the poetic elements of baseball. Written "for young readers," but a great read for anyone. I liked it, anyway, and I'm definitely not a baseball fan.
posted by sklero at 10:55 PM on September 22, 2002

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