"I want to help these weirdos of the world get their day in the sun."
February 28, 2024 3:34 AM   Subscribe

Have you heard of the scaly-foot snail? The Takin? The Indian Purple FrogConsider Nature is a blog devoted to the oddballs of the animal world, combining biology, ecology, and a heavy dose of NSFW humor.

American Paddlefish: "While on the outside the paddlefish's bill looks like a mermaid's BDSM paddle, on the inside it looks like an even kinkier mermaid's BDSM paddle."

Angular Roughshark: "The initial benefit of having skin covered in teeth is somewhat obvious: dentin is one of the hardest biological materials, so a suit of teeth works like biological chainmail, protecting the shark from attackers without sacrificing flexibility. Incidentally, this is why I wore a suit of human teeth to high school everyday; bullies gave me a wide berth, though sadly so did potential lovers—tradeoffs."

Pekapeka: "They are voracious eaters, capable of consuming up to 40% of their own body weight each night (much like I did when I was banned from Golden Corral for taking “all you can eat” a little too seriously)."
posted by chaiminda (1 comment total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
fantastic share. i laughed at the author’s brazen parenthetical use of the metric system.
not only is the paddlefish compared to a BDSM toy, but also “a salmon who wished to be a real boy, or perhaps a fraternity paddle from the University of Atlantis”.
posted by tamarack at 6:08 AM on February 28 [2 favorites]

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