Hey this marshmallow is a little chewier than I like...eeeeuuuwww!!
April 19, 2001 7:51 AM   Subscribe

Hey this marshmallow is a little chewier than I like...eeeeuuuwww!! Girl finds large garden slug in her Rice Krispy Treat...complete with requisite gross-out pic!
posted by briank (12 comments total)
for some reason, that just puts a smile on my day.
posted by gnutron at 8:08 AM on April 19, 2001

Snap! Crackle! Slug! Rice Krispies!

I also love the article's first sentence. How often does one drop one's favo(u)rite snack in horror?
posted by hijinx at 8:35 AM on April 19, 2001

Man, I thought there would be a peeps joke or two in the article.
posted by Hankins at 8:55 AM on April 19, 2001

It's amazing what you find in food packages these days. While sometimes acceptable, I always find myself double-checking my Charleston Chews for worms (found them on many an occasion...most people don't notice them however) The FDA does spend a good amount of time looking for these things...although, I say..screw it! We're only bugged out because we have that "you are what you eat" complex in today's society. Let's adopt the occasional slug with our Rice Crispie Treats...let's act surprised by it in the same manner as when you get a lime Nerd in your box of oranges, "oh neat!" Is that really too much to ask?
posted by samsara at 9:01 AM on April 19, 2001

We're only bugged out because we have that "you are what you eat" complex in today's society

i don't know about the rest of you, but i don't care that i am what i eat.

posted by o2b at 9:10 AM on April 19, 2001

"I'll have the strawberry tart without so much rat in it."
posted by briank at 9:47 AM on April 19, 2001

I always find myself double-checking my Charleston Chews for worms (found them on many an occasion...most people don't notice them however)

So . . . you . . . you . . . hrm . . . you keep buying them?

[whimper] This might be enough to make me break down today.
posted by Skot at 9:52 AM on April 19, 2001

"what about the bread? does that have much fish in it?"

posted by judomadonna at 9:57 AM on April 19, 2001

So . . . you . . . you . . . hrm . . . you keep buying them?

no way. I get tons of them during the candy-giving holidays (holloween, easter, etc)

btw, I was joking...I don't want to see bugs either. Did you know that the eggs are usually in there though?
posted by samsara at 10:19 AM on April 19, 2001

The slug's body was stretched and its head buried in chocolate.

Funny, that's how I want to die, too.
posted by cCranium at 1:31 PM on April 19, 2001

That's going to take a lot of Rice Krispies, cCranium.
posted by briank at 1:36 PM on April 19, 2001

“Nevertheless, I must warn you that in future you should delete the words ‘crunchy frog’, and replace them with the legend ‘crunchy raw unboned real dead frog’ if you want to avoid prosecution.”
posted by Danelope at 1:08 PM on April 20, 2001

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