"Lesbianism" on the rise in Fiji

July 26, 2001 3:34 PM   Subscribe

"Lesbianism" on the rise in Fiji
    Women are said to find this a more attractive option over domestic violence. Be prepared for a rise in the divorce rate, as many "businesswomen" are also becoming lesbians.
    (On the way back, I discovered a new portal for Fiji, hellofiji.com, which offers paid subscriptions to Fijilive.com articles, especially news coverage of the May 19 coup. Also this picture gallery of eligible singles! A full-blown Fijian web renaissance.)
posted by rschram (9 comments total)
While it may be an option more attractive than heterosexuality, it's not really a haven from domestic violence.

Still, I say more power to them.
posted by mudbug at 3:36 PM on July 26, 2001

What I find interesting is that Fijilive -- the original author of this piece, it locked in paid archives now -- describes this as a choice of lifestyle, not an inborn trait. This would never fly in a US paper; it would be like saying conversion of gays and lesbians works. There's an overtone to the article that these choices are morally degenerate. I guess what is a sin is more clear cut if you can't appeal to biology.
posted by rschram at 3:44 PM on July 26, 2001

posted by Postroad at 6:12 PM on July 26, 2001

Women are said to find this a more attractive option over domestic violence.

My Mom once said to me, "Watch out living near gays."
"Why?" I said.
"They tend to be violent and loud when they fight." she replied.

Moms say the darnedest things. I still don't know how she came to that conclusion, normally she is very open minded and sane. I repremanded her.
posted by hotdoughnutsnow at 7:04 PM on July 26, 2001

God, that's so weird. My ex-mother-in-law said, upon my ex-wife and I moving to Long Beach, "You better be careful. There are a lot of gays in that part of town"... I must have laughed for days on end...

Where in the hell did that stereotype come from?
posted by fooljay at 8:26 PM on July 26, 2001

While it may be an option more attractive than heterosexuality, it's not really a haven from domestic violence.

Drifting terribly O/T, I suppose, but I found that link to be very irritating. No source, as far as I can see, less than ten years old (and those ten years make a huge difference in the issues of both domestic violence and gay identity). It seemed to want to find partial and gay-specific explanations for gay domestic violence, which ultimately reinforce rather than critique stereotypes (the notion that there will inevitable be a differential or a series of differentials in power in any relationship, which could manifest itself in a number of kinds of maintainance and "violence", no matter who the participants are is possibly more useful). Perhaps this is because the writer, despite what he says in the first and last paragraphs, wants to maintain the "natural" status of abuser for heterosexual men.

Oh, and he says: "The term homophobia literally means an irrational fear of erotic attraction to members of the same sex."

Actually, the term "homophobia" literally means "fear of the same". It certainly possesses the meaning he states, but that is not its literal definition.

In fact "heterophobia" (which by these terms should mean "fear of straight people") would possibly be a useful word in this area, meaning "fear of the different".

Anyway, Fiji...
posted by Grangousier at 1:02 AM on July 27, 2001

"Heterosexualism is on the decline in Fiji"
posted by Opus Dark at 1:34 AM on July 27, 2001

"So, what you want to do today sister?"

"Think I'll get beat, what about you?"

"Naaa, I'd rather be licked!"

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
posted by nofundy at 9:57 AM on July 27, 2001

Bula vinaka, beachside!
posted by kindall at 10:14 AM on July 27, 2001

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