February 4, 2018

Muslim women’s voices and our bodies are reduced to proxy battlefields

Muslim Women, Caught Between Islamophobes and ‘Our Men’ Muslim feminist, Mona Eltahawy writes about the difficulty Muslims face in confronting sexual assault and abuse allegations in the community in the face of internal patriarchy and external Islamophobia. Since this op-ed, Tariq Ramadan has been charged with rape. [Previously]
posted by cendawanita at 9:37 PM PST - 19 comments

A tale of two plasties

Rotationplasty is an autograft wherein a portion of a limb is removed, while the remaining limb below the involved portion is rotated and reattached.

Gabi Shull was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2011 and had the operation so she could continue dancing. Now sixteen years old, she's the national spokesperson for The Truth 365, a childhood cancer advocacy group.

Sean Prendeville was diagnosed at ten years old with a very aggressive osteosarcoma; his journey has been more difficult.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 7:34 PM PST - 7 comments

The CRPG Book Project

For over four years Felipe Pepe has been working on a 500+ page book reviewing 400 CRPGs, going over their history from early PLATO amusements to the latest 100+ hour Bethesda open-world monstrosities. At last his efforts have reached a conclusion, and he's giving the ebook away free on his website.
posted by JHarris at 6:06 PM PST - 30 comments

Trust me, you're gonna love it!

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Teaser trailer, SLYT)
posted by Capt. Renault at 5:23 PM PST - 181 comments

Buckley, Kerouac, Sanders and Yablonsky discuss Hippies

from a 1968 episode of William F. Buckley's Firing Line
posted by philip-random at 2:53 PM PST - 21 comments

We sing live eight shows a week, check it

The Antoinette Perry Awards for Excellence in Broadway Theatre, otherwise known as the Tonys, have been awarded since 1947. The awards ceremonies have been televised since 1967 and are notable for their opening numbers, which reached an apotheosis between 2011 and 2013, when Neil Patrick Harris hosted for three successive years. [more inside]
posted by How the runs scored at 1:28 PM PST - 34 comments

Just my nose butter

It's Superb Owl weekend, so here's some Bad Lip Reading [more inside]
posted by lmfsilva at 1:19 PM PST - 7 comments

A Sense of Scale

Monster Size Comparison. Robot Size Comparison. Dinosaurs Size Comparison. Spaceship Size Comparison. Galaxies Size Comparison. All from MetaBallStudios [last link contains a link to a NSFW video]
posted by gwint at 11:11 AM PST - 20 comments

Water, water, everywhere

In less than 90 days, Cape Town may become the world’s first major city to run out of water. [more inside]
posted by exutima at 10:46 AM PST - 58 comments

A curious look back

"NASA’s Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada gives a descriptive tour of the Mars rover's view in Gale Crater. The scene from 'Vera Rubin Ridge' looks back over the journey so far, including buttes, dunes and other features along the route." Also check out Curiosity's selfie, taken on Sol 1943: From the South Rim of Vera Rubin Ridge: "Having spent 1943 sols on the surface of Mars, Curiosity is in its 6th Earth year on Mars, but it is in its 3rd Mars year of exploration. That means Curiosity has encountered this season of the year twice before." The ridge is named for the late American astronomer Vera Rubin (previously), who was responsible for discovering evidence of dark matter (also previously).
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 10:08 AM PST - 5 comments


A Parliament of Owls [New York Review of Books] “Humans have always noticed owls. One of the earliest examples of Paleolithic art is an owl engraved on the wall of the Chauvet cave in France.1 Among the peculiarities of owl physiognomy is that owls have both eyes facing forward, unlike most birds. They can also turn their heads 270 degrees (making up for their inability to move their eyes). It has been easy to imagine that these creatures of darkness, mostly experienced as an ominous cry in the night or a disconcerting stare during the day, have personalities, and malign ones at that. [...] The truth about owls is less fantastical but no less interesting than what humans project onto them. Owls’ remarkable physical attributes were shaped by the imperatives of the hunt. They are impressive killing machines, capable of dispatching other birds or animals larger than themselves. Central to this are big legs and claws, wing feathers designed for silent flight, and highly sensitive eyes and ears. Owls have acute binocular vision and, contrary to legend, can see in daylight.” [more inside]
posted by Fizz at 9:00 AM PST - 22 comments

SPOCK: Check the circuit. TYLER: All operating, sir.

Signal Loss: Mapping "video errors" in Star Trek. Collected examples from each of the Star Trek series where audiovisual signal loss is conveyed. [more inside]
posted by zamboni at 8:40 AM PST - 19 comments

Wistful Korgis

In 1980, Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime climbed the charts to become The Korgis only top 5 hit song. [more inside]
posted by fairmettle at 12:48 AM PST - 22 comments

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