June 6, 2015

Respect the Bass

Scientists say we should stop making fun of bass players.
posted by goatdog at 7:54 PM PST - 110 comments

Turkey Votes

"Turks go to the polls on Sunday in the closest parliamentary election in more than a decade, one that could pave the way for President Tayyip Erdogan to amass greater power or end 12 years of single-party rule for the AK Party he founded." [more inside]
posted by Noisy Pink Bubbles at 6:50 PM PST - 31 comments

The Movies' Greatest Action Hero?

Joseph Frank 'Buster' Keaton (1895-1966) was best known for doing extreme physical comedy with a a consistently stoic, deadpan 'Great Stone Face'. Stringing together some of his greatest stunts (including some less-familiar ones), you see less 'pratfalls' and more real heroics.
Trigger Warning: '80s pop music soundtrack
via longtime linkblogger The Presurfer

posted by oneswellfoop at 5:09 PM PST - 24 comments

'I did it because I wanted to.'

"I used a brush to paint on Modge Podge, smoothed out the paper as I went, adding small strips to cover all the metal. When the glue dried, I covered it with three coats of Modge Podge, waiting for about 15 minutes between each coat. I let this harden completely before spraying the whole thing with Krylon triple thick glaze to seal it." Things I Make - The Decoupage Bike [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 4:41 PM PST - 10 comments

The lone and level sands stretch far away

Searching for a real-estate investment? Bedrock City, a Flintstones-themed amusement park outside of Valle, Arizona, is for sale (Hanna-Barbera licensing rights not included). Comments below give a flavor of what it was to visit the park (see also: VICE). This tour (YT, 4:51) reveals a daylight-nightmare place devoid of all life and meaning. But these ladies seem to have a good time (6:26).
posted by Countess Elena at 2:14 PM PST - 46 comments

Jamie xx, set to visions of a gradually greener Mars

"Gosh" - music by Jamie xx, something of an homage to early 1990s UK club culture, with visuals of a slowly terraformed Mars by Erik Wernquist, who was seen on MetaFilter before for "Wanderers," a similarly gorgeous, realistic film of space exploration.
posted by filthy light thief at 1:41 PM PST - 22 comments

Buffalo Marathon: An Unlikely Duo

"The average monthly income in Ethiopia is about $300-$400, less after taxes. She is running to take $4,000 home. You do the math. All I am going to take home are some sore legs, a cheesy medal, and a fierce hangover from partying with my brothers. I got nothing to lose so I let it all hang out. We don’t speak the same language, but running is universal, like music."
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 1:28 PM PST - 14 comments

Bulk collection is all fun and games until the OPM gets hacked

When hackers take millions of records from the Office of Personnel Management, clearly the solution to the problem is more online surveillance. (Reuters)
posted by Lycaste at 1:19 PM PST - 15 comments

The Bronze Age Gold Rush of the (British) Southwest

Trading Gold: Why Bronze Age Irish Used Imported Gold “The results of this study are a fascinating finding. They show that there was no universal value of gold, at least until perhaps the first gold coins started to appear nearly two thousand years later. Prehistoric economies were driven by factors more complex than the trade of commodities – belief systems clearly played a major role.” [more inside]
posted by Michele in California at 12:33 PM PST - 4 comments

Kings of the beat and their all-star show!

Deavid Soul ("The Avid Soul") aka "Rich & Famous" are a Japanese duo who make house/disco/funk and, more recently, world music. You may remember them from such Dreamcast darlings as Jet Set Radio and Jet "Grind" Radio. Their style is an instantly recognizable mix of 90s house and classic disco with copious samples from hip hop, disco, R&B, reggae and 80s/70s film. For their latest album, they've collaborated with Exotic Light Orchestra to add a Latin American fusion sound to their already eclectic aural soup. They're real good. [more inside]
posted by byanyothername at 11:57 AM PST - 9 comments

3Blue1Brown: Reminding the world that math makes sense

Understanding e to the pi i - "An intuitive explanation as to why e to the pi i equals -1 without a hint of calculus. This is not your usual Taylor series nonsense." (via via; reddit; previously) [more inside]
posted by kliuless at 11:42 AM PST - 28 comments

The Biggest Threat To Your Retirement Portfolio: Mild Dementia

End of life planning is hard. There are checklists, like this set from Get Your Shit Together. There are practical tips for making things easier for whoever's dealing with your estate after you're gone, like the tech tips in this previously from MeFi's own Jessamyn. But in the murky middle between living completely independently and being incapable of managing everyday tasks lies a subtler and more difficult question: how to organize and manage your money when financial competence is one of the first areas to decline on the slide from mild cognitive impairment to dementia. SeekingAlpha contributor PsychoAnalyst has a surprisingly nuanced analysis of the steps self-directed investors can take to protect their finances from the underestimated risk of their own declining ability to make good financial decisions, and raises some points worth thinking about for folks beyond the site's investor wonk audience.
posted by deludingmyself at 10:03 AM PST - 26 comments

“Where they fall, there is no one to take note of and report.”

First Wave at Omaha Beach On June 6, 1944, the Allies invaded occupied France. S. L. A. Marshall Nov. 1, 1960 [The Atlantic]
When he was promoted to officer rank at eighteen, S. L. A. Marshall was the youngest shavetail in the United States Army during World War I. He rejoined the Army in 1942, became a combat historian with the rank of colonel; and the notes he made at the time of the Normandy landing are the source of this heroic reminder. Readers will remember his frank and ennobling book about Korea, The River and the Gauntlet, which was the result of still a third tour of duty.
posted by Fizz at 8:55 AM PST - 25 comments

Some interviews with Van Morrison

Van has a reputation for being difficult. But as the man himself says, ‘People who say others are difficult are usually difficult themselves’. [more inside]
posted by maupuia at 1:21 AM PST - 22 comments

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