Favorites from rbs

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Displaying comments 51 to 100 of 121
MeFi post: Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
No son of of my is going to use a popular dynamically typed languages! This is an ANSI C household!

Python's written in ANSI C, though, so you can always treat the runtime as a pure C library and the scripts as configuration files for that library.
posted to MetaFilter by effbot at 9:31 AM on February 22, 2010
I mostly smash my forehead against the keyboard and hope whatever is broken falls into place.

You wrote this application I've been hired to fix, didn't you? Admit it!
posted to MetaFilter by ook at 10:32 AM on February 22, 2010
MeFi post: I'm sure this'll end well....
I really don't get what the fear of cloning is. Vat-grown organs that can replace my own, with zero chance of rejection? Cheap, vat-grown meat instead of feedlot farming? Research that will eventually let me regrow severed fingers or limbs?

An entire other Me minus one brain stem, in a jar somewhere for spare parts? A deeper understanding of biology and the means to actually make profound changes to people's bodies, so my friends don't die of things like cancer, liver... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by mhoye at 10:05 AM on February 22, 2010
MeFi post: Wall Street's Bailout Hustle
This awesome article tore apart my view of reality and gave me such a fiscal hard on that I knocked over my laptop stand and spilled my red bull all over. The spill pattern and tumbled laptop on my beige carpet resembled a fucking nativity scene in one of those desert countries and I realized that Tabbi was going to go raging through the temple toppling over the money lenders tables all the while collecting doubleclick ad impression payments like some modern day profane top 40 messiah with... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by srboisvert at 3:18 AM on February 22, 2010
MeFi post: Fly, fat*ss, fly!
The worst part is, he wasn't even supposed to be there that day.
posted to MetaFilter by Ratio at 4:04 PM on February 14, 2010
MeFi post: Look, Mildred, he's a lieutenant colonel! And she's got green hair!
Man, I bet the hookup scene at that thing was fucking insane.
posted to MetaFilter by box at 11:18 AM on February 14, 2010
MeFi post: Ways of Killing
You know JimmyJames , as someone who was a member of 4H and seen stock killed and even helped a little, I cannot understand why anyone would get attached to a chicken. Cows? I can see that. Pigs? In a heart beat, they have personality, even Ducks are kinda cute, but chickens? Really? They're mean dumb nasty birds that only get good when they get dead. Fuck chickens, seriously.
posted to MetaFilter by The Whelk at 5:47 PM on February 3, 2010
MeFi post: EVIL little cameras
Yes let me run out and buy a new camera to put in my Timbuk2 right next to my Android and my iPod and my ePC and my Blackberry and my Moleskine and my Space Pen and my copy of Getting Things Done so that when I am out and about people may look upon me and whisper to one another "There walketh he who hath been marked upon his soul with the sign of Massive Cunt."
posted to MetaFilter by turgid dahlia at 3:04 PM on January 18, 2010
MeFi post: A Powerful 'First Dude'
This is interesting, thanks.

August 2008 - Sarah Palin is both governor and running for VP, so the emails go for $15 million.
February 2010 - Sarah Palin quits her post and is no longer running, so the emails go for $323.58.

That's amazing. Also? Sweet Jesus, even if one is not a huge Obama fan, how can one not see the enormous bullet we dodged by not electing that woman to office.

"The governor... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Sticherbeast at 8:25 AM on February 5, 2010
Raise your hand if you think Mrs. Clinton didn't do even worse when she was the not-exactly-elected wife of Bill.
posted to MetaFilter by bukvich at 8:22 AM on February 5, 2010
The first dude does not abide the rules of the Governor's office, man.
posted to MetaFilter by sallybrown at 8:18 AM on February 5, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Things that only happen in movies.
enhance images
posted to Ask MetaFilter by leotrotsky at 7:40 PM on January 24, 2010
MeFi post: Under an 1805 "Crimes Against Nature" law
Why aren't their johns being cited as sex offenders?

Because every now and then, the police arrest a powerful man for solicitation of prostitution.

These rich and powerful fellows who occasionally get caught with drugs and prostitutes are actually good family men: they're regular churchgoers; they're our state and local politicians; they're our highly successful businessmen. We can't have them face a lifetime of... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by lord_wolf at 12:41 PM on January 19, 2010
MeFi post: He took his job!
I hear they got a Mexican to do his job for way cheaper.
posted to MetaFilter by hifiparasol at 6:50 PM on November 11, 2009
MeFi post: There are known unknowns

"Oogy." From the Latin "oogrus," I believe; "generally uncomfortable despite being unable to pinpoint the precise cause of one's own discomfort." Less severe than "disgusted". Common synonyms: "Icky", "squicky," "having a wiggins."
posted to MetaFilter by EmpressCallipygos at 8:18 AM on October 15, 2009
Ask MeFi post: Hot for Grandma?
Well, I can tell you that I have never stopped being turned on by women my age, even as my age has increased. On the other hand, I have never stopped being turned on by a hot 20 year old.

I assume this trend will continue.

So there's a data point for what it's worth.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by pixlboi at 8:58 AM on September 25, 2009
MeFi post: You see this marshmallow? You don’t have to eat it. You can wait. Here’s how.
It probably says something about my family that my father regularly refers to me as "a one marshmallow kind of guy".
posted to MetaFilter by Justinian at 9:58 PM on September 18, 2009
This is not a mockery of the health care reform bill/debate/saga* or is it?

*First marshmallow is reform, second marshmallow is the public option...
posted to MetaFilter by JoeXIII007 at 9:11 PM on September 18, 2009
MeFi post: Shut your bazoo and click, bindlestiff!
E.B. Farnum: Some ancient Italian maxim fits our situation, whose particulars escape me.
Francis Wolcott: Is the gist that I'm shit out of luck?
E.B. Farnum: Did they speak that way then?

posted to MetaFilter by rokusan at 5:40 AM on September 1, 2009
MeFi post: The dope on Jackson's demise.
Anesthesiologists jokingly call Propofol their "Milk of Amnesia."

Not so much any more; it is now being called "Michael's milk" or "Jackson juice".
posted to MetaFilter by TedW at 10:06 AM on August 25, 2009
MeFi post: This organic mustard makes my foot taste great.
Can the people who want to talk about their computers instead of Healthcare please take it to PMs, MeCha, or MeTa?
posted to MetaFilter by Pope Guilty at 10:12 PM on August 12, 2009
MeFi post: Shatner Interprets Palin
Or is it some sort of dog whistle that you have to belong to some fringe group to understand?

I think that describes about 75% of Palin's vocabulary. She's a master of right-wing steganography; her speeches may sound like incoherent rambling to us but to the "Our Sarah" crowd, they make perfect sense. I think that you're being tripped up by your belief that she's even trying to speak English.
posted to MetaFilter by octothorpe at 1:14 PM on July 28, 2009
Metafilter: Doesn't it Split the Cheechakos from the Sourdoughs?
posted to MetaFilter by sour cream at 1:05 PM on July 28, 2009
More Palin, please. She's a simulacrum, created by the media to be a nearly pure embodiment of The American Ideal.
posted to MetaFilter by Blazecock Pileon at 1:01 PM on July 28, 2009
She's from Wasilla, doesn't truck with knowledge
She gave a speech at Patrick Henry College
That's where I
Caught her eye

She told me that her state was loaded
I said in that case, I'll have some crude and Coca-Cola
She said fine
And in thirty seconds time, saidI want to lead the common people,
I want to speak like common people do,
I want to stand for the common people,... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Spatch at 12:51 PM on July 28, 2009
MeFi post: Yes, Sir, this Is War!
I heard this is much more useful if you have SongSmith installed.
posted to MetaFilter by dersins at 1:42 PM on July 13, 2009
MeFi post: "But what I saw were doctors who were set up to provide care in animal stalls ... It was almost-- what country am I in? I just it just didn't seem to be a possibility that I was in the United States."
I weep for this country. I really do. Well, I tell a lie. I weep for those of us who have to pay for the gold rimmed plates of the uberclass while praying our kids don't fall off the monkey bars.

My family lost our insurance last year. We cross our fingers, and hope for the best...because we don't have any other choice.

Obama bowing the medical profiteers and taking single payer out of consideration has probably lost him my support.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by dejah420 at 7:58 PM on July 11, 2009
MeFi post: You will drink it and you will like it
You know, this has to be the first beer ad I've seen that proclaims the ISO9001 certification for the brewery.

I think you're forgetting the short-lived Schlitz Sigma campaign. The DMADV slogan (Design, Measure, Analyze, Drink, Vomit) didn't go over as well as they had hoped.
posted to MetaFilter by burnmp3s at 7:19 AM on July 7, 2009
Ask MeFi post: Why am I so hot in bed?
I think the point of this thread is for a bunch of female mefites to let us know that they all have boyfriends.

I bet they planned it in the bathroom.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bingo at 7:24 PM on May 10, 2004
MeFi post: Praise be, new jesusPhones!
Could be worse. they could be Verizon.

Hey, Verizon, FUCK YOU.
posted to MetaFilter by Artw at 2:06 PM on June 9, 2009
Wake me when they can be worn on your wrist like the future told me they would.

Depends on the size of your wrist, guv.
posted to MetaFilter by Kyol at 1:05 PM on June 9, 2009
MeFi post: Discover Your Inner Frankenstein
My local curry house has been making genetically modified e-coli in its kitchens for some years now. I think they are unaware they are, in fact, biohackers.
posted to MetaFilter by MuffinMan at 4:49 AM on May 19, 2009
MeFi post: Your Tax Dollars At Work
It's amusing to see comments on a social name labeling nature in order to feel nationally secure on a Social Security topic.
posted to MetaFilter by alteredcarbon at 8:31 AM on May 17, 2009
MeFi post: Illicit Air
They should test the air in Washington sometime.

Different white powder.
posted to MetaFilter by gman at 4:32 PM on May 14, 2009
MeFi post: The Saddest Swine of Them All.
Does eating a strip of crisped meat and fat that you found wrapped in colored plastic in a refrigerated grocery bin make you in any real sense familar with what a pig is? Hell, you don't know anything more about a soy plant after eating a Clif bar than before you ate one.

Um, what? I mostly buy my meat at the local market, and if I want to see what a 'real pig' looks like, I just have to turn up on a Thursday afternoon when they get whole sides... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Sova at 7:39 PM on May 8, 2009
Ask MeFi post: Dying relative - what to say?
Just being there is more important than what you say or do.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by malocchio at 7:35 PM on April 21, 2009
MetaTalk post: Is there a MeFi distinguished service cross?
i've always thought that an ayn rand - ann coulter - nelson mandela threesome would make for the best porno video in all of history.

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
posted to MetaTalk by Bango Skank at 5:05 AM on February 26, 2009
MetaTalk post: Have you considered making Metafilter available for the Kindle?
Do it the old fashioned way like I do.
Every morning at 7.30am, my assistant runs a script which sends every unread blue, green and grey thread to the laser colour printer. He collates them, punches holes in them, and puts them in three folders, one for each subsite, each discrete thread kept separate with a numbered carboard divider. These are couriered to my house for reading in the car while I'm being driven to work. By the time I get into the office (via four laps of the pool,... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Fiasco da Gama at 3:18 PM on February 25, 2009
Ask MeFi post: Cashing in wheat pennies
Pay him thirty bucks for the coins, put them away, and then give them to him as a gift in twenty years. He'll tear up, give you a hug, and tell you what a wonderful parent you are.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by incessant at 3:37 PM on December 13, 2008
MeFi post: Senate seat for sale...
posted to MetaFilter by AwkwardPause at 9:08 AM on December 9, 2008
Have they found the link to Avon Barksdale yet?
posted to MetaFilter by macadamiaranch at 9:05 AM on December 9, 2008
MeFi post: Global Nomads
I wonder what DU stands for.

"Utterly Dyslexic."
posted to MetaFilter by Pronoiac at 2:21 PM on December 2, 2008
MeFi post: We're Only In It For the Money
This is what happens when you nick a freighter full of gas?
posted to MetaFilter by Durn Bronzefist at 12:51 PM on November 21, 2008
MeFi post: TSA security theater
TSA seems to be operate as though they are answerable to NOBODY.

I'm American and have lived in Europe for about eleven years. I work in banking, and depending upon the job I'm doing at the time, there have been years when I'm in and out of the US for meetings as often as several times a month. Business Class flight to New York, Chicago or Washington, stick around for one, maybe two days, and then home.

But there have been times when I... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Mutant at 1:57 AM on August 20, 2008
MeFi post: Professor Obama's final
Well, Bush put a lot of people in detention, is that close enough?
posted to MetaFilter by jonmc at 6:23 PM on July 29, 2008
MeFi post: Is this really worth a shorter sentence?
Find yourself a pig farm.

See that chink cocksucker called Wu, has a place just opposite The Gem. He'll take care of that for you.
posted to MetaFilter by PeterMcDermott at 10:38 AM on July 8, 2008
MeFi post: No more posts until Matt starts paying up
I'll title this one "Death of a Middleman"
posted to MetaFilter by eclectist at 10:25 AM on April 2, 2008
MeFi post: Eco-Crime of the Century?
Were the five passengers a brain, a beauty, a jock, a criminal, and a basketcase? And, despite their various backgrounds and prejudices, did they come to appreciate each others' perspectives and break free from their preconceptions? Did any of them fall in love?

If so, you can hardly call the flight a waste.
posted to MetaFilter by Iridic at 4:58 PM on March 6, 2008
Ask MeFi post: Anal on Saturday night, how to prepare Friday or Saturday?
Adding one more vote to the over thinking. The stigma is way worse than the reality - you don't have a secret, fully loaded monster-turd hiding around the corner just out of reach of your finger. Seriously.

Shower, relax. BumPoke. Shower after. Done.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Brockles at 5:37 PM on January 9, 2008
MeFi post: Benazir Bhutto Assasinated
languagehat, stick with language and leave the more difficult matter of humanity and compassion to others.

Screw you too, pal. Did you know her personally? Then I call bullshit on your "humanity and compassion." You "mourn her loss" because you saw her name in the newspapers. Unless you're equally full of hot burning compassionate tears for every single human who dies anywhere, you're a canting hypocrite. I don't see any... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by languagehat at 7:44 AM on December 27, 2007
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