9711 MetaFilter comments by stavrosthewonderchicken (displaying 5801 through 5850)

Cheney checks into Vail hospital, White House may be lying about what happened...
While the White House insists that Vice President Cheney was rushed to the hospital in Vail, Colorado to see an orthopedist others suggest he "was whisked to the adjacent cardiac unit, suffering from what was described...as 'an angina attack.'"

For more on the long history of the the administration's obfuscation regarding Cheney's heart condition, read this.
comment posted at 8:40 PM on Jun-25-05

US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo; in Iraq, Afghanistan (Forbes) GENEVA (AFX) - Washington has, for the first time, acknowledged to the United Nations that prisoners have been tortured at US detention centres in Guantanamo Bay, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq... So what happens to us now?
comment posted at 8:43 PM on Jun-25-05

Minke whales, known as cockroaches of the sea are now available in burgers from Japanese fast-food chain Lucky Pierrot. This is somewhat controversial.
comment posted at 1:25 AM on Jun-25-05

Cancer be damned, kids wanna tan “I know I might get cancer, but sometimes you want to look good no matter what. I’d rather look good that worry about what could happen to me–looks are more important to me sometimes than my health.” (Maclean’s Magazine) Perhaps cancer is ‘natural selection’ at work trying to weed out all of societies undesirables from the gene pool. I for one think we could do without people this stupid.
comment posted at 11:45 PM on Jun-23-05

Nun crucified at Romanian exorcism. A Romanian nun has died after being bound to a cross, gagged and left alone for three days in a cold room in a convent, Romanian police have said. "I don't understand why journalists are making such a fuss about this. Exorcism is a common practice in the heart of the Romanian Orthodox church and my methods are not at all unknown to other priests," Father Daniel added.

UPDATE: She was buried yesterday and the Principal monk has been charged with false imprisonment leading to death.
comment posted at 2:58 AM on Jun-22-05

The 'Captain' and his buddies have been stuck with the 'Downing Street Memos' that have to be dealt with on the merits of what they say because no one has questioned their validity. Not anymore. What do you do when you need a miracle? Go back to what has worked in the past and scrutinize the paper and typeface .
comment posted at 8:12 PM on Jun-19-05

Countdown to a Meltdown Well, we've been dancing around this one for quite a while, here it is all spelled out for us. America is digging itself an economic grave. Is this how the once mighty U.S. of A. ends up, burned out on the shattered shoals of a wasted dream? Here are some points to ponder: Our country no longer controls it's economic fundamentals. Compared with the America of the past it has become stagnant, classbound and brutally unfair. Compared with the rest of the world it is on it's way down. We think we are a great power; our military is still greater than China's. Everyone else thinks that over the past twenty years we've finally pushed our luck too far.
comment posted at 1:47 AM on Jun-17-05
comment posted at 3:52 AM on Jun-17-05

The announcement that Apple was moving to Intel hardware was the first move in Intel's take-over of Apple, according to Robert Cringely, giving Intel a platform to compete head-to-head with Microsoft. "This scenario works well for everyone except Microsoft. If Intel was able to own the Mac OS and make it available to all the OEMs, it could break the back of Microsoft. And Apple/Intel could easily extend this to the consumer electronics world. How much would it cost Intel to buy Apple? Not much." More.
comment posted at 6:59 PM on Jun-12-05

The best E3 wrapup I've read this year. Also the only E3 wrapup I've read this year. But there are pictures! And amusing musings! It's also by Our Boy Mefite kevspace.
comment posted at 6:49 AM on Jun-2-05

Yahoo doesn't get enough credit.
comment posted at 10:17 PM on May-29-05
comment posted at 2:24 AM on May-30-05
comment posted at 4:18 PM on May-30-05
comment posted at 4:21 PM on May-30-05

I just want to spread the immense joy of Winamp TV, which is a route to all kinds of Filipino servers playing all your favourite copyrighted television material commercial-free 24/7 but it's OK because I'm not linking to those servers directly no sir.
comment posted at 6:45 PM on May-26-05

Blogebrity "Isn't it about time that someone talked about bloggers?" - so reads the tagline for a new magazine, "Blogebrity". The website provides the A-, B-, and C-lists. Read the acoompanying blog. Is this real, or is it satire? Some say hoax!
comment posted at 4:29 PM on May-23-05
comment posted at 2:43 AM on May-24-05

Will Wright's SPORE site online. [note: flash] (Previously discussed here.)
comment posted at 11:07 PM on May-19-05

AutoBlogger is a new tool that helps us busy bloggers by using our own content and a "sophisticated Artificial Intelligence algorithm" to automatically create and post content to a weblog.
comment posted at 5:20 PM on May-19-05
comment posted at 5:49 PM on May-19-05

Custom stem cells. South Korea produces a significant gain in stem cell research. Experts have suggested that the new technique may sidestep some of the ethical concerns that have hampered research in the US.
comment posted at 5:34 PM on May-19-05

Google Labs announces a radical departure from the traditionally sparse Google home page - Personalize Your Google Homepage! Why? It includes: latest Gmail messages, headlines from Google News and other top news sources, weather forecasts, stock quotes, and movie showtimes, Quote of the Day and Word of the Day, driving directions from Google Maps.

comment posted at 5:40 PM on May-19-05
comment posted at 7:50 PM on May-19-05
comment posted at 1:37 AM on May-20-05
comment posted at 4:16 AM on May-20-05

At a time such as this, it is important to remember what true Sci-Fi moviemaking talent LOOKS like. "When [studio] bosses finally got to see what they'd put their money into . . . they couldn't figure out if they were looking at the biggest disaster in [studio] history or at one of the greatest movies ever made." The year was 1968, one year prior to man's landing on the moon. <Gawd, I miss Omni magazine>
comment posted at 11:02 PM on May-19-05

Horse trading North of the border. With the vote of non-confidence looming today, Canada may find itself facing another election this summer. Today's vote is result of the Liberal's weak position and the still continuing Gomery commission - charged with investigating the Liberal Party's sponsorship scandal. This last month, every action coming out of the PMO has been seen as being inherently realpolitik. With each side being close to holding the crucial 150 odd votes needed, this week's defection of Belinda Stronach has also caused broken hearts, harsh criticisms and created a hero. Canadian politics hasn't been this exciting since it saw the fall of one of Canada's youngest pm. What will happen this afternoon is anyone's guess.
comment posted at 5:47 PM on May-19-05
comment posted at 8:58 PM on May-19-05

Movie review of the month. Anthony Lane writes in the New Yorker, "No, the one who gets me is Yoda. May I take the opportunity to enter a brief plea in favor of his extermination? Any educated moviegoer would know what to do, having watched that helpful sequence in “Gremlins” when a small, sage-colored beastie is fed into an electric blender."
comment posted at 2:21 AM on May-19-05

Two new pieces from the San Diego Union-Tribune chronicle the dire conditions in North Korea, the last worst place on Earth: "The suffering of the North Korean people does not benefit from the drama that attends well-publicized human rights crises such as Iraq and Darfur. Even when hunger and starvation killed as many as 2 million North Koreans in the mid-1990s, the world took little notice. And the greater toll is the continuing long-term day-to-day grinding down of the hearts, minds and souls of all North Korean people."
comment posted at 5:34 PM on May-18-05
comment posted at 6:09 PM on May-18-05
comment posted at 11:18 PM on May-18-05

Man Claims Firing Over Drinking Wrong Beer He works for one mega-beer brand and, on his own time, partook of a competitor's.
comment posted at 7:22 PM on May-18-05

Stories from a prison in South Korea, told by an English teacher imprisoned for teaching without a license. Punishment: deportation. But if a prisoner can't collect wages due, then the prisoner can't buy a plane ticket and stays jailed, where the prisoner can't make money, until such time as the prisoner can afford a plane ticket, ad infinitum. Part one. "The massive Mongolian sings beautifully. A sad falsetto—I imagine it to be about missing a faraway homeland of vast, green pastures, endless fertile grasslands, deserts and broad skies." Part two. "He should really go to a hospital outside of the detention center, but…he would have to pay for any medical treatment outside.…If he spends any money on medical bills he would have less money for buying his airplane ticket home. So he must go untreated."
comment posted at 5:55 PM on May-18-05
comment posted at 6:00 PM on May-18-05
comment posted at 7:50 PM on May-18-05

In response to allegations of kickbacks, George Galloway gets to tell the American Senate just what he thinks. Skip the article and watch the film. Your 50 minutes of fun video footage are here. [realMedia] (That'll be fun in a "Controversial British MP vs American NeoCon Senator" sort of way)
comment posted at 2:25 AM on May-18-05

Chomskytorrents.org provides a gathering place for torrents with progressive and radical content. As for now, it preserves a special place for the work of American dissident Noam Chomsky.
comment posted at 2:38 AM on May-18-05

Man on death row wants to donate liver to dying sister. I think this opens up many questions and mucks up the waters if you are both pro life(viva Terri), and also support the death penalty. (first fpp)
comment posted at 11:24 PM on May-16-05

Join the Army for just fifteen months! Visit exciting foriegn lands! Now with "ultra-lite" benefits!
(Warning: Requires an additional two years of service in the Army Reserve / National Guard, may contain additional deployments overseas, stop-loss, 4 1/2 years in the inactive reserve, and possible devil's bargains.)
comment posted at 1:01 AM on May-13-05

Let the fun begin! Create your own chruch sign!
comment posted at 5:30 PM on May-11-05

The Hidden Messages in Water? Masaru Emoto claims that water has the ability "to absorb, hold, and even retransmit human feelings and emotions. Using high-speed photography, he found that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward it. Music, visual images, words written on paper, and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure." The theory may be suspect, but the photos are beautiful.
comment posted at 11:23 PM on May-11-05
comment posted at 11:23 PM on May-11-05

A heap of MP3 interviews from JJJ -- Australian radio. Artists include Caribou*, McLusky*, Antony and the Johnsons*, The Arcade Fire*, Architecture in Helsinki*, Bright Eyes*, The Decemberists*, Sharon Jones*, Black Mountain*, TV On the Radio*, Black Keys*, Black Dice*, Mercury Rev*, The Dears*, Four Tet*, Fiery Furnaces*, Jolie Holland*, and many more. * MP3 song of the artist -- not interview!
comment posted at 11:25 PM on May-9-05

$11.5 Trillion Lost In Bermuda Triangle In case you've ever wondered just how much money the mega rich keep nice and tax free in off shore shelters, it's $11.5 trillion.
comment posted at 9:23 PM on May-10-05

A Dutch court refuses to arrest George W. Bush when he arrives there on Saturday. the demands "could have far-reaching consequences for US-Dutch relations"
comment posted at 11:46 PM on May-5-05

Razor clams are the most delicious clam in the entire world. On the coast of Washington and Oregon, there are acres of clams. The Washington beaches are opening for 48 hours next weekend. Grab your clam gun. If you can’t go digging, follow the action on the clam cam. This may interfere with the Seattle meetup. But above all, Keep Clam.
comment posted at 11:43 PM on May-1-05

Creative Commons decides to partner with BzzAgent. Some aren't too happy. Maybe Matt can comment?
comment posted at 11:47 PM on May-1-05

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