This city is teeming with tales!
June 2, 2017 2:06 PM   Subscribe

New York Stories. The New York Times Magazine has given a number of stories from its Metro desk to cartoonists to illustrate/adapt. The cartoonists featured include Kevin Huizenga, Tom Gauld, and David Mazzucchelli. posted by Halloween Jack (4 comments total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
I started going through this, but the first story wouldn't load completely. I'll check back later!
posted by limeonaire at 6:23 PM on June 2, 2017

Interesting concept. In one case it prompted me to read the original story. In a couple of the stories the text was hard to read because it was too small. And one story was almost entirely text, although the illustrations did add to the piece.
posted by oheso at 6:36 PM on June 2, 2017

I liked An Amiable Child. It's a fine mix of historical speculation and gentle philosopical meditation and the artwork adds a warm tone to an otherwise sad story.
posted by storybored at 7:52 PM on June 2, 2017 [1 favorite]

This was charming, thanks!
posted by Joe in Australia at 5:00 AM on June 3, 2017

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