Sub Berlin : The Story Of Tresor
January 18, 2024 12:31 PM   Subscribe

Sub Berlin - The Story of Tresor [1h24m, mixed language with embedded English subtitles] is a 2012 documentary about the Berlin nightclub [Wikipedia] that started before the Wall came down, and was one of the defining actors in the evolution of Techno in the early Nineties.
posted by hippybear (5 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Related. Look at Wikipedia for...Eldorado (Berlin)..A different era, between the wars. About the gay bars/clubs in that city. Think Cabaret,with Liza Minelli.Or the novel "Goodbye to Berlin"by Christopher Isherwood from which it is derived.Or perhaps the Broadway play "I Am a Camera" by John van Druten.
posted by Czjewel at 2:10 PM on January 18

I'd welcome further elucidation on how the Weimar era of Berlin and the cabaret nightclubs they had then, doing performances for attendees, is a parallel to the techno clubs of the early Nineties, which involves zero performances and were not persecuted at all due to the fall of East Germany and the development of the music across continents.

Aside from the possible fluid sexualities of the people who attended, which received very different treatments from the official governments involved in the different eras, I'm not entirely sure what the rhymes are you are finding between these things.

Perhaps you can give more commentary?
posted by hippybear at 4:42 PM on January 18 [1 favorite]

That's why I prefeced it with related. I have little interest in pop music from the 90' ears are still ringing from the clubs I was dragged to when I lived in NYC. However, I am fascinated by 1920s and 30s Berlin. It's a generational thing, surely. Sadly, I never made it to Berlin when I was stationed in Nurnberg...I must correct that soon.
posted by Czjewel at 5:26 PM on January 18

Well, please, make a post about the thing you're excited about! I'd rather discuss this other thing in this post, though.
posted by hippybear at 6:09 PM on January 18 [1 favorite]

It's crazy because I saw an Aquaman story about this black dude who was gonna take over Atlantis or whatever with his dude of Scuba people. But I thought a cool story would be something like Drexciyan mythos where maybe some of the Drexciyans had to migrate to Atlantis to avoid toxic waste destruction of their habitat...

So lo - on looking for more details beyond my memory - I saw this coming out (tomorrow in fact!)

Gerald Donald and James Stinson's mom's approved release of a comic based on the Drexciya mythos (bleep link) which is like wha wha wha?

So nice timing!
(I also see this from a couple years ago about the rerelease from Tresor of the Drexciya catalogue):
posted by symbioid at 8:36 PM on January 18

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