Kids? They're alright
February 18, 2024 3:34 AM   Subscribe

Eoin Reardon is a 20-something woodworker from Crossbarry Co Cork, who makes [eg a new axe-handle] with trad hand tools for a million+ @pintofplane TikTok followers . He laments the stigma of trades in schools.

He also has longer YT presentations on traditional crafts: Súgán chair 12½m-- Boyne Coracle 18½m [Tally Ho it ain't] -- Hurley 3½m incl. lament for ash-dieback -- Cleaving the oak 13½m.
Eoin is not doctrinaire about never power tools: eg Milling a local beech log for lumber.
posted by BobTheScientist (10 comments total) 22 users marked this as a favorite
Thanks for posting. I’ve been enjoying his good cheer all morning now.
posted by procrastination at 7:49 AM on February 18

We cannot live in a society that constantly laments the death of local manufacturing but also completely rejects trade schools and other practical training. I came within an inch of doing machinist school instead of the law and people, including the trade school, acted like I was insane. Had I gone into rebuilding classic engines like I wanted to I suspect my blood pressure would be lower, I'd have become a homeowner sooner, and I'd have zero academic debt.

Been watching Eoin's videos for a bit. He does lovely work.
posted by 1adam12 at 8:37 AM on February 18 [14 favorites]

I wonder why we don't treat software engineering as more like a trade. I've always felt my writing code was more like being a cabinetmaker than an engineer. And certainly not like the scientist or mathematician lmy academic computer science education gave me. I'm glad I learned the theoretical stuff but it has very little to do with the day to day work of making useful software.

There's real skill and nobility in being good at a trade, being a craftsman. The stigma is most of what we call trades are low paid and low prestige. But software engineering is a trade that's high paid and high prestige. Embrace it! A corollary: we should have a lot more respect for folks in traditional trades.
posted by Nelson at 8:42 AM on February 18 [6 favorites]

I've been following Eoin for a while now, he's a sound lad. It's great seeing him get commissions because of his videos, so he's not just chasing ad revenue and clicks. I hope his career continues to be augmented by his videos and not have them take over his life. He posted one over the summer of him just going to a vintage steam engine event and driving around a steam powered tractor.
posted by mrzarquon at 10:28 AM on February 18

Old Man Yells At Vertical Video
posted by Horace Rumpole at 11:32 AM on February 18 [4 favorites]

Is there a stigma against trades? Most of the younger people I talk to are pretty positive about trades.
posted by sotonohito at 12:16 PM on February 18

I wonder why we don't treat software engineering as more like a trade

That's a "amen" from this software engineer. I think an apprenticeship-type model could work very well indeed. Now it's more like "nice master's degree, kid, now let us see you translate these requirements into working, maintainable code".
posted by Harald74 at 12:30 PM on February 18 [1 favorite]

~We cannot live in a society that constantly laments the death of local manufacturing but also completely rejects trade schools and other practical training.

Sadly, I think the rejection/minimization of trade schools has a lot to do with many (most?) trade schools being focused on largely unionized trades. Remove the union aspect and you’d magically see the powers-that-be embrace and fund trade schools. See also: Teaching.

~I wonder why we don't treat software engineering as more like a trade.

See above. The trade/union partnership is anathema to techbros.
posted by Thorzdad at 12:40 PM on February 18 [3 favorites]

Had I gone into rebuilding classic engines like I wanted to I suspect my blood pressure would be lower,

Eerily similar to a lawyer I know who really only ever wanted to work on car engines.

Most of the younger people I talk to are pretty positive about trades.

I rejoice, but I worry.

From curiosity, I took a look at website for the leafy gereen suburband middle school I went to yonks ago and where I learned basic woodworking, type setting, and mechanical drawing, and where I could have learned basic cookery. All gone, replaced by techy stuff. Snobbery will have had a roll in the change. All Our Children Must Go To College and learn to push paper.

Will AI reduce or create more of the paper push jobs? Stay tuned.
posted by BWA at 1:13 PM on February 18 [1 favorite]

The man loves himself a good piece o' ash
posted by coriolisdave at 6:02 PM on February 19

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