Flash spoof: oil spills, Aznar and Las Ketchup
January 29, 2003 1:45 AM   Subscribe

The, er, Spanish protest song comes of age, sort of: When bad oil spills happen to evil but otoparasitical Spanish pop songs in a crap video, but in a nice way, I say Hey Hah! Or rather: Aserejé! [Flash for the first link; Real for the third; both in Spanish. FRIENDLY WARNING: Do not click on the third link if you're not yet addicted to Las Ketchup.]
posted by Carlos Quevedo (2 comments total)
Yesterday I was watching an special report from Israel in the Catalonian TV. The correspondent was talking from the Likhud headquarters, and guess what song was playing in the background as the Likhud followers were celebrating their victory?

Globalization indeed IS evil!
posted by samelborp at 6:28 AM on January 29, 2003

This will probably only be appreciated by Spanihs people, but it is indeed GREAT.

As for crappy songs, both Los del Rio y Las Ketchup actually have a pretty sane attitude towards all this, well, worldwide fame. Their attititude is not "diva"-ish but rather "hey, we got lucky and we are VERY happy about it -but please don't read anymore into it" (that is definitely the line of Los Del Rio - of "Macarena" fame).
posted by magullo at 7:55 AM on January 29, 2003

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