July 2, 2005


Greenlighters are an emerging underground movement of sexually promiscuous teenagers, including bisexual, homosexual, and heterosexual members. Members of this movement wear a green polo shirt with the collar up, indicating that they are open to pretty much any sexual adventure. When someone comes up to them and puts the collar down, they are "collared" and will go with that person and do whatever sexual act they ask. Transfer of money is not usually involved. Some parent groups are starting to get involved - urging parents to go through their kids clothes and confiscate green shirts and polos. Supposedly this has been going on since mid-2004 and may be related to the "chavs" in Britain somehow.
posted by Maxor at 7:56 PM PST - 117 comments

broadband fiber municipal broadband

As dial-up internet access begins to fade, a fight is happening over the right of municipalities to install and run their own broadband Internet access networks. Various think tanks like the market oriented Heartland Institute and the community oriented Institute for Local Self Reliance have chimed in on the debate. Last week the Supreme Court ruled that cable companies do not have to provide "open access" to rival Internet providers. And down in Lafayette Louisiana, where the community will soon vote on whether to install a municipal Fiber to Home Network, some of the citizens decided to inject some humor into the issue by holding a film festival.
posted by thedailygrowl at 6:19 PM PST - 13 comments


First Church of Galactus
posted by arto at 5:42 PM PST - 11 comments

Why stop at 14?

Serious Breeders. The Duggars' slogan: "Always pregnant"
posted by growabrain at 3:03 PM PST - 146 comments

Redneck Games Celebrate 10th Anniversary

Redneck Games Celebrate 10th Anniversary
"Bobbing for pig feet, the mudpit belly-flop, the armpit serenade — they're all part of the Redneck Games, a series of good ole'ympic events for the ain't-so-athletic celebrating their 10th year in middle Georgia....The mudpit belly-flop judges contestants on their flabby form and sonic splat as they drop gut-first into muddy water, splattering nearby spectators. The armpit serenade rates children on their musical skills pumping air through a damp hand beneath their underarm. The 12-year-old winner in 2000 squeezed out a recognizable rendition of 'Dixie.' There's also hubcap hurling — think junkyard discus — and redneck horseshoes, played with toilet seats. The most competitive sport, however, is bobbing for pig feet, where contenders dunk their heads in tubs of water to see how fast they can remove raw pork shanks with their teeth."
posted by ericb at 2:21 PM PST - 5 comments

Missing Girl Found

Shasta Groene, missing since May, was found alive today at a Denny's restaurant. (Her brother is believed to be alive, unconfirmed as of yet.) Joseph Edward Duncan III, the man found with Shasta, is a Computer science major at North Dakota State, and a registered sex offender who blogged his travails as a regular guy being unfairly stereotyped and harassed after serving his time.
posted by Oriole Adams at 11:44 AM PST - 51 comments

it was rove

it was rove
"MSNBC Analyst Says Cooper Documents Reveal Karl Rove as Source in Plame Case"
posted by specialk420 at 10:29 AM PST - 157 comments

A stranger among you that says 'eh'

Canada ambassador to the U.S. mobilizes ex-patriots in order to fight the F.U.D. coming from Fox News. But will the only thing paid attention to be the very, very large Canadian oil reserves?
posted by Kickstart70 at 10:16 AM PST - 45 comments

Saddam's novel is a bestseller

Saddam Hussein's novel is a bestseller in Amman's downtown bazaars. The Arabic-language book is titled "Ekhroj minha ya mal'un", which can be translated into "Damned one, get out of here". Jordan banned the novel on the grounds "the tale of an Arab tribesman who defeats a foreign intruder could hurt relations between the two countries."
posted by webmeta at 10:07 AM PST - 5 comments


Electric power transmission and distribution explosions and fireworks for your Fourth of July weekend.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 10:02 AM PST - 6 comments

Jihad U

President Bush pledged in 2003 that "A free Iraq will not be a training ground for terrorists... A free Iraq will not destabilize the Middle East." This past January, the CIA's National Intelligence Council observed that Iraq had become "a training ground, a recruitment ground" for jihadists. Now the senior Marine commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. James Conway -- in a statement that has not yet been picked up by the media -- acknowledges that the war is furnishing a new "a training ground" for foreign fighters trained in urban warfare who will export terror all over the world, saying, "But there's not much we can do about it at this point in time."
posted by digaman at 8:03 AM PST - 19 comments

They don't want your money...they want you.

It was 20 years ago today...
Bob Geldof just introduced 'billionaire philanthropist' Bill Gates onto the Hyde Park stage, and he then introduced Dido... Can Live8 overcome the millstone of worthiness, and make a real diiference in the way international trade operates? Can we really make poverty history? Post any and all Live8 comments, links and counterpoints - apparently, it's all about the awareness, man...
posted by dash_slot- at 7:39 AM PST - 106 comments

Fun Food

Here's your weekend project: Clare Crespo's Jell-O Aquarium recipe. (More fun Clare recipes here, here, and at her site Flash and sound).
posted by taz at 7:13 AM PST - 10 comments

Some resources

Canadian 60s Garage Bands - Alex's Picks of the Week - Acid Archives of Underground Sounds 1965 - 1982 - South African Rock Files - The Magic Land - Track Lists - Garage Compilation DB - Psychedelic Album Reviews - Christian Psych - Swedish Label Catalog - Swedish Progressive Artist Catalogue - German Rock Discography - Underground Sounds - Greatest Rock Album Covers - 760 Rare Psych Album Photos - Jazz Label Discographies - Psych from the 60s - Hispanic Progressive Rock - Heavy Rock Database - More Discographies (By Label) - Argentinian Rock - Borderline Books - Julian Cope's Head Heritage - The History of Boston Rock - Psychedelicatessen - Collectable Records album covers - Links page with more 60s resources - Italian Prog - The Crack in the Cosmic Egg - Spanish Prog - Psychedelic & Acid Folk - Encyclopedia of Electronic Music - Nurse with Wound "Influences" list - Beyond the Beat Generation - Gibraltar Encyclopedia of Prog - Canterbury - The Technicolor Web of Sound (links compiled by Cesar Montesano of the avant-progressive mailing list.)
posted by kenko at 7:00 AM PST - 22 comments

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