Inside Apple's design studio with Jony
September 10, 2015 9:11 AM   Subscribe

Ian Parker from the New Yorker managed to secure time with and access to Apple's chief designer, Sir Jonathan Ive so as to write this extended profile of the man, his obsessively secretive workplace - and his dislike of orangey-brown..
posted by rongorongo (44 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
I wonder if Sir Jony showed him the cell where Deiter Rams is kept?
posted by MikeMc at 9:21 AM on September 10, 2015 [3 favorites]

In case anyone needs inspiration for Jony Ive erotic fanfic, here's a selection of the most erotic quotes:

  • “I saw flashes of color pinned to a wall.”
  • “It was round and pulsating and it was just amazing.”
  • “Think about all the fucking possibilities.”
  • “He is likely to emit a soft, half-ironic groan.”
  • “The seven-inch Ive had on sunglasses.”
  • “Ive was brushing his hand across the top of his head, and talking quietly. ”
  • “lying on a polished surface that seemed to offer the first glimpse of the interior of a new Death Star.”
  • "a genuine discomfort with self-exposure."
  • "To watch him with his workmates in the holy of holies"
  • “I stayed the night in his living room, surrounded by hundreds of foam models—all white, of course."
  • "According to Ive, Jobs said, “Make it lickable.”"
  • "Ive’s dominance wasn’t immediate."
  • Ive looked down happily. “This is such an extraordinarily beautiful thing,” he said.
  • I imagined Ive sighing, “Must I do everything myself?”
  • "perhaps large and slippery enough to trigger nostalgia"
  • The evening, he recalled, was “very gentle, reflective, probably because we were so tired.”

  • posted by paulcole at 9:34 AM on September 10, 2015 [33 favorites]

    Further incidental note: every 500th word in the article is "gold" - 30 occurrences.
    And this is the fucking design manifesto cited.
    posted by rongorongo at 9:46 AM on September 10, 2015 [1 favorite]

    I hate that fucking manifesto.
    posted by Annika Cicada at 9:58 AM on September 10, 2015 [3 favorites]

    Do you have to use so many cuss words?
    posted by FJT at 10:03 AM on September 10, 2015 [2 favorites]

    It's good there are craftsmen who care about the details, who work on things that actually move the species forwards in whatever small way. Gives me hope for the future.
    posted by a lungful of dragon at 10:04 AM on September 10, 2015

    I think it's telling that "Jony" is apparently pronounced like "Johnny", not the more intuitive "Joan-y" to rhyme with Pony. That disregard for basic "utility", if you will, is the Achilles heel of the Apple system. They just work, provided you want them to work the way Apple tells you they work.
    posted by Rumple at 10:05 AM on September 10, 2015 [12 favorites]

    I'm finding it hard to express how much those quotes make me not want to read the article. On the other hand, I'd love to see videos with each of Jason Statham and Barry Shitpeas saying them against a white backdrop to someone just to the left of the camera.
    posted by George_Spiggott at 10:05 AM on September 10, 2015 [3 favorites]

    Jony Ives' Voice.
    posted by Hartster at 10:09 AM on September 10, 2015 [1 favorite]

    "managed to secure time" = "coordinated by Apple PR team"
    posted by donovan at 10:46 AM on September 10, 2015 [5 favorites]

    "managed to secure time" = "coordinated by Apple PR team"

    Well, yeah no shit. How else do you thing you get an interview with Jony? Throw rocks against his office window?
    posted by sideshow at 10:55 AM on September 10, 2015 [2 favorites]

    I am a little surprised to see such PR service in the New Yorker.
    posted by sandettie light vessel automatic at 10:57 AM on September 10, 2015 [3 favorites]

    How else do you thing you get an interview with Jony?

    I'm sure there's an app for that.
    posted by bonehead at 11:02 AM on September 10, 2015 [2 favorites]

    All i can think about with "apple" and "design" right now is how appallingly stupid the "ipad pencil" is. Look at how it charges.
    posted by emptythought at 11:08 AM on September 10, 2015 [9 favorites]

    All i can think about with "apple" and "design" right now is how appallingly stupid the "ipad pencil" is. Look at how it charges.

    Oh that's terrible. People will lose the cap immediately, and the whole design seems like a good way to break the lightning connector right off of it. It's like it was intentionally sabotaged to make the Pencil 2 look better in a year.
    posted by jedicus at 11:16 AM on September 10, 2015 [3 favorites]

    Does Jony talk about how Tim made him make the camera on the new iPhone 6s all bulge-y AGAIN?

    PSST! Jonny! You're a fucking knight, you don't need to take that shit from an Alabaman! Slam your carefully-machined aluminium sword down on the table and tell him how't gonna be, goddamn it.
    posted by entropicamericana at 11:21 AM on September 10, 2015 [3 favorites]

    All i can think about with "apple" and "design" right now is how appallingly stupid the "ipad pencil" is. Look at how it charges.

    Oh that's terrible. People will lose the cap immediately, and the whole design seems like a good way to break the lightning connector right off of it. It's like it was intentionally sabotaged to make the Pencil 2 look better in a year.

    No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.
    posted by sideshow at 11:22 AM on September 10, 2015 [7 favorites]

    There's a market there. MS apparently sold lots of Surfaces last year, and the iPad line can use all the help it can get right now.

    I'm a little surprised that: 1) there doesn't seem to be on board storage/charging for the pen. Put it in the keyboard cover at least; 2) the system memory is tiny at 2GB---surely photoshop and premiere users would be a key market for this; and 3) that they've gone with iOS instead of the full MacOS---a full computer in tablet dress is the Surface secret sauce.

    We'll see if it actually works in a few weeks, I guess. But my feeling is that if they really wanted this to work, they'd have made it a macbook air replacement.
    posted by bonehead at 11:27 AM on September 10, 2015 [1 favorite]

    Similarly, while i'm on a roll, look at the total and utter fucking mess the ipad lineup is now. Seriously, look at that.

    Why are there more than 3 models of ipad? Why are they selling the mini 2 and 4? The only answer i can seem to think of is "so they can sell a cheaper one!" but like... that's a needlessly confusing lineup.

    Pretty often people ask me what tech-thing to buy. Occasionally i get asked what ipad to buy. It used to be "well get the small one unless you really want the bigger screen on the big one, it's just way easier to hold/use/carry around". Now i have to explain the entire stupid lineup.

    Was it really that hard for them to just sell small-medium-large? It's unfocused and silly.

    I could also get into how bullshit it is that the new iphone STILL starts at 16gb of storage, which isn't enough for ANYONE who uses their phone at all including my 59 year old mom who basically just browses facebook and takes photos... and ran out of space. FFS really guys? 32gb would cost you like $3 more in volume, but you'd rather collect the extra $100 from everybody who will just pay it to get away from that? That's a pretty tiresome cash grab

    No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.

    The difference is that there was nothing stupid about the original ipod. I still own one, it still works great(albeit on it's 2nd or 3rd battery over the past over-a-decade). It was expensive, but it was fine. Infact, hell, it's better than fine. It's extremely durable.

    This is actively, willfully stupid, poorly designed, and will break easily.
    posted by emptythought at 11:27 AM on September 10, 2015 [16 favorites]

    All of the manager/executive types at my office have Surface Pros as their primary computer and seem to like them but I'm not sure that iOS clone of the Surface makes sense. If it's got a keyboard, it would make more sense to have a desktop OS than a phone OS.
    posted by octothorpe at 11:31 AM on September 10, 2015

    The pen is a pretty natural replacement for a mouse on a Surface. I find I don't miss mice much at all, once I had gotten used to touch and/or pen. And it's far better than any trackpad or keyboard nipple mouse I've ever used. For any graphical work---we do a lot of GIS-type stuff---the pen is incredibly natural.
    posted by bonehead at 11:39 AM on September 10, 2015

    "Typical Metafilter...all the other community weblogs were talking about this article back in February, when Metafilter was like 'if you see an FPP about the Jony Ive profile, they blew it.' But now that it's finally hit the front page, they're acting like they invented it. I tell you, this place has been completely adrift since they lost their founder..."
    posted by Ian A.T. at 11:45 AM on September 10, 2015 [9 favorites]

    It's like it was intentionally sabotaged to make the Pencil 2 look better in a year.

    Once the iPad Pro gets out into the hands of creatives later this year, it will be clearer to what extent this will be a real issue. Still, it's a problem that is easily solved with a $13 extension cable. Not the best or most elegant solution, but it addresses the issue today, for end users who it might affect.

    Inductive charging would have been nice, preferably by leaving it on top of the iPad. Not sure what it would have meant to add that kind of hardware to the iPad enclosure, though, in terms of space and waste heat. If the Pencil is mostly hollow at the top, another option would have been a twist-and-pull connector, where a flexible wire "telescopes" out from the core of the Pencil enclosure. Then you could plug it in with fewer worries about snapping off the connector.
    posted by a lungful of dragon at 1:20 PM on September 10, 2015

    A 2012 comic prophesied Apple's 2015 introduction of the iPad Pro.
    posted by exogenous at 1:26 PM on September 10, 2015 [5 favorites]

    Or some sort of magnetized catch on the cover, like a mag-safe connector. I can't tell if there's an affordance to store the pen on or near the device, which seems kind of awkward and weird.
    posted by bonehead at 1:27 PM on September 10, 2015

    All i can think about with "apple" and "design" right now is how appallingly stupid the "ipad pencil" is. Look at how it charges.

    A lot of people are missing a major point here. It's a 15 second charge for 30 minutes of use. You're not walking around with a pencil stuck in your iPad for hours while it charges.

    It's incredibly analogous to sharpening a pencil.
    posted by paulcole at 1:35 PM on September 10, 2015 [8 favorites]

    15 seconds is an eternity of risk in house full of cats and kids.
    posted by Annika Cicada at 1:50 PM on September 10, 2015 [1 favorite]

    Doesn't the Surface Pro compete against the MacBook Air? I love my MBA. I got it 4 years ago and have put in a bigger hard drive. I plan on keeping it until it breaks. But if I wanted something comparable, I'd not go with iOS.
    posted by persona au gratin at 2:35 PM on September 10, 2015

    Inductive charging would have been nice,

    I think they would have done this in a split second had the iPad Pro been up to doing it unplugged -- I expect they will do this in some future revision.
    posted by smidgen at 2:57 PM on September 10, 2015

    If they add some magnets to the Pro to attach a Pencil, that area might make a good spot to do induction charging.
    posted by a lungful of dragon at 3:37 PM on September 10, 2015

    "Ive once sat next to J. J. Abrams at a boozy dinner party in New York, and made what Abrams recalled as “very specific” suggestions about the design of lightsabres."

    Oh my god, this is great.
    posted by buriednexttoyou at 4:12 PM on September 10, 2015

    Everyone is beanplating this, with the extension cable and inductive charging...

    Why couldn't it just stick on to the "smart port" the keyboard cover uses and charge there? Is it because the surface already did that? That's not that great of a reason.

    It's a 15 second charge for 30 minutes of use. You're not walking around with a pencil stuck in your iPad for hours while it charges.

    But this is stupid too! Most of the people i know who use wacoms and such would rage at having to stop every 30 minutes and interrupt their workflow. All the similar work i've done editing artsy things in DAWs or premiere or final cut or whatever i can work for fucking hours without stopping to do anything but take a rip from my massive carafe of water.

    Another acceptable solution would have just been a female lightning socket, and 7~ days of battery life. The batteries in say, the surface pen last months and fit within that casing.

    It's seriously layers of stupid all the way down. It taking 15 seconds to charge is nice, but doesn't make the charging method less stupid or the design less damage prone. 15 seconds is more than enough time for someones sleeve to catch the pen and snap it off, or rip the whole ipad off the desk. And no one even knows if that(non MFI certified!) extension cable would even work.

    30 minutes of battery life is stupid independent of how it charges, and i'd still be making fun of that if it used a non-ridiculous charging method.
    posted by emptythought at 4:13 PM on September 10, 2015 [5 favorites]

    If you'd like a deeper look at Jony Ive, Leander Kahney of (full disclosure, a client of mine) wrote a full length book on him.
    posted by twsf at 4:21 PM on September 10, 2015 [1 favorite]

    If Steve Jobs had presented the stylus.

    I think I would probably actually buy that pen.
    posted by dng at 4:41 PM on September 10, 2015

    It's insufferable to complain about 15 second charging.

    What else charges in 15 seconds? I can't think of a single thing.
    What else charges in 60 seconds? I can't think of a single thing.
    What else charges in 300 seconds? I can't think of a single thing.
    posted by oceanjesse at 5:42 PM on September 10, 2015 [1 favorite]

    Yeah the 15 second carping is absurd. You get 12 hours of battery life (advertised) on a full charge, and if you run out, 15 secs gets you another half hour. That's really far better than anything else - I wish my phone could do that if I forget to charge it one night.
    posted by RedOrGreen at 6:11 PM on September 10, 2015 [1 favorite]

    No one else seems to be bitching about this, so I've got to: I was thinking of finally replacing my iPad 3, but they didn't upgrade the regular iPad, they didn't lower the price - they didn't touch the damn thing. So why the hell would I buy one now? Considering they could suddenly decide to upgrade it any day now, it's a risky buy. Here's hoping the sales drop off even more and they have to do something.
    posted by fungible at 7:02 PM on September 10, 2015

    Thin. Light. Epic.
    (iPad page copy)

    So have we reached peak epic? Does it officially mean nothing but "doubleplusgood" now? Will the future of language consist of two guys who only shout "EPIC" back and forth at each other?
    posted by thelonius at 10:54 PM on September 10, 2015 [3 favorites]

    Maybe i am really just being obtuse or ridiculous here, but they don't say anywhere how long a full charge takes. And frankly, leaving the thing sticking out of the side for what... an hour? several hours? Is just asking for it to be broken. Even if it fully charges in 20 minutes, you can't put it in your bag and it won't even lay flat on a desk during that. Also, there's no way it's jsut a simple multiple of 30 seconds. Lithium batteries do not charge that way, charging from 80-100% takes basically just as long as charging from 0-100. Look at the charge curve of almost any new phone. It can hit say, 50% in 30 minutes but a full charge takes two hours, and a lot of that time is from 75-80 to 100%

    The 15 second charge is cool, and i guess i misread that it had 30 minutes of life max... but that really brings us back to the problem of it being a super duper awful design for how to charge it. I mean ffs, you can't even charge the device while you're charging the pen! What if you have a low battery on the tablet and a low/dead pen? You're hosed!

    I know they'll likely bring out some overpriced docking station soon(or a third party will) like that headset+phone dock for the original iphone, or the "travel cable" they made but really why even show that silly method?

    People are going to break the things in the store to an extent that makes people going to the stores and bending iphones look like a rounding error. And people aren't even going to do it intentionally all the time.

    No one else seems to be bitching about this, so I've got to: I was thinking of finally replacing my iPad 3, but they didn't upgrade the regular iPad, they didn't lower the price - they didn't touch the damn thing. So why the hell would I buy one now? Considering they could suddenly decide to upgrade it any day now, it's a risky buy. Here's hoping the sales drop off even more and they have to do something.

    I'm in the same boat. I just got my mom to spend ~$210 or so on a used ipad air, which i thought was a solid deal... but why would anyone who wasn't a business bulk ordering them buy a new ipad right now? The used market is softening by the day, and there is no new 10in model. The air 2 is still better than the mini 3 or 4... but why did the mini 3 ever exist? They could have made the mini 4 last year since it has last years CPU.

    I dumped on it above, but this is seriously the most confusing product lineup apple has had for anything in years. It's like an entire stack of how stupid the 2012 13in non-retina macbook pro was that they just... kept selling... for years... for over $1000, even when it was horribly outdated.

    If you scroll down on the compare models page you realize that there's a double-othering going on. The 10in ipad is better than the 8in ipad, but the 12in ipad is... better than the 10in?

    I understand the "pro" being top of the line, but they leave the best normal-sized ipad at, in their own words, something like 90% slower? I expected the lineup to be something like A9x-A9-A9, or maybe like A9x-A9-A8x. But this is just weird.

    As it stands the cheapest iphone is faster than everything but the most expensive ipad. I don't know if that's intentional or not, but it's... odd. It also seems weird from a supply chain standpoint. In 2013, every current model that wasn't from a previous year had an A7. Iphone, big ipad, little ipad. That seemed like a logical place that they'd try and stay... Now they're fabbing at least 4 cpus at the same time. Maybe 5 if the apple TV has yet another weird variation(it's happened before). What?
    posted by emptythought at 2:08 AM on September 11, 2015 [3 favorites]

    Most of the people i know who use wacoms and such would rage at having to stop every 30 minutes and interrupt their workflow.

    Apple says it has 12 hours of battery life on a full charge. That page isn't really difficult to find.

    12 hours is 24 times as much as 30 minutes so a full charge would take 24 * 15 seconds = 6 minutes if it scaled linearly which it doesn't. So I'd guess it's about 10-15 minutes for a full charge. (Is this really so complicated math?)

    15 minutes is just leaving the pen in the charger while eating lunch or chatting with the colleagues, or any of the other gazillion things people spend time on at the office.

    30 minutes for 15 seconds is significant for those who forgot to charge the pen, e.g. students having to take lesson notes. This tells customers that if they are forgetful, it's no big deal, they will still be able to use the pen and do their job. This is a way more important feature than time for a full charge, this is a major selling point!
    posted by flif at 7:01 AM on September 11, 2015

    You know what, you people who are saying "why carp on it" need to stop it. I'm gonna carp on it because I can't for the life of me understand WHY apple would do something so apparently daft and then ask for a lot of money for said daft thing. Male connectors moved to cables in like, 1985 and it's been thought to be a rather solid move for the past 30 years, and if Apple is going to come along and say "Hey look, we're doing this thing that everyone learned was a really uncool move 30 years ago, but now it's different!" they'd better be ready to answer the damn question why.

    If it was free, I'd not wonder about it, but it's not so I am. And that doesn't make me some person who is being overly persnickety about some vain facet of the product. It's something that WILL break (magsafe connectors anyone? Why do we love them so much?) and is part of core functionality of the product, the choice needs to be vigorously questioned and I'd like a conversation beyond some hand waving "oh don't worry your pretty little heads about that" type answer.
    posted by Annika Cicada at 8:31 AM on September 14, 2015

    When Apple makes something that makes the MS version look polished....
    posted by bonehead at 2:27 PM on September 14, 2015

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