May 15, 2001

Survivor begat SurvivorBlog, which begat SurvivorCam!
posted by owillis at 9:14 PM PST - 7 comments

Texas student kills self after holding class hostage.

Texas student kills self after holding class hostage. I brought that up in order to bring this up: the Colorado Governor commissioned ten people to get together and write up a 200 page report about what actually happened at Columbine, and then tell everybody what we're supposed to do about it. I'm reminded of that scene in The Matrix when Neo notices DeJaVu the black cat. And for those tired of talking about this pathetic school shooting crap, I can sympathize. Here's a cute story about Thud the dumb grey cat.
posted by ZachsMind at 9:12 PM PST - 22 comments

The web is now complete!

The web is now complete! Bosze Oliver’s Home Page gives you the goods on it all!
Mr. Oliver is apparently the authority on everything.
You'll find links to over 90 airlines, The greatest bands on earth, and my personal favorite Taboo Words.
If this doesn't strike your fancy then he'll teach you English!
posted by ooklah at 9:05 PM PST - 14 comments

Slashdot addict? Time to kick the habit.
posted by darukaru at 8:58 PM PST - 14 comments

Who said execs have it rough?...

Who said execs have it rough?... Poor George Shaheen, former CEO of Webvan. His company expanded in to more markets than necessary, gobbled up HomeGrocer (I loved their commercials and catchy theme song - "Would you like to have something to eat") then spit Dallas and Atlanta out.

Here are sweet details of the deal Shaheen negotiated after stepping down last month. Under the terms of his retirement package, Shaheen will receive 50 percent of his base salary and target bonus for the rest of his life.

All to the tune of $375,000 a year for life.

I wonder if Shaheen is Irish. Just curious.
posted by lheiskell at 8:40 PM PST - 10 comments

Sometimes you don't know how the hell you wound up at a site. You're out there, surfing, minding your own business, and then you enter the zone, and the next thing you know you're at a page that you would normally never go to, and you have no idea how you got there. This is the only explanation I can come up with as to why I ended up at the official homepage of prog-rock relics Yes.
posted by solistrato at 5:15 PM PST - 17 comments

Another Star Wars reference I'm afraid.

Another Star Wars reference I'm afraid. Has George Lucas had a church organ installed at Skywalker Ranch? And will we see such natty cardigans in Episode II?
posted by feelinglistless at 3:22 PM PST - 2 comments

Godspeed, Kaycee Nicole

Godspeed, Kaycee Nicole Kaycee Nicole passed away May 14, 2001. RIP
posted by tomcosgrave at 1:29 PM PST - 68 comments

Playing the Willie Horton card?

Playing the Willie Horton card? The Tories' first party election broadcast claims that Labour has released rapists to offend again. Even a former ex-chairman of the party calls the film "disturbing" for its tacit apportioning of blame, and its similarities to the famous ad used by Bush Sr. in 1988. After Labour's positive but anodyne "we've done nice things, and here's Geri Halliwell" broadcast, are we now set for a dirty media war till June 7th?
posted by holgate at 1:26 PM PST - 11 comments

Qwest Communications pricing the poor out of calling home?

Qwest Communications pricing the poor out of calling home? Citing the increased use in personal cell phones and an inability to maintain their fleet of pay phones due to lower usage, Qwest is raising pay phone fees to $.50. What about a phone call costs half of a dollar? To me it's like a restaurant selling a soda for $1.95--everybody buys it=an easy hundreds of percantage points profit.
posted by crasspastor at 1:25 PM PST - 7 comments

When the commercial sectors of our suburbs and cities fall, and our entire way of life changes, will we live in stores like Fred Meyers? It's a question posed by not only singer Glen Phillips, but an oldish Wired article as well. [more...]
posted by hijinx at 12:55 PM PST - 12 comments

Backyard Wrestling

Backyard Wrestling File this under "funny but sad." You must have a look at few of the video clips of these boys in action. The whole squalid environment reminds me of Gummo. I understand it's just mindless fun this the bottom of suburbia or the frightening norm?
posted by davebush at 12:19 PM PST - 36 comments

Doc Ellis Says He Pitched 1970 No-Hitter Under The Influence of LSD

Doc Ellis Says He Pitched 1970 No-Hitter Under The Influence of LSD From the article: "It was the highpoint in the baseball career of one of the finer pitchers of his time, and arguably, one of the greatest achievements in the history of sports." Damn right! I wonder if there are any other drug-induced accomplishments in modern history that have been kept a secret.
posted by Karl at 12:11 PM PST - 19 comments

You don't need to be important to be a victim of government mind control -- even fifty year old retired men living in trailer homes can be victims of satellite turn signal sabotage.
posted by tweebiscuit at 10:58 AM PST - 14 comments

"the toothy smile is usually related to cannibalism"

"the toothy smile is usually related to cannibalism" -- This 7 minute real audio NPR story on Russell Weston is a must listen. Three years ago Weston killed two capitol police officers, but he hasn't even been arraigned on the charges yet due to his paranoid schizophrenia. For a fascinating glimpse into his mind, listen to this story which includes audio excerpts from a 1997 interview with the CIA wherein he details his paranoid delusions regarding the "Ruby Satellite System" time machine and a conspiracy of cannibals.
posted by ericost at 10:40 AM PST - 16 comments

FBI finds a second batch of McVeigh documents.

FBI finds a second batch of McVeigh documents. I hestitate to start a new thread about this but I just wanted to point out this story.
posted by rdr at 9:34 AM PST - 15 comments

Do you really need a car all the time?

Do you really need a car all the time? Or do you need one (or another one) just a few times a month? Car sharing is getting some press lately. Most carsharing programs are for profit, but City Carshare in San Francisco is a nonprofit organization. Is there a carshare program in your city? Would it work for you?
posted by feckless at 9:14 AM PST - 37 comments

This debunks a few myths about PFDs.
posted by dfowler at 8:26 AM PST - 16 comments

Don't make phone calls in Vegas. The Mob is listening.

Don't make phone calls in Vegas. The Mob is listening. Whores! Wiretapping! Kevin Mitnick! Men nicknamed 'Aspirins' with electric drills! And more, courtesy of The Register. How widespread is this kind of telco infiltration? Should we trust any phone calls, anywhere?
posted by darukaru at 8:02 AM PST - 7 comments

From the International Herald Tribune:

From the International Herald Tribune: How's this whole separation of church and state working out? AG John Ashcroft: "It is against my religion to impose my religion on people..."

However, the department [DoJ] also issued new style guidelines for correspondence that carries Mr. Ashcroft's signature. They forbid, among other things, the use of "pride," which the Bible calls a sin, and the phrase "no higher calling than public service."
posted by dukejohnson at 5:52 AM PST - 64 comments

A label showcase.

A label showcase. Last night Ryan Adams and the band Dolly Varden played at a small club called Les Etoiles, near Chateau d'Eau, in Paris. Adams was good, simple, one-man-and-his-guitar-and-piano moody melancholy rock; he used to be the frontman for Whiskeytown. Adams was not as upbeat as I'd expected, but the opening act, Dolly Varden, though only two of the five members made it to France, played appealing countryish two-person songs with strong vocals and simple instrumentation.
posted by Mo Nickels at 5:17 AM PST - 11 comments

Oscar winners live longer

Oscar winners live longer...winning the coveted golden statuette can add four years to your life. BTW, the next article shows that half of heroin addicts die early.
Big surprise: "drugs = bad for ya" and "success = good for ya".
posted by nonharmful at 4:48 AM PST - 9 comments

Network Predatech

Network Predatech It's around 2025 A.D. and the IMC is all-powerful. Can a devoted band of courageous hackers make a difference?
posted by ordinaryworld at 4:10 AM PST - 5 comments

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