Favorites from MexicanYenta

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13 and alone.

My Hero Grandmother Who Escaped An Arranged Marriage
posted to MetaFilter by invisible ink at 2:11 PM on August 26, 2017 (16 comments)

When the boat comes in

I certainly didn’t come out of university and think: "I’m going to work with lobsters." (SL BBC) A short photoseries from the BBC on women working in the male-dominated fishing industries of south-west England. Hope they add more narratives in the future.
posted to MetaFilter by stillmoving at 9:57 AM on August 25, 2017 (5 comments)

Gossypium arboreum var. neglecta

It was combed by music and woven in mist. neglecta was a cotton cultivar that grew only on a short stretch of the banks of the Meghna river in Dhaka. Local weavers, over millennia, made finer and finer cloth from it, so incomparable that empires east and west traded for it. But the East India Company couldn't profit from it so they destroyed the industry and tried to wipe out the plant. There might be wild specimens left; the cultivation and processing will need to be re-developed; the cultivars can be compared to specimens held at, for instance, Kew Garden.
posted to MetaFilter by clew at 4:45 PM on August 25, 2017 (12 comments)

One discount house for here, please.

Where in the US can I buy a house for 100k? Even better, where can I do this and meet a few key criteria along the way?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by missmary6 at 1:02 PM on August 24, 2017 (50 comments)

Oh, no! Not this song again!?

El Patito
posted to MetaFilter by Stewriffic at 4:08 AM on August 23, 2017 (7 comments)

Nice day for a fight wedding

A wedding party turned into brawl at an Edmonton bar. The bride ended up in handcuffs. The radio interview of an eyewitness is a classic.
posted to MetaFilter by No Robots at 5:30 AM on August 23, 2017 (75 comments)

Give me greasy music, please

Ray Wylie Hubbard performed his "Snake Farm" in concert recently, and called it "greasy" ("That one's so good'n'grEEEzy," he said, in case inflection makes a difference). What does this word mean in this usage, and can you give me more of it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by MonkeyToes at 6:34 AM on August 23, 2017 (16 comments)

Never Gonna Believe My Eyes

Foo Fighters featuring Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up. The Foo Fighters rickrolled their audience with the real thing in an interesting mashup.
posted to MetaFilter by nevercalm at 3:24 PM on August 20, 2017 (25 comments)

Cats and dogs are the bomb!

116+ Times Asshole Cats Hilariously Photobombed Purrfect Shots
200+ Times Asshole Dogs Ruined Perfect Shots
To be fair the dogs are mostly goofballs. The cats, though....
posted to MetaFilter by Room 641-A at 10:39 AM on August 7, 2017 (9 comments)

Frank is my new hero

Dateline: Bloom County: Steve Dallas started caring for Sam The Lion, a young boy undergoing cancer treatment, I think because he was trying to impress his mother, or something similarly shallow. But he got emotionally involved. The thing is, Sam was in the ICU when a bad storm started.
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 10:02 PM on August 7, 2017 (39 comments)

Somebody gonna win, somebody gonna lose, that's my pay right there.

Somebody gonna win, somebody gonna lose, that's my pay right there. In the historical maritime attraction that is Mystic Seaport, in Mystic CT, a lecture and demonstration and concert is given about what it was like to be a fisherman south of the Mason Dixon in the days before the Power Block. Black Sea Chanties are not only a thing, they are amazing and beautiful.
posted to MetaFilter by Slap*Happy at 9:24 PM on August 5, 2017 (14 comments)

Enema Man Lives

For twenty years, the same prank caller has dialed the payphone at McSorley's Old Ale House, the landmark pub in Manhattan's East Village, most every Sunday afternoon to say "your enema is ready." [via]
posted to MetaFilter by killdevil at 5:31 PM on August 4, 2017 (29 comments)

Is silent farting a skill everyone can pick up?

I'm curious. I am pretty good at farting without making any noise whatsoever, but I hear that this is not a skill that everyone possesses. Since my technique involves routing the nascent fart through labial folds, are the possession and configuration of those necessary to silence the release of air? Or are there are other ways to achieve the same objective? Enlighten me!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by sciatrix at 10:38 AM on August 3, 2017 (38 comments)

I'm down on myself. Please help me be brave.

I'm struggling with depression (diagnosed, under treatment). What I need are written reminders to help me resist the lying internal monologue. Maybe you have a favorite passage, essay, or mantra that might help me be braver in shutting this voice down?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 3:27 AM on August 2, 2017 (40 comments)

Everyone needs a smile

Eurosaurus is a 5-year old Jack Russell terrier from Thailand, and due to an unusual bite pattern she has a beautiful smile. You can see more of Euro and the rest of her doggo and human family at her Instagram.
posted to MetaFilter by Room 641-A at 11:14 AM on July 30, 2017 (8 comments)

All that you give: Fontella Bass rescues herself

Fontella Bass (1940 – 2012) is often regarded as a one-hit wonder, and even that one hit is often mistakenly attributed to Aretha Franklin. “Rescue Me” briefly made her a star, and is the only side she ever recorded to reach the top ten (#4 Pop, #1 R&B). However, there is much more to Fontella Bass and her music. Bass was a third generation gospel singer, a fine pianist, and a singer who performed and recorded in six decades, encompassing gospel, RnB, soul, pop, jazz, and the avant garde. If you don't know Don't Mess With A Good Thing, Theme de Yoyo , No Ways Tired, Travellin', and All That You Give -- you don't know Fontella Bass.
posted to MetaFilter by Herodios at 4:07 PM on July 30, 2017 (12 comments)

Remembering friends and neighbors

Veterans, dancers, children, grandparents, immigrants, lifelong locals: Elissa Ely's Remembrance Project for WBUR features long obituary profiles showing that every ordinary person has an extraordinary story.
posted to MetaFilter by nonane at 11:40 AM on July 27, 2017 (3 comments)

Are there any other mixes like Svantana's "Working As A Waitress"

I love Svantana's mix of "Don't You Want Me", in which every lyric is sung as the 'You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar' line. Are there any other mixes of any other songs done in this fashion?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by piato at 7:20 AM on July 26, 2017 (8 comments)

"He does have a lot of challenges, but he doesn't know that."

While there are parts of the world where intelligent robots are drowning themselves, it’s good to see technology being used for good elsewhere. In New Hampshire, a group of eighth graders designed and created a 3D-printed wheelchair for a six-month-old kitten named Ray who is unable to use his rear legs due to a spinal condition. On top of that, he was born with abnormally tiny eyes, leaving him blind.
The little charmer (full name: Ray Catdashian) also has an Instagram account.
posted to MetaFilter by Johnny Wallflower at 5:01 PM on July 24, 2017 (9 comments)

Sorry but ‘Sweetunia Orange Flash’ petunias will no longer be available.

In 2015, a plant biologist noticed some bright orange petunias near a train station in Helsinki which in May 2017 caused the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [APHIS] to confirm that numerous varieties of petunias were not properly registered as being genetically engineered (GE).
posted to MetaFilter by bCat at 1:54 PM on July 23, 2017 (25 comments)

This is the Night Mail crossing the border, bringing the cheque ...

"This is the Night Mail crossing the border, bringing the cheque and postal order." The traveling post office, the specially designed and operated mail-sorting train, was invented in 1838 and documented as Night Mail in 1936. The British short film has become a classic of its own kind, much imitated (and parodied) by adverts and modern film shorts. Night Mail is widely considered a masterpiece of the British Documentary Film Movement, and schoolchildren often memorize W.H. Auden’s “Night Mail,” the ending poem that was added as almost an afterthought.
posted to MetaFilter by filthy light thief at 11:04 AM on July 22, 2017 (17 comments)

HOT Wheels!

Do you like Hot Wheels cars? YouTube user baremetalHW does. On his channel, he does all sorts of restorations and customization of old, worn out toy cars, as well as tips and tricks for folks who might want to try it themselves.
posted to MetaFilter by pjern at 1:29 PM on July 22, 2017 (14 comments)

Mr. Slippery and Erythrina are not on the list

Everyone knows the correct name for a raccoon is Trash Panda, but did you know about Duck Puppies? And you can probably guess the common name for a Fart Squirrel without peeking, but how about a Land Cloud? Bread Moisturizer (not an animal)? Or my favorite, the Dogtor? A few more are here; check out @CorrectNames for the rest.
posted to MetaFilter by Johnny Wallflower at 2:54 PM on July 22, 2017 (47 comments)

So then Jada said, "Tiffany, what the hell is a Groupon?"

Comedian Tiffany Haddish tells Jimmy Kimmel about hanging out in New Orleans with Will and Jada Smith.
posted to MetaFilter by Mchelly at 12:25 PM on July 21, 2017 (29 comments)

Simple pleasures for complicated times

Bloopdance. Press on the screen and shake your phone. Turn up the volume. (works best on a smartphone)
posted to MetaFilter by ourobouros at 10:03 AM on July 14, 2017 (22 comments)

The history of Oxfam Campaigns in posters

An archive of over 700 posters from Oxfam campaigns through the decades. A fascinating survey of the history of design and social change.
posted to MetaFilter by salishsea at 10:55 AM on July 13, 2017 (2 comments)

Letters and Liquor

"Because my love for the culture of cocktails is so strong, it was only a matter of time before it became part of my professional work. As a graphic designer, my specialty is lettering, and the spirits world is replete with lettering styles. This blog is an attempt to merge my knowledge of cocktail history with the developments in lettering that accompanied it."
posted to MetaFilter by jenkinsEar at 5:35 PM on July 7, 2017 (10 comments)

No more monsters, I can breathe again

Kesha's new single, Praying, is worth a listen. Whether you've followed formerly Ke$ha's difficulties [lazy previously link] in the news over the past 5 years or not, this is something new. It's not what you might expect from the singer best known for Tik Tok and Timber. It's heartbreaking, actually. And gives me goosebumps. LennyLetter gives her space and freedom to talk about the new single.
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 10:24 AM on July 6, 2017 (43 comments)

In the course of human events: Sam Fink's Declaration

When Sam Fink was a kid, he didn't understand how to read the Declaration of Independence. "I tried to read [the Declaration]...It was difficult, I couldn't read the words. Too tiny. And the script is small and I lost my way. The library came to my rescue....I went to the library and asked the librarian to help me find a copy that I could read. And she did." As an adult, and an accomplished calligrapher and illustrator, he decided to create his own phrase-by-phrase picture book of the document so that children could read it for themselves. The result: The Words That Made America: Understanding the Declaration of Independence. He discusses its genesis in this delightful 2002 talk at the Brooklyn Public Library. (Transcript, but Fink is great to hear.)
posted to MetaFilter by MonkeyToes at 12:53 PM on July 6, 2017 (2 comments)

Centuries of Sound

"Centuries of Sound is an attempt to produce a set of mixes for every year of recorded sound. Starting in 1860, a mix will be posted every month until we catch up with the present day. So far we are still in the very early days, where a very limited selection of recordings are available, but as we get into the 20th century I hope to include the widest possible spread, both in terms of geography and genre. This will mean that experts will be required. If you are interested in putting yourself forward as an expert on Rembetika, early microtonal recordings, French political speeches, Tagore songs or anything else, then please do drop me a line..."
posted to MetaFilter by naju at 6:04 PM on July 5, 2017 (8 comments)

Water protectors build tipi on Parliament Hill

In the middle of the night, a group of Indigenous people and supporters erected a tipi on Ottawa's Parliament Hill, despite police efforts to stop them, immediately before celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Canada's confederation are to begin.
posted to MetaFilter by ITheCosmos at 7:18 AM on June 29, 2017 (4 comments)

Tabletop Whale

At Tabletop Whale, graphic designer and molecular biologist Eleanor Lutz showcases her scientific infographics, illustrations and drawings. Examples include virus trading cards, colorful butterflies of North America, immunology pop art and a user's guide to muscles. Additional content can be found at the Tabletop Whale tumblr.
posted to MetaFilter by zarq at 9:17 AM on June 5, 2017 (10 comments)

Cheeky monkeys

Monkeys are stealing tourist's things to barter for food. Clever things.
posted to MetaFilter by threetwentytwo at 1:07 AM on June 4, 2017 (18 comments)

goodnight nobody

Author Amy Gary delved into Margaret Wise Brown's collected papers to write a new biography of the woman behind some much-loved children's books, including Goodnight Moon.
posted to MetaFilter by the man of twists and turns at 1:22 PM on May 31, 2017 (9 comments)

The thrilling dinosaurs of Holbrook, Arizona

Millions of years ago, dinosaurs were common across the flatlands that now encompass this city [Holbrook, AZ]. But they disappeared. A couple decades ago, several small-scale dinosaurs appeared along Interstate 40 near this city. But they also vanished. Well, not all of them. You can still find about a dozen (Google street view) home-made "cemetosaurs" in front of Rainbow Rock Shop, but these aren't the only dinos in Holbrook. There's the lonely bronze dinosaur, a would-be shower, in an adjacent park, and some more ... active ... dinosaur figures (Google maps) up the road at Stewart's Petrified Wood (previously).
posted to MetaFilter by filthy light thief at 9:00 PM on May 30, 2017 (2 comments)

And their little dog, too

A very special story about Todd and his Grandmother. This is a response to a writing prompt written by Peccolia on her tumblr eatbreathewrite, and then added to by others, as they started to break the plot for six seasons and a movie.
posted to MetaFilter by jacquilynne at 11:04 PM on May 30, 2017 (14 comments)

Velvet Elvises not included.

Sophie Ploeg is an artist and historian know for her richly detailed paintings of fabrics. She draws inspiration from historical works and has listed what she views as the best works capturing the intricacies of lace or the texture and sheen of velvet.
posted to MetaFilter by jacquilynne at 4:34 PM on May 27, 2017 (2 comments)

Repairing an oriental rug

A small dog chewed the corner of conradcourtney's 1950 Saruk rug, so s/he set to fixin' it. (Slimgur) Here's a YouTube channel of a rug repair shop from British Columbia. Wikipedia's Oriental rugs article is great .
posted to MetaFilter by growabrain at 5:53 PM on May 28, 2017 (11 comments)

Acrylic painting tutorials

It seems fairly easy to find interesting intermediate-to-advanced video tutorials for oil painting. However when I look for acrylic painting tutorials I find mostly beginner-level videos and things along the lines of "how to paint a specific object," usually not from life. Lots of things that remind me of the new "paint and sip" classes which aren't about making your own color selections. I'm looking for great acrylic painting tutorials.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bunderful at 5:55 AM on May 27, 2017 (6 comments)

All questions will be answered in Sovalo

In February 1975, the stars aligned in such a way that jazz saxophonist Cannonball Adderley and eclelctic singer-guitarist Jose Feliciano appeared together -- as actors and as a musical double-act -- on the influential eastern-western television series Kung Fu.
posted to MetaFilter by Herodios at 10:45 AM on May 24, 2017 (7 comments)

Does he or doesn't he? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.

After a two year long campaign of awesome dog posts (40), Johnny Wallflower finally overcomes his obvious Pro-Dog Agenda and finally makes a cat post today. But wait, Johnny Wallflower has also posted about cats you say. Perhaps, but do a paltry 30 cat posts even count? In my heart of hearts I do not believe that Johnny Wallflower has an Obvious Anti-Cat Bias. I have come to believe that he reached Peak Cat on his first time up at bat. How are you going to keep them on the farm once they've seen Liquid Cats?
posted to MetaTalk by ActingTheGoat at 11:30 PM on May 23, 2017 (23 comments)

Ancient battle-scarred feral cat meets tiny kittens

Mason is old and ill and grumpy. One day some new kittens came into his foster home. 2m40s to a better day.
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 1:51 AM on May 24, 2017 (59 comments)

Tinkerbelle is retired but still lives

On June 1, 1965 a mild mannered newspaper copy editor at the Cleveland Plain Dealer set off from Falmouth, Massachusetts in his 13.5 foot wooden sailboat Tinkerbelle and headed east. 78 days later, on August 17, he arrived in Falmouth, Cornwall, England. To his shock he was greeted by 50,000 people (Note: PDF) having become something of a celebrity while at sea.
posted to MetaFilter by LastOfHisKind at 9:14 PM on May 19, 2017 (15 comments)

Help with planning an insanely great treasure hunt/adventure please!

I want to create an adventure/treasure hunt style day for my sister, her husband, her best friend and my 7 year old niece. And I want it to be epic. It will be based predominantly outdoors and fingers crossed the English summer will be kind enough to assume it will be a pleasant day weather wise . I am brainstorming at this stage, considering how to plan it, what to include and any ideas and suggestions would be very welcome....more details inside!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by TheGarden at 10:23 PM on May 13, 2017 (4 comments)

Let it snow, let it snow...

Finnish spring weather has been exceptionally miserable and cold this year. It's getting so unbelievable that even weather forecasters are having trouble keeping a straight face while delivering the bad news. Here's Pekka Pouta trying to get through his morning forecast.
posted to MetaFilter by severiina at 9:52 AM on May 11, 2017 (10 comments)

Finding Beautifully Designed, Practical Objects

I'm really digging New York Magazine's week of coverage on practical, affordable, well-designed objects from Japan (most available for purchase on Amazon). Help me find more?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forkisbetter at 10:36 AM on May 8, 2017 (21 comments)

I think maybe I am more like a child’s bench covered with fur.

My First Trip to Oakland, by Merle (and Sarah Miller).
posted to MetaFilter by burgerrr at 5:08 PM on April 19, 2017 (5 comments)

How do I target the right consumer for high-end furniture?

I'm selling a specific kind of high-end furniture, in the range of $10,000-$20,000. Not from a showroom, direct-to-consumer. Where do I place ads to reach the right consumer, and what else should I consider in my messaging? Right now, we are taking a social media approach, so I'd also love to hear of any high-end social media profiles anyone here tends to follow. Lastly, please do mention any magazines I should consider. Thanks in advance!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by andrewsa at 7:11 PM on April 14, 2017 (20 comments)
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