Favorites from 31d1

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Displaying comments 101 to 150 of 189
Ask MeFi post: Can terminal windows be modernized?
Tektronix terminals are (were) pretty cool, they can do vector graphics. gnuplot can still drive them. In xterm, ctrl-middle click and choose "switch to tek mode". A new window will open. Start gnuplot and do something like:
set terminal tek40xx
plot sin(x)

posted to Ask MetaFilter by reynaert at 5:10 PM on February 7, 2008
MeFi post: blah blah baby shoes blah
Met Candlejack. The
posted to MetaFilter by brownpau at 1:15 PM on February 6, 2008
Rhymes for no good reason. Season.
posted to MetaFilter by roomthreeseventeen at 11:41 AM on February 6, 2008
MetaTalk post: Post deletion
Hey -- you found my bro Rakim? Tell him I miss him.
posted to MetaTalk by ericb at 8:26 PM on February 3, 2008
MetaTalk post: There are 10 kinds of people - those who will understand this post and those who won't
31d1 = 12753 = 0011000100110010001101110011010100110011
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 7:34 PM on February 2, 2008
MetaTalk post: MeFi: SEO spammer early warning system
Metafilter appears to be the only community that identified Peter as a spammer and removed his account.

Which probably makes us the only community to be called out on our "annoying, a little bit creepy emails" by the offended offending party. Class act, Pete.

Though, in his defense, he hadn't been getting a lot of sleep.
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 5:17 PM on January 30, 2008
MetaTalk post: Mefimail all local users
HELLO tO CHICAGOERS. I need must rely on your DISCRETIONS and confidence in confidencial and lucrative manners.

The name of myself, which is iridic, and representative of great names in UNITED STATES OF THE AMERICAS, is recently in straits with regarding of ILLINOIS LOTTERY EARNINGS. The County of Cook is in attempting to confiscate these VERY LICIT MONEYS in tune of 30 Millions, which are needed desperationly to recoup family fortunes lost in conflict with NIGERIAN... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Iridic at 7:40 AM on January 29, 2008
MetaTalk post: WTF Matt?
Just because Number 1 should not be exempt from callouts,

Begging the question.
posted to MetaTalk by George_Spiggott at 5:29 PM on January 26, 2008
We go almost 31 fucking hrs without a fucking pointless callout for this? What the fuck Doohickie?
posted to MetaTalk by Razzle Bathbone at 5:10 PM on January 26, 2008
MetaTalk post: Boooooooooobs.
I think rob paxon's comment here is probably correct, that the poster might not realize it's more of an issue with eye contact than breasts specifically.

But I think it's odd to expect any conversation about breasts on the internet to be completely dry and serious. There's a difference between the ideal and the realistic. Heck I was enjoying the comments, and I am female. It seems disturbing to me that people find all comments automatically serious and predatory. It... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by veronitron at 4:41 PM on January 23, 2008
MetaTalk post: GiveWell, or Give 'em Hell?
The real shame of this is that he showed so much promise when he directed Pi.
posted to MetaTalk by Astro Zombie at 7:01 PM on December 31, 2007
Why can't we just have actual thugs at the polling stations, like the rest of the world?
posted to MetaFilter by not_on_display at 10:54 AM on January 11, 2008
MetaTalk post: Repetitive Repetition
I think we should also have a "Recent Pluperfect Meetups" page, for meetups that recently had been going to have happened.
posted to MetaTalk by burnmp3s at 10:03 AM on January 10, 2008
MetaTalk post: There was a farmer who had a dog...
This is all brilliant! But also you should come to the Metafilter iSketch room and celebrate my as yet non existent 1000th favoreet.
posted to MetaTalk by East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94 at 5:12 PM on January 7, 2008
MetaTalk post: Metafilter: The Drink
only pussy drinks are blue and we don't drink pussy drinks 'round here.

And by "we" you mean...?

This is the second comment that basically says "aw don't be a lame girl" could you maybe mix it up some?
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 3:38 PM on January 6, 2008
MetaTalk post: Don't Mess With "Don't Mess With Texas"
Texas: He's really from Connecticut
posted to MetaTalk by WPW at 5:58 PM on January 3, 2008
What do you expect from a user who's unofficial motto is a threat?
posted to MetaTalk by iamkimiam at 5:18 PM on January 3, 2008
MetaTalk post: Yeah, I wish I had bought stock back then too.
Dunno if it's worth a metatalk thread.
posted by mathowie

E-mail a mod about this.
posted to MetaTalk by The Deej at 9:24 AM on January 1, 2008
MeFi post: OLPC
delmoi: "As if poor 3rd worlders can't handle a "real" computer."

In my experience, most first-worlders can't handle a real computer.
posted to MetaFilter by Plutor at 6:06 AM on December 25, 2007
MeFi post: 20 years of line noise and here's to 20 more
(localtime)[3]=~/1?./;print(qw(0 st nd rd)[$&]or'th');
For the suffixes, I think.

Perl is a beautiful language, with a complex culture, a rich past, certifiable geniuses working in it, and a great "literature" in CPAN.

When people tell me other languages are better, I always feel they're better the way plastic is "better" than wood. It's undeniably true, for certain tasks, but misses the point entirely.
posted to MetaFilter by AmbroseChapel at 9:39 PM on December 18, 2007
MetaTalk post: Mefi open thread?
You people take IRC way too seriously.

No, it's just that #mefi is astonishingly different from metafilter. As in "hey fat slut, lick up my cum" different. It's "moderated" in an almost perfectly inverse fashion. I think this is what MetaChat is for, and if you're dissatisfied with its lower traffic, tough cookies. OMG cookies!
posted to MetaTalk by Ambrosia Voyeur at 2:31 PM on December 18, 2007
MeFi post: 20 years of line noise and here's to 20 more
jaffamaphone said: If it is perl's first or second birthday, this produces grammatically incorrect output.

[@I][:+:][@I] accepts patches, not bug reports.
posted to MetaFilter by sdodd at 12:17 PM on December 18, 2007
The fact that this code will break next year really lends this that authentic Perlish quality. Well played, [@I][:+:][@I]
posted to MetaFilter by enn at 11:56 AM on December 18, 2007
MetaTalk post: Did anyone hope loquacious?

posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 5:16 AM on December 16, 2007
MetaTalk post: Our criticism is important to artists.
Our criticism is important to artists.

Yeah, we (MefiMusicians) have been saying this to you people for years, but it takes an outside artist for you to notice it. Geez. How about you go to Mefi Music, comment all over the place and see if it makes it to somebody's next liner notes?
posted to MetaTalk by micayetoca at 1:44 PM on December 15, 2007
MetaTalk post: How to harness the 'critical mass' of MeFi?
whether it be a web design, an essay, an image

I like the idea a lot. I do see people do this sort of thing in AskMe though. But those are really more along the lines of what's wrong with the coding, or why is this image blurry, etc. I disagree about the unpaid editing part. I think a lot of it will come down to who has free time at the moment. Look at someone like Ikkyu, who spends a lot of time giving super helpful AskMe answers. If AskMe... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by cashman at 7:25 AM on December 9, 2007
MeFi post: Securing Adolescents From Exploitation-Online Act
// 7
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posted to MetaFilter by ericb at 4:04 PM on December 6, 2007
MetaTalk post: Vegas, baby, Vegas!
They're harmless entertainment. Relax.

Hooray! jonmc is here to tell us how to feel about a musical group!
posted to MetaTalk by dersins at 4:30 PM on December 4, 2007
MetaTalk post: Tough Love
Yeah I find a lot of the answers on ask me go like:

Q: I have X personal defect, how do I fix this?

A: Damn right that's a problem don't fucking do that asshole.

It's pretty obvious that if the person is asking for help they know it's a problem and that if they could just stop doing it they wouldn't be asking for help on how to stop doing it.

This happened to me once when I asked about how to... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by whoaali at 8:11 PM on December 3, 2007
MetaTalk post: Hysterics
You're all just going to live with the fact that miss lynnster and delmoi have experienced every single thing in life and, as definitive and unimpeachable authorities on all that exists in our puny reality, they will tell you their opinion on all these subjects whether you like it or not.

By joining Metafilter, you voluntarily accept the risk and consequences of delmoi and/or miss lynnster explaining, relating to, identifying with, and/or correcting your wrongful view of... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Krrrlson at 2:16 PM on November 15, 2007
Ask MeFi post: And the "most useless organ of the human body award" goes to...
SCDB, let's see if I can be more clear: you're wrong in every way on this topic. Fertile ejaculation is certainly possible without a prostate; a normal orgasm is not only possible but usual after total prostatectomy, unless the nerves running adjacent to the fibrous capsule of the organ are cut during the procedure; the blood supply to the penis comes via the dorsal arteries of the penis, which do not course through the prostate; and orgasm is not triggered by a pituitary hormone.... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ikkyu2 at 5:22 PM on November 28, 2007
MeFi post: Homophobia in Halo 3
You are playing Leviticus 20: Combat Devolved
[Gay] o hai
[Jehovah] wtf r u a gay 4rls
[Gay] yeah y?
[Jehovah] zomg i hop u get stoned n die
[Jehovah] fagt
[Gay] wtf this is bs
* Gay was fragged by Jehovah's grenade.
[Jehovah] pwnd fagt... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94 at 10:15 AM on November 27, 2007
Ask MeFi post: Pipe command output, but keep the error code
Use ${PIPESTATUS[*]} in bash. I have something like this in my .bashrc, which gives me the exit status of every command in the last pipe I just ran, if anything is not... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by grouse at 3:37 PM on November 24, 2007 marked best answer
MeFi post: Oh the humanity!
Ron Paul is a racist lunatic and his fans are diluted idiots. This blimp idea is highlights that.
posted to MetaFilter by puke & cry at 2:57 PM on November 25, 2007
MetaTalk post: BoC deletion reason?
BÖC is better than BoC.


Discuss? There is no discussion.

Considering I'm probably one of the few people here who has repeatedly listened to nearly everything by both bands...

...you're so fucking wrong it's depressingly pathetic, and I really feel deeply sorry for you that you live so far in the past that you can't wrap your mind around the present.... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by loquacious at 12:02 PM on November 25, 2007
MetaTalk post: Rounded tabs in the blue and green?
The cost of scissors required to round off all those corners is going to be enormous. The server might not be able to handle the vast scissor-load increase.
posted to MetaTalk by Rhomboid at 8:55 PM on November 20, 2007
Ask MeFi post: Is there a gift that says "thanks for the threesome?"
Flowers seem too romantic. I recommend a bottle of something classy.

Cheeky bonus points for including three nice glasses along with it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hermitosis at 9:27 AM on November 19, 2007 marked best answer
MeFi post: The Secret to Weight Loss
make this die.
posted to MetaFilter by docpops at 6:59 PM on November 18, 2007
MeFi post: It ain't gonna work.
I remember hearing they tried the same trick with tampons...they probably got 1000s of calls that would make this one seem tame.

But I wind up buying them anyway, because they're just so delicious.
posted to MetaFilter by The Straightener at 8:36 AM on November 18, 2007
Ask MeFi post: Help me deal with my condescending doctor!
(and it is good to know that "HURF DURF BUTTER EATER" should be making it into the cultural lexicon soon.)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by u.n. owen at 2:30 PM on February 16, 2005
MeFi post: Honey, I swear--it's tuna fish!
Uh, fenriq, that's the point... if he smells TOO clean, you know he took a shower, and why would he take a shower unless he's been sticking his dick in some other pussy? So, when he gets home, he shouldn't smell clean or like pussy, but rather like the funky smell of a man who ain't washed his dick all day and ain't had it in no pussy...
posted to MetaFilter by PigAlien at 10:38 PM on November 16, 2007
MetaTalk post: Hysterics
I'm SO not sexist.

No, you're just not a terribly deep thinker if the only conclusion you can draw from someone exposing themselves is "That man would like to have sex with me." This is the same phallusy be-hind some homophobia: "I am so goddamn good looking, any dude into dudes would totally want to get into this dude."

So "Hi" from the bottom of my well where I look at the world: people who... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by yerfatma at 2:58 PM on November 15, 2007
Ask MeFi post: Need to keep my text and formatting...
yes - all in one cell.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by eatdonuts at 4:48 PM on November 14, 2007
MetaTalk post: Nice pics!
ThePinkSuperhero, 2.0
posted to MetaTalk by micayetoca at 4:15 PM on November 14, 2007
MeFi post: A Study in the Trickyness Involved in Rocking a Rhyme
cobaltnine: they all came from the same place, except from 3-4 which may have come from anywhere
posted to MetaFilter by jamphat at 7:18 PM on November 9, 2007
I finna histrogram this shit like what.
posted to MetaFilter by mullacc at 6:38 PM on November 9, 2007
Ask MeFi post: I need examples of things and secrets only a very in the know sort of person would know about.
He has a filepile membership..
posted to Ask MetaFilter by davey_darling at 5:36 PM on November 7, 2007
I'm clicking away on Model Ms both here at the house and at the office. The one here at home is substantially newer: manufactured on 05-JAN 1994, but I bought it new in the box back in 2003 or so. The one at the office? Manufacture date was sometime in 1988 (can't check at the moment). I like to say that my keyboard is old enough to vote. It doesn't really drive my co-workers nuts, but there's never any question as to whether I'm in the office that day or not. Mrs. Deadmessenger, on... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by deadmessenger at 8:09 AM on November 4, 2007
MetaTalk post: LOLcrap!
What's awesome is that 19 lolcat FPP's ago, I made one and it was deleted for being yet another lolcat post. Then, 19 more lolcat posts came. Will it ever end? kitteh sez no wai!

Not a LOLcat post goes by that I don't think back on that. I'm not sure which of us got the raw deal, really; are you pleased that the motherfuckers Just Keep Coming, and that I mostly bite my tongue? It's a damned quandry, is what it is.

posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 9:20 PM on November 2, 2007
What's awesome is that 19 lolcat FPP's ago, I made one and it was deleted for being yet another lolcat post. Then, 19 more lolcat posts came. Will it ever end? kitteh sez no wai!
posted to MetaTalk by jonson at 8:43 PM on November 2, 2007
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