Favorites from eclectist

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MeFi post: Steady as She Goes
I appreciate the idea of “If you start from the premise of refusing to be an asshole, then a lot of other decisions kind of make themselves,” but “asshole” is a pretty subjective term - especially coming from Steve Albini.
posted to MetaFilter by Going To Maine at 7:01 PM on September 14, 2015
MeFi post: Not really important
Brandon Blatcher: Translation for non-Aussies?

posted to MetaFilter by gman at 7:09 AM on September 14, 2015
MeFi post: This will surely end well
If I could quadruple my organization's endowment by selling off most of a cable channel and a probably money-losing periodical I'd be hard-pressed to say no. the most valuable single asset here was probably the cable network, which employs a good friend of mine, and was already partly controlled by Fox.
posted to MetaFilter by silby at 10:37 PM on September 10, 2015
Ask MeFi post: Is he a liar or am I just crazy? Should I break it off?
Girl, run.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by k8t at 2:17 PM on September 5, 2015
MeFi post: The Juggernaut is totes adorbs
Your No-Prize is in the mail.

(I know that's not how a no-prize works.)
posted to MetaFilter by The Hamms Bear at 10:06 AM on September 8, 2015
MeFi post: Yankees Suck
Next Affleck movie right here.
posted to MetaFilter by maryr at 7:59 AM on September 4, 2015
MeFi post: Lochner? I hardly even know of that legal opinion
This kind of thing sounds about a step away from Freemen On The Land.

(Note: not to be confused with Fremen on the land. Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.)
posted to MetaFilter by TheWhiteSkull at 8:04 PM on September 1, 2015
MeFi post: You Need to Go Door-to-Door to be Sure You've Got Your Election Rigged
3urypteris: "Are there many of these kinds of districts in the USA?"

Oh God yes. They come was CIDs and CBDs and HRT districts and TIF districts. Some of them are declared by property owners; others by city councils. In all cases, the goal is to apply an extra property or sales tax JUST to a particular area and reinvest that money in that neighborhood.

Which is not universally a terrible idea -- let's say you want to... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Eyebrows McGee at 8:35 AM on September 1, 2015
MeFi post: ...helpless cogs in a corporate profit machine?
hey, remember 9 to 5 jobs? Sigh. Our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents fought so hard for the 8 hour work day, and we let it slip out of our hands so easily...

As I have said before on the blue, the most astonishing thing to imagine about the recent past is that fifty years ago my grandfather bought a house and supported a wife and five children on a single blue-collar salary.
posted to MetaFilter by ricochet biscuit at 2:57 PM on August 31, 2015
MeFi post: Chad Crow, the Super Chill Grandson of Jim Crow
It's not a derail at all, because it speaks to the point of the article. Lefty-oriented white folks seem to think that polite white supremacy (the white supremacy of organized labor for example) is somehow "better" than the nasty, bad white supremacy (of management or capitalists, for example).

When in reality, if you're black, they both feel the same -- and the end result of both is the same. To think otherwise is a product of white privilege.
posted to MetaFilter by Avenger at 4:27 PM on August 30, 2015
MeFi post: putting 'feminist' in your online dating bio is a good misogynist filter
nadawi, divined by radio, phunniemee, yes yes yes! You have just articulated the most powerful phenomenon I witnessed in women's studies classes: when students would listen to their classmates' experiences of sexism [racism, classism, ______ism], and realize, holy shit, this happens to other people and not just me. I am not at fault. This is a societal problem. There is an enormous need for women, people of colour, and other oppressed groups to share their stories and... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by hurdy gurdy girl at 2:39 PM on August 27, 2015
MeFi post: correctness rests upon usage; all usage is relative
"I'm bored with zombies" sounds like you get bored in the company of zombies. And who wouldn't? Their communication skills are atrocious.
posted to MetaFilter by gorgor_balabala at 9:52 AM on August 25, 2015
MeFi post: There is no "migrant" crisis in the Mediterranean
"Mere" economic migrants: Sorry, we have our hands full taking on all these refugees, and your simple desire for a better life for yourself and your family just isn't compelling enough for us to care about you.

Refugees: Piss off.
posted to MetaFilter by Peter J. Prufrock at 7:35 AM on August 24, 2015
MeFi post: Reboot, reuse, recycle
Penny Dreadful is a better LOEG adaptation than any Hollywood adaptation will be.
posted to MetaFilter by griphus at 2:07 PM on August 21, 2015
... Escape from New York ...

Snake Plissken? I thought your franchise was dead.
posted to MetaFilter by DevilsAdvocate at 12:01 PM on August 21, 2015
MeFi post: ♫ Corn Wars/if they should scorn wars/please let these Corn Wars stay ♫
Bacigalupi was right.
posted to MetaFilter by gottabefunky at 8:04 AM on August 18, 2015
MeFi post: Piracy gave me a future.
This is why I will be seeding Sesame Street.
posted to MetaFilter by chortly at 11:16 PM on August 16, 2015
MeFi post: Mr. Robot vs True Detective, hacker anti-hero against corruption
"You know that feeling you get when somebody embarrasses themselves so badly YOU feel uncomfortable?"

Vicarious Embarrassment?
posted to MetaFilter by djeo at 5:26 AM on August 13, 2015
MeFi post: How Claire McCaskill Helped Todd Akin Win the Republican Nomination
I'm a little surprised that a politician would write so openly about the potentially unethical tactics of getting elected

Unethical? They just pointed out *what Todd Akin was saying* and Missouri Republican went HELL FUCKING YEAH THAT'S OUR MAN!

Seriously. McCaskill's message was "too conservative for Missouri" and she put her name on it. And GOP voters went "FUCK YOU, BITCH,* I'LL SHOW YOU TOO FUCKING... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by eriko at 6:43 AM on August 13, 2015
MeFi post: Cgate
posted to MetaFilter by Golden Eternity at 9:59 PM on August 11, 2015
MeFi post: Last Call for the First Family?
I honestly think FF would work better as a TV series than a movie franchise.

Just raid the mad men prop closet and give me the live action, utterly uncynical Silver Age show I crave.
posted to MetaFilter by The Whelk at 9:19 AM on August 7, 2015
The best FF movie was The Incredibles.
posted to MetaFilter by coust at 6:39 PM on August 6, 2015
MeFi post: That's just how her face looks.
Resting Bitch Face combined with my current unkempt Hobo Hair provides me with superpower levels of introversion space. It's wonderful if a bit lonely but I need to be careful about standing still lest cops move me along.
posted to MetaFilter by srboisvert at 5:33 AM on August 5, 2015
MeFi post: Senator, please be careful of the backdrop... uh, nevermind.
My vote is on Trump is a secret Dem trying to expose the circus act of the Extreme Right.

Whatever he thinks he's doing, what he's actually doing is moving the Overton Window drastically to the Right, particularly on immigration. He is therefore not a joke at all, he's a huge danger to the Left, even if (or, in fact, especially because) he has no real chance of being elected, no real desire to be elected and therfore nothing to lose.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by The Bellman at 10:46 AM on July 23, 2015
MeFi post: Happy Birthday to All of Us
Ugh. Who cares. That song is terrible. It sounds like a funeral dirge with one foot in the grave. It's horrible.

The trick is to embrace it! Here's the preferred version, to the tune of the Volga Boatman:

HA-PPY BIRTH-DAY! *slam fist on table*
HA-PPY BIRTH-DAY! *slam fist on table*

Here it is! Viking Birthday... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by leotrotsky at 10:58 AM on July 28, 2015
MeFi post: Ashley Madison has been hacked.
The ability to regularly remove data in old backups is a huge constraint - you'd have to design the system from the ground up with this in mind.

Yes, I've worked on systems that had to do this kind of thing. The crucial insight is you don't actually delete stuff from the backup, you destroy keys. As a simplified example, one solution is to have per-user encryption keys and make sure that what is on disk in your database, logs, etc. is data that has... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by RichardP at 1:42 AM on July 20, 2015
MeFi post: And So It Warms
ckape: Really? The rest of us on the internet have been getting our monthly checks. Hell, if you're not getting your money, you probably aren't taking advantage of the free uber-helicopter rides that all of us are getting (I think it's uber, I know the helicopters are unmarked and black).
posted to MetaFilter by el io at 10:39 AM on July 17, 2015
I want to know where all of this climate change conspiracy money is. Not just because the known money given to climate change believing scientists is completely dwarfed by the money given to climate change denying scientists, but also because up to now I've been believing climate change exists for free, like a chump.
posted to MetaFilter by ckape at 10:07 AM on July 17, 2015
MeFi post: What DO they say about the crazy ones
> "Oh my god I cannot get over everyone's tacit agreement that liking Bergman is a bad thing."

Well, Bergman's superhero movies did go all grimdark all the time in the 60's. It used to be that you could go to a Bergman flick and get something like "Smiles of a Summer Nightwing" or "Wildfire Strawberries", and even "The Seventh Superman" was surprisingly not that much of a downer given the subject matter. But once dark 'n... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by kyrademon at 6:19 AM on July 14, 2015
DC Should try making comics out of GMO's Doom Patrol or Animal Man. Or Moore's Swamp Thing. Or the Invisibles. You know, something that's actually halfway interesting.
posted to MetaFilter by codacorolla at 9:40 PM on July 13, 2015
MeFi post: “If you get pregnant here, you are stuck”
The elephant in the room is that not everybody dislikes teen pregnancy.
posted to MetaFilter by effugas at 5:11 PM on July 11, 2015
MeFi post: Begun again, the Crypto Wars have
"If I was running that department encrypted messages would be stored forever even if they can't be decrypted right now."

/me connects /dev/urandom to a TCP pipe.
posted to MetaFilter by idiopath at 6:30 AM on July 9, 2015
MeFi post: The shit that's going down has been testing my ability to block it.
Every time I read something like this, I become happier that I didn't have kids.
posted to MetaFilter by Halloween Jack at 7:27 AM on July 8, 2015
MeFi post: Oxi!
adamvaso: Greece just taught capitalists a lesson about what capitalism really means.
Quite. My theory on this is that the last 30 years have been so favourable for capital that the capitalist class has effectively experienced what the aviation industry terms "deskilling." Deskilled commercial pilots will engage the autopilot at the first opportunity and have as little to do with actually flying the plane as possible. Deskilled capitalists effectively have no understanding... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Sonny Jim at 3:41 AM on July 6, 2015
MeFi post: Why should it be limited to just two individuals?
One of the reasons the state carries about marriage is that two-person marriage is good for the state, since it makes administering a lot of things a lot easier -- you have a caregiver of first resort, you have more financially stable families who can earn two incomes, you have an automatic medical decision maker, you have an automatic heir, you have an automatic guardian for the children of the marriage. (Traditionally one of the reasons is the creation of children, which... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Eyebrows McGee at 5:17 PM on July 1, 2015
A better solution is decoupling the rights of marriage from the social institution of marriage.
posted to MetaFilter by French Fry at 4:58 PM on July 1, 2015
MeFi post: "one of the strictest school vaccination laws in the country"
That risk is vastly larger to a single unvaccinated child than the risk of vaccine injury is in that same child should it be vaccinated.

Yeah, but we are terrible at risk calculation as a species. Truly terrible. Our brains calculate what 'feels' safest based on so many factors other than the actual odds, and when you add in the very primal instincts to protect your child on top of that, it's not a recipe for purely rational... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Catseye at 3:39 AM on July 1, 2015
MeFi post: The Rosa Parks of our time
Thursday was Obamacare decision, Friday was marriage for everyone, and Saturday a black woman scaled a flag pole to take down a confederate flag.

Oh Sunday, don't let me down.
posted to MetaFilter by Brandon Blatcher at 8:37 AM on June 27, 2015
MeFi post: ACA passed "to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them"
poffin boffin: "s2fg "

i also like to shear fine goats in pairs. hmu on goatster if u in denver
posted to MetaFilter by boo_radley at 8:45 AM on June 25, 2015
Scalia: “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

Funny, I remember hearing a lot about how the courts should interpret the intent of the Florida legislature back when you were installing a President, Tony.
posted to MetaFilter by Etrigan at 7:59 AM on June 25, 2015
MeFi post: Espionnage Elysée
It's weird how many folks who oppose these (wikileaks/manning/snowden) leaks simultaneously declare that everyone knew this stuff so the leaks aren't important/necessary AND that the world will end if these secrets are released. You can only choose one, not both.
el io

Of course you can choose both; it's a child's understanding of the world that leads people to think otherwise.

For anything to get done everyone... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Sangermaine at 7:45 AM on June 24, 2015
The French (and others) are fine with turning a blind eye to US surveillance - so long as it stays within the US government.

This is a complete failure of the US to safeguard allied secrets, and is an enormous deal. Hollande cannot afford to ignore or accept it anymore.

Part of the problem is that every goddamn thing the Goverment does is supposed to stay secret forever, which leads not to a monolith of secrets, but a giant... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Slap*Happy at 6:27 AM on June 24, 2015
Now which European countries are spying on the US?

The UK, which is then funnelling the information thus obtained back to the NSA. And the US is paying the UK to do this in order to circumvent domestic spying regulations.
posted to MetaFilter by Thing at 3:34 AM on June 24, 2015
MeFi post: 1 in 25 female inmates is pregnant when the prison doors lock behind her
Awareness raising, as a strategy, only makes sense in a situation wherein people a) aren't already aware and b) don't already prefer the current arrangement of things.

It's a little more complex than that. We want clemency and understanding for our friends and families (and, perhaps, celebrities we like), while wanting savage retribution for anyone more than a little different from ourselves. The separation of the poor and wretched into... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by GenjiandProust at 2:33 PM on June 22, 2015
Not to bang on one of my old weird drums or anything, but I am increasingly certain that the extraction of misery from members of the underclass in this country is seen by Americans as as itself being a positive good, without regard to any misguided ideas about the extraction of misery as being necessary for rehabilitation or justice. As such, the production of broken lives through the prison system cannot be viewed as a cost that we as Americans collectively must try to minimize, but instead... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by You Can't Tip a Buick at 1:40 PM on June 22, 2015
MeFi post: JokeFilter
Oh, well if that IBM joke is allowed, then I'm telling the telco one, even though the setup is awkward.

When you go out for a hike, make sure to pack a length of fiber optic line and a small shovel. That way, if you get lost, dig a hole and bury the cable in it, and then you can just hitch a ride on the backhoe.
posted to MetaFilter by ernielundquist at 11:32 AM on December 5, 2014
MeFi post: Bernie Sanders on income inequality
The dirty tricks are starting early.

Fucking Diane Rehm - want to know what center-right, wealthy Washington liberals slavishly in love with power think? She's their voice.
posted to MetaFilter by ryanshepard at 4:52 AM on June 18, 2015
MeFi post: Canadian Court rules Medical Marijuana includes brownies, cookies
I don't know if I should be posting here, but I'm super late to the game and nobody will probably read this anyway, right?

I am part of team that has just submitted an application to be a Licensed Producer (LP) under the MMPR to Health Canada.

Under the MMPR, only LPs can produce and sell medical cannabis. We cannot advertise our products and we cannot make any medical claims for our products 1. We can only currently provide medical cannabis in... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by porpoise at 4:37 PM on June 13, 2015
The residual wariness around marijuana is substantially an echo of the racism that criminalized it in the first place.
posted to MetaFilter by Small Dollar at 11:54 PM on June 11, 2015
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