Favorites from evariste

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Combative non-sequitur retorts?

posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 9:49 PM on March 22, 2006 (47 comments)

The lost art of megaphone awesomeness

I would like to locate video or audio for sale of those crazy megaphone crooners...the originals, not modern-day imitations.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 12:15 AM on April 29, 2006 (33 comments)

Why did butterfly metamorphosis evolve?

How does evolutionary theory explain the caterpillar-butterfly metamorphosis?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 1:48 AM on May 31, 2006 (34 comments)

Please help me reconstitute my Ensimismada collection!

A little band called Ensimismada....
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 12:30 PM on June 7, 2006 (27 comments)

I don't want to pay for bloody TiVo!

I know about MythTV and Freevo. My question to the hive mind is
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 10:30 PM on June 19, 2006 (30 comments)

Oh Lord.

Why is he called Alfred Lord Tennyson?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 7:24 PM on July 27, 2006 (17 comments)

Who is this Iraqi singer?

ObscureMusicFilter: Arabic speakers, please hope me! Trying to identify an Iraqi singer. There's
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 7:58 PM on August 14, 2006 (8 comments)

Is magnetism magic or what?

Is magnetism free energy? How exactly does it work?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 1:07 PM on August 25, 2006 (16 comments)

ABC's cancelled show, Relativity

Remember the ABC show, Relativity, with Isabel and Leo?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 10:18 PM on September 12, 2006 (13 comments)

WebKit Javascript Woes

I'm having a strange problem with WebKit's Javascript engine. Please help. Copious explanation inside.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 1:26 PM on September 23, 2006 (14 comments)

I am the grey market

Seeking advice about selling to the UK on eBay.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 6:54 PM on December 21, 2006 (13 comments)

I should have bought the AppleCare. Damn it!

My 13-month-old MacBook Pro broke. Can you guess? Yeah, the AppleCare warranty had just expired. The fan made a horrible "playing card in the bicycle tire spokes" sound for about 60 seconds, then stopped forever.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 11:13 PM on May 20, 2007 (25 comments)

Debian VPN server for iPhone to connect to?

Best open source VPN (server-side) software for an iPhone user?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 12:42 AM on August 19, 2007 (15 comments)

I need to get a fake phone number that works right!

VOIPeurs, I need a SIP of your wisdom...
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 5:56 PM on September 26, 2007 (7 comments)

Who is this mysterious radio voice?

They have a guy on NPR sometimes who gives these brief (maybe under 15 minutes?) meditations on some topic or another, and he has a fun Slavic accent, and sort of a gruff but friendly voice. Also, I have this impression that he lives in NYC. I wonder what his name is. I always seem to turn NPR on in the middle of his shtik and don't catch his name. Does anyone know who I'm talking about?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 5:42 PM on November 14, 2007 (26 comments)

Oh my God, you killed Mega Cosmos! You bastards!

Greeks and Greek-Americans: what happened with Mega Cosmos on Dish? Are they moving to cable or to a different satellite company, or are they simply not going to be available in the US any more? This sucks.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 2:34 PM on December 2, 2006 (18 comments)

This Funny-Money Isn't That Funny

FontFilter: what's the font in which the word "Gutschein" is written on this concentration camp money?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evariste at 12:16 PM on October 21, 2006 (13 comments)

Suggestions For Positive Intellectual Input, Please?

I need to go on a SEVERE media diet, but I crave media that is intellectually stimulating. On TV, I limit myself to culinary and travel shows, a form of "Mind Sorbet," if you will. I also like to think. I want podcasts, downloadable lectures, and websites that promote a positive, and even spiritual (but not religious!) outlook for today and the future. I want resources that are not selling me anything, per se. I'm OK paying for legitimate content! People have to make a living - I get that! I just want to avoid copious "up sell" sales techniques. Can you suggest anything online I might enjoy?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jbenben at 12:28 AM on June 19, 2013 (15 comments)

What do you wish you'd known when choosing your first apartment?

At the end of the summer I'll be selecting and moving into my first apartment after living in a house with roommates for several years, and I'm looking to discover what things I don't know that I don't know.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by randomnity at 1:26 PM on June 14, 2013 (78 comments)

Help me visit my dentist for a checkup.

I am seeing the dentist Monday. How can I make this experience less painful (in all senses, physical, emotional, financial)?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bad grammar at 3:30 PM on June 14, 2013 (15 comments)

Looking for an apartment in Hyde Park

I recently accepted a job at the University of Chicago, and my husband and I are looking to move to Hyde Park in early August. What are some resources that can help us with our apartment search?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by rebel_rebel at 3:38 PM on June 14, 2013 (19 comments)

I need some kind of couch or couchlike thing for my awkward apartment

It's hard to be comfortable in a dwelling with no couch. You try to watch TV with a friend and you're sitting on the floor and it's just lame. However, I live in an apartment where the front door opens onto a narrow stairway that goes up at a right angle. I had a couch when I moved in, and the moving guys tried every possible angle but they just couldn't get in into the apt. It's on the third floor -- can't get it into a window, wouldn't fit through anyway.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by trevor_case at 4:51 PM on June 14, 2013 (34 comments)

Chicago Filter : Where should we stay? What should we do?

My SO and I are planning a long weekend trip up to Chicago with another couple in the fall. Wondering about the places to stay and things to do. We will most likely be driving so we'll have a car to get around town, so where we stay doesn't neccesarily have to be in the hub of all the touristy crap that we'll no doubt want to do at some point. I'm more concerned about other things. Details inside.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Quincy at 7:54 AM on June 11, 2013 (20 comments)

Zaatar is my spirit catnip

What are some vegetarian uses for Zaatar? I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't eat meat that often, and almost never do at home. But I can't get enough of zaatar! Besides breads/olive oil, and sprinkled on homemade pizza, what else can I eat/make with zaatar?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by raztaj at 9:23 AM on June 7, 2013 (27 comments)

Clever way to use color labels on OS X?

I'd like to use the color labels in finder more extensively to help manage files all over my computer, not just for certain areas. Because the labels are system wide the names don't always match the intentions for certain folders labels tend to be cumbersome and not clear in meaning. Areas that I would like labels to work well in are: Downloads, work project folders, Desktop, Archive folders and media folders. Labels that work for one area don't mesh with others. Have you been able to figure out some names for the color labels that are elegant and useful in every user folder in the filesystem? I'm not looking for a way to use spotlight comments or another program to handle this - I'm specifically interested a solid naming convention for elegant, useful color label names. Thanks!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Brent Parker at 11:18 AM on June 5, 2013 (5 comments)

I have no social skills, and no self confidence. I need to do something.

I'm 30 years old, and am basically incapable of functioning in social settings. Can't make conversation. It's long since gone past awkward. It's embarrassing. I need to change. I don't know how.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by anawesomeguy at 10:17 AM on May 24, 2013 (21 comments)

Web Links / book recommendations for sample emails to boss & colleagues

Looking for sample business emails to improve my writing skills. The resources I found are typically for writing to clients or customers. I am looking for sample emails that one writes mostly internally within their own company. For example an email one would write to make a suggestion, disagree with something, ask for status, share an idea, remind someone politely, coach someone etc (Common business scenarios). Not looking for emails to win business or sell anything. Would appreciate if you could share web links or books (preferably the ones available at amazon.com). Also, I would like examples and not a resource that just gives guidance.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by r2d2 at 4:01 PM on May 24, 2013 (2 comments)

Tool to track 100% of my time?

What's the best tool to track all my time?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by incandescentman at 11:41 PM on October 14, 2012 (6 comments)

Drawing a blank on a notebook...

I'm looking for a notebook that has about 100 pages, blank (not ruled or graph), smooth and reasonably thick paper, spiral-bound, about 5"x7". I usually like Japanese style notebooks, but doesn't have to be. I looked on JetPens.com but didn't find one that met all these criteria. Do you know of another source?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lirael2008 at 2:26 AM on July 18, 2012 (12 comments)

Too much anxiety, therapy isn't working, help?

My anxiety is running my life. I've been to therapy, it made it worse. What next?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 1:11 PM on May 15, 2012 (21 comments)

I love you, but...

Do healthy, happy couples ever have periods where one or the other feels the ennui of "I love you, but I'm not in love with you?" If so, how do they resolve it? How do they decide if it's worth resolving?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Caligula's Idiot Cousin at 6:42 PM on April 10, 2012 (12 comments)

Is post-mood episode cognitive impairment permanent?

Significant cognitive impairment following first major bipolar manic/mixed episode -- is it permanent?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 3:05 PM on April 9, 2012 (10 comments)

Nie ufaj nikomu przez 30 lat.

Piotr Czerski sets out a Polish manifesto demanding respect for the internet generation (translated from the original Polish) that is reminiscent of a Eastern European addition to previous internet manifestos. Poland is somewhere this has definite roots however, with a recent anti-ACTA protest of over 10,000 people and legislators wear anon masks in parliament.
posted to MetaFilter by jaduncan at 6:01 PM on February 23, 2012 (8 comments)

Choosing good passwords

Choosing good passwords - a straightforward real-world guide for the average user, by AusCERT. Also includes links out to a fun and informative piece on The Top 500 Worst Passwords of All Time, and more in-depth material aimed at the tech and security savvy, like this enjoyable conference talk: Security As If Your Life Depended On It (because it might!). So we can avoid becoming xkcd cartoons.
posted to MetaFilter by philipy at 8:38 AM on February 26, 2012 (71 comments)

Rhythm Circles

A fun flash rhythm builder based on Euclidean patterns. For those who enjoyed Circuli (previously) and the Whitney Music Box (also previously), I recommend Wouter Hisschenmoller's rhythm builder, which uses a Euclidean algorithm to create African-like rhythms, which you can layer to create some fun and complex beats.
posted to MetaFilter by daisystomper at 3:12 PM on March 2, 2012 (15 comments)

Introduce me to some funny narrators!

I am looking for some new books to read, and it occurs to me that some of my very favorite books have excellent, well-developed, funny narrators. I'm looking for the kind of book where you might forget the plot, but you'll never forget the person who told you the story.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by zoetrope at 8:59 AM on February 17, 2012 (55 comments)

Online Source for Business Cards

What's the best online source of quality business cards (besides Moo.com)?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by perrce at 6:45 PM on February 15, 2012 (13 comments)

How did you lower your blood pressure without medication?

How did you lower your blood pressure without medication?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by picapica at 2:31 PM on December 23, 2011 (30 comments)


How can I enjoy things that are tainted with memories of my ex?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 2:51 PM on December 12, 2010 (23 comments)

Help a non-programmer learn to program escape-the-room games

Help my non-programmer friend learn to code in Flash (or another language) in order to write escape-the-room games!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by BrashTech at 11:12 AM on December 10, 2011 (8 comments)

What other awesome frugal cooking blogs are out there?

I've just discovered 30 Bucks a Week and I love it. What other awesome frugal cooking blogs are out there? (more detail inside on what I'm looking for.)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by marsha56 at 10:21 PM on December 30, 2009 (12 comments)

How do you write with both Devonthink and Scrivener?

How do you use Scrivener and Devonthink together? I've seen lots of blog posts and comments about individuals using both products for researching, drafting, and writing complicated projects, and each looks awesome on its own, but I can't figure out a workflow that uses the strengths of both. If you use both tools, how do you do it? Insights from any area are welcome, but thoughts from academics are especially useful to me.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by philosophygeek at 4:48 AM on October 28, 2011 (4 comments)

What is the name of an old rambling song?

What is the name of the older (1970's?) song where a hippy-type chap sings. The words are like a rambling story with comments on the state of the world and its indulgences something like; "To do, half past 2, clock tick, time you, fast food, food fast, open for business, convineance, emmeniance, de-grease, de-gas" kind of deal?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Cogentesque at 12:47 AM on October 28, 2011 (7 comments)

Ultra Unique, Funky Mens Boot Links Needed

Greetings, I am looking for multiple sources for unique mens boots. I have a bit of a boot addiction so I am looking for GREAT sources. I have found things I love at Fluevog and Cydwog recently. For an idea of what I like right now, I saw these while hunting today: these and These I don't mind if they are "further out" than the links I provided. I like clean and stylish or rugged and stylish usually. Any funky, Bold, unusual boot links welcome. Thanks, SG
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Studiogeek at 12:57 PM on October 27, 2011 (16 comments)

How do I become more responsible?

I am a talented, social, religious, active, healthy, and disciplined adult. However, one of my great strengths is that I am quite adaptable - I "roll with the punches" very well, you could say. The problem with this is that I sometimes take a more irresponsible path (procrastination, running late, omitting important tasks) because I've learned through experience that the energy expended in adapting to consequences is often less than the energy expended in being completely responsible from the beginning. I want to become more responsible, because I feel like my irresponsibility is keeping me from reaching an even higher level of productivity and happiness. How can I reach level 70 arch-mage zen responsibility?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by rinogo at 12:51 PM on October 5, 2011 (6 comments)

His treasure = my mess.

My boyfriend and I are moving in together, and he wants to bring two very large, very ugly (to me) pieces of furniture with him, as they are of sentimental value to him. All I ask is that he puts the pieces in storage, because the items are just not things I want to look at on a daily basis. (Apologies for a long post inside).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Everydayville at 4:22 PM on September 16, 2011 (69 comments)

a little bit goes a long way if you do it every day

I am a big fan of consistency- the rewards that can be reaped by simply doing something often over a long period of time are like slow motion magic. Please tell me about some of the things that you do for a few minutes a day to reap mega rewards in the future.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by palacewalls at 11:15 AM on January 27, 2011 (31 comments)

How can I learn to work without medication?

How can I learn to work without medication?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 8:36 AM on January 1, 2007 (28 comments)

They taught me how to work, but they can't teach me how to shirk correctly.

Is foreign travel out of my budget, or am I just not budgeting right?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 6:33 PM on November 29, 2010 (46 comments)

Are You A Hypnotist?

I'm a Faming Lips noob, and am passionately in love with Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - Where to next? They have about 90 gazillion albums - so which are standouts?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by the noob at 4:08 AM on November 30, 2010 (14 comments)
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