Favorites from ricochet biscuit

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FanFare post: Better Call Saul: Waterworks
- Gene’s glasses reflect Marion’s laptop’s playback of Saul’s advertisement in COLOR, an intrusion of the Color World Timeline into the B&W present.

Literally his "colorful past" arriving into the current timeline.
posted to FanFare by tiny frying pan at 4:55 PM on August 10, 2022
Here is that clip of Kim tearing Howard a new one, if anyone wants to revisit Kim Wexler at the height of her powers!

(And recall what an awful, awful person Chuck was. Part of the reason I was happy to see HHM go is that it represented the destruction of any legacy of Chuck's.)
posted to FanFare by torticat at 6:54 AM on August 10, 2022
Making things seem both surprising and inevitable is a hell of trick.
posted to FanFare by shothotbot at 9:06 PM on August 8, 2022
FanFare post: Better Call Saul: Nippy
In the podcast a couple of weeks ago, I think, they said they were degrading the opening title more and more as the series continues.

I'd noticed that the season 6 title sequences were all in black-and-white, of course, but I hadn't noticed that this deterioration has been going on since the very beginning. YouTube user James Gelet has been posting compilations of each intro across all six seasons, if you want to watch the... [more]
posted to FanFare by Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted at 8:38 AM on July 29, 2022
Perhaps it's the black-and-white cinematography, but much of this episode spun out as a sort of extended homage to Hitchcock. As in Hitchcock's films, we have here suspense -- not just the suspense of the caper itself, but the real suspense, in which Jimmy/Saul/Gene has so much more to lose than his one-off accomplices, in which the threat of discovery or the implication of danger comes from the most innocuous sources, and in which kindness is very often the mask of manipulation.... [more]
posted to FanFare by kewb at 3:21 PM on July 26, 2022
FanFare post: Better Call Saul: Fun and Games
Francesca would know.
posted to FanFare by rhymedirective at 11:49 AM on July 20, 2022
I think the great thing the writers pulled in BCS was they made us all like Kim, then there is all the speculation about what happened to Kim, why isn’t she in Breaking Bad, etc... then it just turns out that Kim realized it was all crazy and just left. Brilliant!
posted to FanFare by oldnumberseven at 10:05 PM on July 19, 2022
FanFare post: Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot
This was not a funny episode, by any stretch but there was one moments that made me laugh out loud. Maybe it was sheer nerves, or maybe it was because I was looking for a break from the oppressive atmosphere of death and chiaroscuro, and the soundtrack's use of grating guitar and machine sounds to emphasize the tension and the horror.

The moment is Gus's incredulity that Jimmy managed to "talk Lalo out of it," out of sending him instead of Kim. I mean, it's... [more]
posted to FanFare by kewb at 2:47 PM on July 12, 2022
Someone on one of the fan podcasts said that the next spinoff should be "Better Dial Lyle"!
posted to FanFare by Crane Shot at 12:04 PM on July 12, 2022
Rhea Seehorn nominated for her first Emmy.
posted to FanFare by Pendragon at 9:48 AM on July 12, 2022
Lalo + Howard: 2gether 4ever
posted to FanFare by Halloween Jack at 8:32 AM on July 12, 2022
FanFare post: Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution
Aside from the thematic point of Howard's death to the character arcs of Jimmy and Kim, it demonstrates that Lalo is a type of "in the game" character that hasn't really been seen in this universe before. He doesn't make a distinction. He has his goal and whoever gets in his way is in danger. No other criminal character in the show would have ever killed Howard.

Even The Cousins, had they been written into this scene instead of Lalo, would... [more]
posted to FanFare by mandolin conspiracy at 7:48 AM on May 26, 2022
That ending was just incredible. I really didn't see it coming..

Some masterful misdirection of the audience here: when a knock comes at Kim and Jimmy's apartment door we suspect it might be Lalo - and relax when it turns out to be just Howard. Kim sees the candle flicker in the breeze as Howard enters - and notices the same flickering that announces Lalo's arrival.

As the legal and cartel plotlines come together, there is a... [more]
posted to FanFare by rongorongo at 4:30 AM on May 25, 2022
I can’t stand him myself but I suppose Howard is a good guy in the way that, say, Marie in Breaking Bad is. Which is to say, a ghastly and selfish person with a veneer of outward respectability masking some ugly behaviour, but in a line up of characters in a show with absolutely no decent people in it, on the “not that bad” end of the scale.

Trivia from the podcast that I enjoyed: due to time constraints when set building, the tunnel in the storm... [more]
posted to FanFare by chill at 12:42 AM on May 25, 2022
This an episode of multiple plot payoffs and connections, one in which execution seems to be the focus in so many senses, all leading up to that shock ending. And because this episode's suspense-to-payoff sequences dominate, its easy to overlook -- indeed, to forget -- the humorous scenes just after the credits, as Jimmy wrangles actors and crew and Kim plays director.

But these scenes are, I'd argue, the key to what has been happening and what will soon happen in this... [more]
posted to FanFare by kewb at 1:58 PM on May 24, 2022
Howard was not a good guy, regardless of his personal problems. He certainly did not deserve to die...

those fucking tie pins tho
posted to FanFare by flabdablet at 6:46 AM on May 24, 2022
What tipped Lalo off about Gus...
There are clicking noises while Lalo is on hold with Casa Tranquila, indicating the line is tapped. This tells Lalo that Gus is probably aware he's not dead and is prepared for Lalo's inevitable return to Albuquerque.

On a semi-related note, notice how Lalo always starts in Spanish when he calls Casa Tranquila so he can determine if the person handling the call would be able to understand what he's saying to Hector, should they overhear.
posted to FanFare by theory at 11:56 PM on May 23, 2022
FanFare post: Better Call Saul: Black and Blue
He was even well enough prepared to know Little Bear must be spoken to in German (and hurray for the dog surviving).

Not really important, but he was speaking to Bärchen / Osito in Spanish.
posted to FanFare by uncleozzy at 3:58 AM on May 11, 2022
Hmmm. That spice curls thing was just strange, we shouldn’t have to have some Reddit user with a weirdly long memory to explain what the hell was going on there. Also, sometimes I appreciate the show not treating me like an idiot, but IRL it’s been four years and one pandemic since all this Werner business played out, so a bit more of a helping hand from the dialogue or something would have been nice. And I didn’t dig that boxing ring sketch, it seemed like a fun idea that should have stayed in... [more]
posted to FanFare by chill at 7:09 AM on May 10, 2022
FanFare post: Better Call Saul: Hit and Run
On the Insider podcast, they mention that the actors are married to each other in real life
Which means they’re a married couple pretending to be a married couple pretending to be a married couple.
posted to FanFare by chill at 2:18 PM on May 8, 2022
MeFi post: Paved Paradise
The Onion still comes up with a good one every now and then:

New Houston Law Requires 10 Parking Spaces For Every Parking Space
posted to MetaFilter by bfields at 11:48 AM on May 3, 2023
MeFi post: Now you can quantify your sense of inadequacy
I consider it a success when I actually lean down and wipe up a spill with a paper towel rather than use my sock-covered foot to soak it up and then stamp it around the rest of the house.
posted to MetaFilter by backseatpilot at 11:59 AM on February 28, 2017
MeFi post: Criminalization of walking
Having sat through a number of meetings where city planning, engineers and assorted others all basically say "we prioritize moving cars over preventing/minimizing human injury and mortality" (but not in those words, obviously), I assure you it's a long way until US policies stops centering the personal automobile in our transportation designs at the expense of everything else.

I have a theory that Americans have such little sense of control... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by ZeusHumms at 3:11 PM on July 21, 2011
Also, this is all reminding me of a great line in Hari Kunzru's novel Transmission:

"Anyone on foot in suburban California is one of four things: poor, foreign, mentally ill or jogging."
posted to MetaFilter by gompa at 1:50 PM on July 21, 2011
MeFi post: The Search for the Lost ‘Jeopardy!’ Tapes Is Over. The Mystery Endures
Man, that was a depressing read. "Woman has body, emotions, gets punished for it"
posted to MetaFilter by restless_nomad at 6:37 AM on May 2, 2023
MeFi post: I tend to just see it, and I give it
It's not "tipping culture" that's out of control, it's not-paying-people-what-they-deserve culture that's made it so everybody is trying to get the better of everyone else, while the people who are getting rich off of what we all do manage to stay out of the fray.

If we made it illegal (as in an fineable/imprisonable offense) for the owner/ceo/etc. of a given business to take home more than a particular multiple of their lowest-paid employee's monthly wages... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Strange Interlude at 5:15 PM on May 1, 2023
The tipping culture that has gotten out of hand, of course, is companies not paying a living wage, and expecting their staff to survive off of the optional request for gratuity inserted into any interaction.
posted to MetaFilter by entropone at 12:08 PM on May 1, 2023
The U.S. minimum wage has been been $7.25/hr since 2009 and if you can drop $5 bucks on a coffee you can drop $7. If you can drop $20 at a coffeeshop without fretting about it, you can drop $25. Tip your servers.
posted to MetaFilter by mhoye at 12:01 PM on May 1, 2023
MeFi post: beige in colour and in spirit
This reminded me of a story I read in the Star years ago. A journalist, Katie Daub, lived in the path for two weeks, and produced this weird little graphic novel that gives a snapshot of what the PATH is like. Found it again here.
posted to MetaFilter by devonia at 8:19 AM on December 24, 2019
Weird that in a city suffering from an inferiority complex that leads us to trumpet everything that makes us world-class, no matter how dubious or trivial, this is somehow the first time I've heard that Toronto has the world's largest underground shopping complex. Like, the PATH is big, but I just assumed somewhere had a place that was bigger. Indeed, the article mentions that Montreal's underground complex is bigger by square footage, but is split into three parts, and so I guess doesn't count.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by chrominance at 10:54 PM on December 21, 2019
MeFi post: "a very one-sided attempt at a contract"
I got written up for every accident that any tortured insane troll logic could connect to me.

This reminds me of the one employee evaluation that I got at a job that I was at for four years. After I'd been there about a year, I requested one, because I thought that I'd been doing a good job and wanted the evaluation on my record in case there was an opportunity for promotion. My supervisor seemed oddly reluctant to do it, though, and put it off a few... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Halloween Jack at 6:43 AM on May 1, 2023
MetaTalk post: I'll See You In My Dreams
I occassionally have stress dreams where everyone is extremely angry about incredibly petty subjects and they're taking it out on me, so, yes, I have dreamed of MetaTalk
posted to MetaTalk by Merus at 10:32 PM on April 30, 2023
MeFi post: Epicurious, Yellow
I got that reference, and I am only 46.

I got it and my age is less than half the butterfat content of American butter, but I am cultured.
posted to MetaFilter by aws17576 at 9:32 PM on April 30, 2023
Honestly I am not that interested in butter but I am an excellent post title aficionado and this one is amazing
posted to MetaFilter by phooky at 5:33 PM on April 30, 2023
MeFi post: Not proven verdict to be scrapped in Scottish courts
Nobody said a thing. I raised my hand, spoke up

I know what you mean, but you're wrong. Somebody did say something. You spoke up.

Pay attention, everyone. This is what speaking up looks like. It can feel like nobody is saying a thing. But every single other person in that courtroom had the experience of someone spoke up.
posted to MetaFilter by aniola at 11:48 AM on April 30, 2023
Metafilter: interesting and largely murder-free
posted to MetaFilter by fedward at 8:38 AM on April 30, 2023
USian here. Last time I was summoned for jury duty, it was for a manslaughter trial. Made it through early selection, and we were all there in the courtroom while the judge and the attorneys laid out the basics of the case and how jury selection would work. The prosecutor went on for a bit, and closed with "Ultimately, it's the job of the defense to prove their client's innocence." Nobody said a thing. I raised my hand, spoke up and said, "No, it's the prosecution's job to... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by xedrik at 7:22 AM on April 30, 2023
MeFi post: "a very one-sided attempt at a contract"
I’m pretty sure I had an employer who was playing an advanced version of this game.
posted to MetaFilter by metatuesday at 8:44 AM on April 30, 2023
MeFi post: Ringmaster, Outrageous, Controversial, Scandalous, The Master of Trash.
He occupies that very slim overlap in the Venn diagram between "television talk show host" and "subject of an opera".

posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 8:14 PM on April 27, 2023
Ask MeFi post: should we celebrate a dear friends life or wait...
Do it. You’re grieving and if this helps some of y’all then do it. The family doesn’t have a say in the matter.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Brandon Blatcher at 3:50 PM on April 25, 2023
MeFi post: "Relentless Campaign to Weaponize Government Power"
Disney World is built upon a massive expanse of literal nothingness. Swamp land.

"Swamp land", AKA wetlands, are not "literal nothingness".

Unfortunately, people have been looking at Florida wetlands for hundreds of years as terra nullius, and then destroying those very rich and diverse ecosystems to replace that supposed "nothing" with "something".
posted to MetaFilter by Artifice_Eternity at 1:50 PM on April 26, 2023
Everyone knows you don’t fuck with the mouse.

That's sort of true, but the thing is DeSantis never had to play it off as retaliation. Even his knuckle-dragging fanbase would put two and two together if he'd never played it up as revenge over their stance on the Don't Say Gay bill.

People say Disney has outsmarted him, and I'm not entirely sure I agree. I think DeSantis outstupided himself.
posted to MetaFilter by tclark at 1:15 PM on April 26, 2023
Isn’t there also a bill before the FL legislature that would impose special inspection requirements for any monorail system that runs across county lines, of which there is only one in the entire state?

Yup, which makes it functionally a bill of attainder.
posted to MetaFilter by NoxAeternum at 12:11 PM on April 26, 2023
MetaTalk post: Metatalktail Hour: Vexing Grammar
when I saw a declaration that the MSM was “buyist.”

Seems like the sort of term of opprobrium that Adbusters might coin.

Buyist feels like a great term for somebody who's prone to say things like, "What's wrong with being a consumer? Everybody buys things. It's good for economy. It's good for everything. The free world wouldn't work if people didn't buy and consume things."
posted to MetaTalk by philip-random at 8:45 AM on April 26, 2023
MeFi post: "Gun policies... are downstream from culture"
I'm currently on vacation in a different province and sitting in a room about 33 miles away from the American border, but threads like these are like it's a different planet being talked about. I've lived in Canada my entire life and have never, ever seen anyone but members of the military or "law enforcement" (lol, but that's a different thread) openly carrying a gun.

I've lived exclusively in "open carry" states (meaning you... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Dip Flash at 8:52 AM on April 26, 2023
I'm currently on vacation in a different province and sitting in a room about 33 miles away from the American border, but threads like these are like it's a different planet being talked about. I've lived in Canada my entire life and have never, ever seen anyone but members of the military or "law enforcement" (lol, but that's a different thread) openly carrying a gun.

(Weirdly, my high school did still have a Rifle Club in the early '90s I was a member of... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by The Card Cheat at 8:40 AM on April 26, 2023
Also, what you're remembering about the 60s and 70s being a bad era in New York may have been in part due to a generally bad era for the city overall; in 1975 the city was on the brink of bankruptcy

My impression is that this was the result of too much freeway building, an early example of car-driven development being financially unsustainable in the long term. (Not to mention all the low income minority neighbourhoods bulldozed and divided to make... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by clawsoon at 8:37 AM on April 26, 2023
MetaTalk post: Metatalktail Hour: Vexing Grammar
Another word whose meaning has drifted badly in the UK is refuted, with politicians often claiming to have refuted something when all they have done is deny it.
posted to MetaTalk by biffa at 8:53 AM on April 25, 2023
A little part of me dies every time someone writes “per say” when they mean per se.

Also, I think it’s a noble thing to learn how to spell the words that describe some core part of one’s identity. You are not “prednate,” you are not “a women,” you are not an “athiest,” and you are not “detailed orientated.”

I wish I were making any of these up.
posted to MetaTalk by armeowda at 7:27 PM on April 25, 2023
Also, when did we start "speaking to" issues, instead of "speaking on" or "speaking about" them.

"I can't speak to the timeline, Bob." No you sure can't, Dave. It's a list of dates and activities in the PM's spreadsheet. It isn't sentient, cannot hear you, and cannot answer.
posted to MetaTalk by DirtyOldTown at 10:24 AM on April 25, 2023
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